My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3011: Time to shoot

Seeing Su Jin's thoughtful appearance, Cangshan Xue couldn't help but smile. At this time, she felt a lot less pressure.

"Laugh if you want to laugh! As the saying goes, everyone has a love of beauty. If this king doesn't see your natural beauty, can you come here?" Su Jin gave me a well-founded expression.

Cangshanxue bulged her cheeks, her eyes began to dodge, and said, "Go into the city."

About a moment later, Su Jin took Cangshan Snow to a strangely shaped building complex. It looked like a street, and many snake-man vendors were selling various special products on both sides.

If it weren't for the posture of the lower body cruising and walking, Su Jin really thought that he had walked into a human world, where the snake people here had no legs, and other lifestyles were the same as humans.

Eat cooked meat, know how to operate, even Su Jin saw the drugstore, Dantang, Su Jin seemed to hear the laughter of those laundry girls when they came—

"This handwork by a woman of the snake tribe is even more elaborate than our real human race." Cang Shanxue was surprised.

There are many clothes worn by snake girls, and the weaving technology is simply amazing. It is too big here. After a long time of shopping, the surprises are never stopped.

Su Jin walked along this road and bought a lot of things. He first found an auction house and sold a piece of blue sky fox skin, exchanged for 12,000 blood crystals, swept a circle of supplies, and only spent 10 Less than one part!

Rumble! The dull voice suddenly resounded! Su Jin and Cangshanxue looked up and looked east--

To the east of Snake-Man City, a gorgeous purple glow quietly tore through the void, and the entire Snake-Man City seemed to be bathed in purple light.

"The purple air is coming from the east, is Feng Qingtian going to succeed?" Cangshan Xue asked curiously, her eyes flickering.

"Not necessarily." Su Jin shook his head.

"There is a purple sun in that purple bloom. I understand that the snake queen Feng Qingtian wants to swallow the purple sun star bloom and complete the transformation." Cang Shanxue looked forward to it.

The gorgeous purple clouds were extremely strong, but after only ten breaths, a black cloud gradually appeared, quietly covering the purple flowers——

The surrounding snake people, whether it is a hawker or a shop owner, even the most insignificant snake-men beggar, their emotions seem to drop to freezing point suddenly——

A snake-human race walked out of the tavern, dropped a jug of good wine, and walked silently to the center of the city of God.

The tenth--

The hundredth.

In less than a moment, the densely packed snakes all headed in the same direction throughout the streets!

Su Jin's first feeling was that something went wrong!

As Su Jin's palm warmed, he took out the sapphire plate with the word "forbidden" given by Tiemushan, and soon he saw Tiemushan leading his family.

Tiemushan's face was serious, and his right hand was still holding a seven or eight-year-old little snake girl. His family was fifteen, and this was his youngest daughter.

"It is the honor of Tiemushan for friends to come to Snake-Man City to get acquainted with them. Today, the catastrophe of Snake-Man City is imminent. Please accept Tiemushan's highest courtesy to your friends, and then Tiemushan will send your friends out of the city -" Tiemushan put his daughter down , Put his right hand on his left chest and kneeled down on one knee.

"Brother, get up soon--" Su Jin dragged Tiemushan up, and asked doubtfully: "Queen Feng Qingtian, the prestige is not defeated by the king of monkeys, why do brothers say this?"

"Those despicable enemies came when the queen turned weak. The latest news I got was that Ye Zhen, the snake king, had leaked the news to more than a dozen tribes including the'White Feather Peng Clan','Heart Devouring Ancestor', and the Snake Mongoose King. Ye Zhen used the forbidden technique to leave the city, and the queen's chance of success is slim." Tiemushan shook his head solemnly, "but I still have one last chance for the snake-human race."

"What opportunity?" Su Jin asked.

"Sacrifice." After Tiemushan finished speaking, he urged: "Brother, holding my forbidden army token, walk northeast of the moat. There I have arranged it and let it go when I see the forbidden order—"


Su Jin frowned deeply, only Tiemushan shook his head, and then glanced at the little snake girl next to him. This girl with delicate brows and wearing a very new little colorful dress could not help but walked to her and squatted down and asked, "You are what name?"

"Uncle, my name is Sasha." Little Snake's eyes were big, and she blinked smartly.

"She is still so young, so she wants to sacrifice?" Su Jin looked at Tiemushan and asked.

"Yes." Tie Mushan nodded heavily, and there was an unconcealable sadness deep in his eyes——

Su Jin took a deep breath and said blankly, "Brother Tiemushan, hope your family can survive this catastrophe safely!"

"Blessed by the snake-man ancestor, brothers are safe from the journey -" Tiemushan made a very simple gesture of blessing, and then watched Su Jin step forward and walk back and forth.

After a few breaths, Su Jin turned around and watched Tiemushan lead her family towards the center of the city. The little snake girl named Shasha looked back and smiled like a flower.

"Are you going to make a move?" Cang Shanxue said slowly.

"It is a friend, how can there be any reason to stay out of the matter?" Su Jin answered with a smile.

"Love and justice, you will die on this sooner or later--" Cangshan Xue said coldly.

"These snake-men sacrifices are definitely going to use snake spirits to soar the sun, disperse the demon cloud, and let Zihua shine on Feng Qingtian. That's all, if my identity is leaked, let’s reveal it, but I don’t know that I am a human. Later, Brother Tiemu, can you still consider me a friend?" Su Jin said.

"When do you do it?" Cangshanxue asked.

"Take this forbidden token, go to the place Tiemushan just said, and go back to Immortal Valley." Su Jin handed the sapphire plaque to Cangshanxue, "This is an order. You will listen to me after you say it. ——"

What else Cang Shanxue wanted to say, she finally thought about it and nodded.

Su Jin left and walked into the void, as if that was his battlefield. Somehow, Cangshanxue felt that although Su Jin valued love and justice, his back had an indescribable sense of vicissitudes, very lonely and lonely. That kind of temperament feels very deep.

In the sky above Snake Man City, Su Jin saw the first batch of snake men who sacrificed. They carved a symbol between their brows with a knife, and then crawled neatly on the ground. The blood they shed turned into powerful snake spirits. Gathering into one, rushing to the black demon cloud that shields the purple sun!

Su Jin also heard the wailing of the Queen of the Snake Human Race, it seemed to be extremely painful in the giant snake egg——

"Boom~~~" A white big Peng covering the sky and the sun raised its wings, with sharp eyes, as if laughing at the sacrifices made by the snake people.

Sure enough, the first wave of sacrificed snake spirits was cut off by pieces of white feathers. The snake spirits were cut off and all died on the spot!

Su Jin knew that he had to take action, and he walked towards King Bai Yupeng. Although his voice was light, it still spread throughout Liuhe and Bahuang!

"This king, be the first to slay your King Baiyu Peng——"

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