My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3008: Peach Blossom Miasma

It can't be said that it's not excited--

As for the many female cultivators in the Saintess Palace, the one who knows Cangshanxue best is Senior Sister Lingsu. Although she is happy, she has a little worry in her heart. After all, a proud woman like the Saintess, in order to watch this battle, even Before coming, he changed into a very fairy white dress.

The white robe Ruoxue, like a woman in the mortal world, I don’t know what will happen if he sees Ye Di immediately—

Void passage, deep and secluded, Su Jin stood on the white stone, the wind was smoky, his clothes were a little bit fluttering under the blow of the smoke, his complexion was a little more tired, but soon his face was shocked , The sharp sword pupil looked towards the southern peak and stretched out a finger.


Su Jin pointedly pointed the front and the rhyme was lingering. With the outline of his fingers, a large piece of stone fragments suddenly fell on the southern peak. Since he chose this place, he naturally wanted to name this valley, and in his perception just now, he Also had an excellent name.

With the appearance of one character after another, the four characters in the vertical column gradually become!

"Don't envy Immortal Valley."

Su Jin hesitated, and on the left under these four characters, he waved his pointer again, leaving two smaller writings of "Ye Di".

People of the Vast Sky Clan should be here. After Su Jin finished all this, he saw the entire void passage trembling. He was right, the Vast Sky Clan was moving in!

The first thing that appeared was the Haotian clan leader Gushan, and then a group of clansmen walked out of the void passage in turn——

"Here--" Gushan was startled, and he was suddenly moved inexplicably. He saw that there was a golden yellow nest on the ancient woods in the distance outside the valley. It was the nest where the golden sacred ape lived, Ye Di Without breaking his word, he really found a blessed clan land for their Vast Sky Clan.

The women in red and others also appeared. They were surprised to see this fairy valley full of stars, the white lake was filled with smoke, and the surrounding climate was cool all year round. If it were not for the extreme beauty, they would not be surprised. To this point.

Guyan Jianshen was more excited than her father Gushan now. With a purple civet squatting on her shoulders, tears were faintly in her eyes when she saw this.

When the tide of beasts is bound to appear, everyone in the human race is in danger, but who would have thought that the arrow of the word ‘Xian’ would establish a fate, and even avoid the destruction of the Haotian family’s bloodline!

"Where's the night emperor--" The icy voice of Saint Cangshan Xue, cold through the valley, instantly pulled everyone back to reality from their thoughts.

Yes indeed!

All the ladies of the Saintess Hall showed their eyes and patrolled. It is important to know that the biggest reason why the Saintess was able to come was to see Ye Di. At this time, there was only Su Jin by the White Lake, and no other people existed.

"Big liar." Song Xiaoyu murmured, only to find that Cangshanxue's face turned pale. Obviously, this was still a flicker——

"Yedi gave up and gave me the title of peerless powerhouse." Su Jin gave a light cough, "I didn't expect you to come so slowly."

"When will you still want to lie to us?" Senior Sister Lingsu couldn't pass it anymore. Even if Su Jin was strong, seeing the saint woman so wronged at this moment, how could she not be angry, after all, they are a family.

"He was really here just now. If you don't believe me, look back—" Su Jin said lightly.

look back?

Cangshanxue turned around with difficulty, and the Haotian tribe, the lady in red, and others looked at it in the same way. In an instant, the four prominent characters on the southern mountain peak appeared!

Do not envy the fairy valley!

The terrible pen power seems to contain a worldless style. Just looking at it can produce a great sense of oppression in the heart. This is a handwriting that can be written with extremely high pen and ink!

"Ye Di was really here just now--" The Saint Lord of the Saintess Hall nodded, "There is the word Luo Ye Di underneath, but it is strange, why is Ye Di named this valley?"


All their gazes turned towards Su Jin.

Su Jin touched his nose. In a short silence, his face slowly rose forty-five degrees, with his hands on his back, and slowly said: "Don't pretend, listen carefully... Actually, Ye Di has been By your side—"

By your side?

The Holy Lord took a deep look at Su Jin, and her heart suddenly realized——

"Who, son." Song Xiaoyu asked.

"Ye Di, come here." Su Jin disappeared, suddenly appeared in front of Erhan, patted it on the head, and said: "Quickly admit that you are the Ye Di."

Okay, Erhan almost didn't get scared to death. As an adult golden sacred ape, where did he experience such an occurrence? Suddenly, on the huge golden face, the red one was like a monkey's ass——

"How could it be the Golden Sacred Ape?" Senior Sister Lingsu also discovered the problem and shook her head repeatedly to express her disbelief.

"Big, big brother." Erhan suffocated his red face, and replied with a vague voice of Su Jin.

"Ahem, you have heard those wanderers talk about Ye Di, haven't you heard that he is the Taoist of the Golden Sacred Ape?" Su Jin patted Erhan and continued: "Little brother, become Ye Di's body for them Look at—"

"I, I can't help it anymore." Erhan suddenly roared: "My eldest brother is Yedi, I really can't figure it out. Is your human wisdom even worse than our ape clan?"

Song Xiaoyu was stunned...

Senior Sister Lingsu was in a petrified state of absent-mindedness.

The holy lord sighed deeply, but her expression remained unchanged. If she guessed that Su Jin was 30% of the Ye Emperor in the Saintess Peak, then in the Haotian Clan before, there were as many as 80%, but she was sorry for the girls. Disciple, yearning for the strong, ignoring many flaws in the place——

Cang Shanxue stared at Su Jin, her lips trembled slightly, she turned around without saying a word, closed her eyes, and disappeared into the Immortal Valley of Unenviable.

"Erhan, is this king a bit too much--" Su Jin asked calmly.

Dahan and Erhan pointed at Su Jin at the same time, directly compared to the middle finger.

"If Cangshan Snow does not leave the Golden Sacred Ape Territory, there will be no danger. This is already considered the depths of the beast forest. If it leaves the Ape Race territory, it will be troublesome when encountering the demon lord." The Holy Master worried.

"You build the clan land first, this king... calm down first." Su Jin jumped to the top of the southern mountain peak, sat down cross-legged, and when he closed his eyes, he opened his eyes vertically. Ups and downs in the pupil, looming.

Cangshanxue left--

Far out of the territory of the "Golden Sacred Ape", she didn't even know the direction or where it was. She ran all the way, and finally she found that she was lost, surrounded by pink mist, and the scene changed.

"Tsk tsk, today is really a good luck... What a icy body of primordial yin, since you have entered my "Peach Blossom Miasma", grandpa, I will refine you into a poisonous cauldron--" an old fox-faced pestle He was holding a cane, his eyes showed evil light, hehe, he looked at a beautiful figure among them.

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