My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3009: Hold my broken sword and bury me in the heavens!

Starlight pleats, fine water dingdong.

Outside of the Peach Blossom Miasma, dozens of fox shadows suddenly appeared next to the old man with fox face. These were the blue sky fox clan, and most of them still kept the blue fox body.

"Grandpa, grandpa, what is a poison cauldron?" A blue sky fox with white ears rushed to ask.

"Poison cauldron is a way of sacrifice and refining." The old man with a face of fox smiled: "The magic of all things in the common people is far from being understood by the juniors. The pure and ultimate power of the yin can only be possessed by human women. I will make her Being a poisonous pot, taking her Yuanyin divine power, and making it into a'Returning Spring Pill', at least can bring me back to my prime of life--"

"Human race--" Dozens of blue sky foxes fell into their imagination, and then a fox demon asked: "Grandpa, I think this girl is no different from those snake human races."

"Nonsense, the Snake Race is a demon, and cannot be regarded as a real human race." The old Foxmian reprimanded, "Except for the previous generation of Blue and White Snake Queen, who really breaks through the shackles and has two legs, this generation of snake queens Just like other snake people, the body of snake scales is below the waist."

"Wow, the human race is so much good for us——" And the blue sky fox got excited, it quietly looked forward to it, set up its ambition, in the future, it must leave the beast forest and catch more human races back.

"That's natural. Here, I haven't seen a real human race for thousands of years. Although there are many big monsters who absorb the starlight and turn into human forms, it is still difficult to cover up that strong demon spirit." said the old man with Fox face. "The power of the yin yin can not only refine the spring pill, but it can also refine the sage pill. Unfortunately, this is only one person. The power of the yin yin is too little. , It’s not my ability to refine."

"Then grandpa, get it out quickly, don't let the snake people find out—"


Cangshanxue's complexion gradually weakened, and her green fingers slowly touched the left side of her forehead. The intense dizziness in her mind caused discomfort. She understood that this is a trap! The peach mist in this peach blossom miasma is poisonous!

The poison in the peach mist was too strong, and Cangshanxue suddenly urged her own power, but found that the divine power seemed to be frozen and could not work at all.

"The pupil of destiny!" Cangshanxue had no choice, closed her eyes and forced her breath. She wanted to use her talented pupil technique to find a way to leave, otherwise she would be trapped here in the end.

Gradually, the temperament of Cangshanxue's whole body seemed to have changed. Her spirit, like ice, moved out to her side like a transparent body. Then, the flesh opened her eyes and her spirit opened at the same time——

A pair of mysterious eyes, beautiful to the extreme, her physical hands are knotted in front of her body, and a crystal clear circular natal chart is blurred on her fingers.

"Wow—" The old man with the face of Fox was surprised, "Good! Good! He is a man with destiny. This is actually the pupil technique with the original future and the past. The little old man really has a great opportunity today!"

Cang Shanxue was trembling all over, without the support of her own strength, she would not be able to maintain it for long, falling into this situation made her a little desperate.


Suddenly, a sword light broke through the air, but breathing time, the sword light in the peach blossom miasma, the old man with the fox face was startled, the peach blossom miasma it cast was from a demon poison scripture, the other side's sword light Cutting off the scriptures without any difference is as easy as cutting tofu!

"Who would dare to bad grandfather good deeds!" The face of the old man with the fox face gradually turned hideous, as if he was facing an enemy.


A quaint Kaifeng sword embryo appeared directly, sticking straight to the ground.

The sword body shook slightly, but it turned into Su Jin's real body——

Another person?

The old man Foxmian stared at Su Jin closely, his breathing was a little quick, "Yin and Yang Good Fortune Pill, a good "Yin Yang Good Fortune Pill"!"

It is so excited, naturally, there is a reason, like Cangshanxue, the body of yin, can provide the essence of yin divine power, and Su Jin himself, can take a lot of blood for yang, if yin and yang meet, add a little **** The medicine formula, the proper one is a yin and yang good fortune pill——

Su Jin looked calm, glanced at the old man with the fox face, and then at his fox grandchildren, and murmured, "The fur is really good, I can make some coats."


The old man Foxmian seemed to have heard it wrong.

"You humble human, dare you say one more thing?" The old man with the face of fox glared at Su Jin.

"Is it okay to praise your appearance?" Su Jin glanced at it lightly and said.

Ahhhhh! Is that a boast? It's a boast!

The old man with the face of Fox pointed at Su Jin with a walking stick, trembling with anger for a while, unable to speak.

Su Jin and the old man Foxmian didn’t know, Cangshanxue, who had opened the "Pupil of Destiny", had dull eyes and a blank mind--

Just now, when Su Jin's incarnate sword body appeared, Cangshanxue's destiny pupil saw extremely terrifying things.

In that scene, a cow shadow descended, and a **** corpse was pulled out from a cold pool. Even the cow shadow swallowed an extremely precious godhead, and the most important thing was not this scene. She also saw a broken one. The fallen sword embryo is indeed Su Jin's sword body!

"You, you, you... are looking for death——" The old man Foxmian almost didn't lift himself up in a breath of anger. He didn't know how confident this young man was, and even threatened to take off the fur of the Qingtian Fox tribe and make a coat!

No matter how angry the other party is, Su Jin smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth, and the falling right hand slowly moved into a circle, and suddenly a circle of gray-black power swam out.

The dense ‘death’ is the sutra of the dead!

The old man with the fox face had a bad instinct, but before he could react, the black aura instantly spread like a scripture, directly enveloping him and his foxes and grandchildren.

"Ah! The Dead Man's Sutra! This is the Dead Man's Sutra... Rao, Rao——" The old man Foxmian hadn't finished telling Rao, his body quickly died into ashes, and in the end only dozens of fox skins fell on the ground alone. .

Su Jin received the fox skin into the bone ring. The fox skin belonging to the old man with the fox face was slightly golden, and there was a fiery red demon pill in the head. He thought about it and did not break it, so he collected it together. Up.

"Holy woman, this king did not intend to conceal it. If you want to apologize, the king will say no right now." Su Jin turned around and looked at Cangshan Snow.

Cangshanxue turned her head, "You are not wrong, I am too stupid—"

"This place is in the depths of the beast forest, and there are many dangers. You can't go out. You should go back to Immortal Valley." Su Jin said lightly.

"In my pupil technique, I saw that there was a **** corpse in Nanshan that was swallowed. I also saw your sword body destroyed. Will you not leave?" Cangshanxue didn't dare to look directly at Su Jin. It doesn't matter how much grievance there is. The other party rescued her again, even if there were more complaints and unreasonable troubles, it was impossible to care about it.

Su Jin shook his head, "If it is as you said, please hold me the broken sword and bury me in the heavens, then you will be my sword burialist!"

"I will listen to you from now on--" Cang Shanxue said quietly, buried her head.

"Well, now that we are here, we are not in a hurry to go back. Let's buy some supplies in a big city in front of us and bring them back to the'Unenviable Immortal Valley'." Su Jin smiled.

Big city?

Cangshanxue was taken aback for a moment, raised her head to gather the pupils of destiny, and looked at it lightly. There was a big city with a boundless sight, named'Snake Man City'——

Snake-man city is ruled by the contemporary snake-man queen Feng Qingtian. The reason why the snake-man can dominate one side in the depths of the beast forest lies in this queen, because Feng Qingtian's reputation is not lost to the golden ancient ape king!

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