My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3012: Jiuyou Tianyin

The white Dapeng was furious when listening to the sound of anger. It carefully searched for it with Peng's eyes, only to find that it was a human being who was going to kill it. That human being is really pitiful. Compared with its size, it is almost like a human. Like sesame seeds, humble and humble.

"It's just a dense group of insects, cynical, nothing more than to cover up your own incompetence! Now you are like a small dust in the eyes of King Benpeng, I... don't even have the thought of pinching you to death-- "The king of Bai Yupeng laughed at Su Jin.

Su Jin was expressionless, and when the void stopped, he slowly closed his eyes and opened his hands...

At that instant, a shocking breath burst out!

The void of this **** city seemed to be suppressed. Su Jin's open hands seemed to have turned into huge Kunpeng wings. At this time, he directly performed Kunpeng's magic!

"You--" King Bai Yupeng's huge figure was directly pushed away by that terrifying aura. He couldn't believe that this was the power that a human race could display!

At this moment, the galloping Cangshan Snow, after feeling the huge coercion, directly stopped his figure, looked up, his heart and soul trembled!

This aura even permeated the territory of the Golden Sacred Ape. Many of the bright yellow Sacred Apes were agitated, and in the'Not Enviable Immortal Valley', a scene of condensed Snake Man City was being caught by the red-robed women and the Haotian people. Look in the eyes.

"Emperor Ye." The ghost flower spider mother exclaimed as if blood was smashed on her face: "This is the first eternal technique? If I'm not mistaken, this should be the terrible Kunpeng technique——"

"The magical technique of condensing the gods, the technique of calming the gods, and the terrifying dead man's scriptures, this Kunpeng technique is already the fourth kind, how powerful is Yedi..." Youan Yaozun deeply admires and obeys. , He would never be betraying the night emperor. In his heart, the status of the night emperor and the golden ancient ape king had already been equated.

In the Unenviable Immortal Valley, the Saint Lord of the Saintess Hall was far more surprised than anyone else. The power of the night emperor only exists in the spread of the beast forest, and it is indeed scary and unfathomable to see it with his own eyes.

At this time, King Bai Yupeng was surprised, he was quite sure that this was the real Kunpeng technique, but I didn’t know what kind of accomplishment this mysterious young man's Kunpeng technique had achieved——

"What about Kunpeng! King Benpeng is not afraid of you!" Wang Bai Yupeng shouted heavily.

As the voice just fell, King Bai Yupeng was covered in demon light, and his raised wings brought bursts of black fishy air——

"It's too late." Su Jin's voice came.

What do you mean? King Bai Yupeng didn't understand.

Soon, that huge Kunpeng was shrinking rapidly, almost at a speed of one thousandth of a second, crazily compressed, and finally, in the blink of an eye, a mung bean-sized punfish completed Kunpeng’s nine transformations, and it seemed detached. Outside the object, the insignificant body shape, a slight jump, into the visible void, directly turned into a black void! And King Bai Yupeng was already panicked at this time!


King Bai Yupeng only felt an irresistible force, tearing it to pieces! Its original Peng soul could not be condensed, and it was evaporated on the spot!

Wan Lai is dead~~~

In Snake Man City, countless snake men looked up and saw this scene that made them indelible in their lives.

One technique Kunpeng defeated King Baiyu Peng!

The little snake girl Sasa, at this moment, pointed the void with her little finger, Su Jin, who had recovered her real body, smiled on her immature face, "That's Uncle——"

"Brother, brother--" Tie Mushan was pulled back to reality by his daughter's voice. He really didn't expect to see this situation. Su Jin not only did not leave, but even helped him the Snake Race and killed a super Enemy!

Cangshanxue's complexion now, she thought of the fact that she didn't know that Su Jin was the Ye Emperor when she was on the Saintess Peak, and the other party's weird expression deeply remembered, this... Is this the true power of Ye Emperor? Use the Kunpeng technique that can fight the sky to instantly kill the super king.


The situation is not good, Su Jin's current body strength is almost empty, he secretly smiled bitterly, but he did not expect that the'Kunpeng Nine Changes' that he tried his best to compress would be able to kill the opponent. According to estimates, he felt that it would be good if he could severely hurt King Bai Yupeng.

This technique needs to be used with caution in the future, Su Jin sat in the air, and recovered cross-legged--

Before, King Bai Yupeng raised a black demon cloud to cover the purple sun. Now that the enemy is eliminated, the purple sun shines in the east, and the wailing of the snake egg made by the snake-human queen Feng Qingtian has disappeared.

Su Jin didn't know when Feng Qingtian could complete the transformation. He only knew that the Baiyu Peng King was just the beginning. He needed to keep the Purple Sun in the air, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!

In the western pole of Snake-Man City, a round of golden Dao boats quietly hover in the depths of the void. There are more than ten super powers on it, including the'Heart Devouring Ancestor', the'Snake Mongoose King', and even one person. , Snake King Ye Zhen!

"Bai Yupeng Wang Xiaoyu died, but it does not matter, it is considered the weakest among us, and it will take at least half a day for Queen Feng Qingtian to transform." A humanoid black-robed old man said lightly, and his sleeves were faint. A black centipede stuck its head out, and quickly hid in.

"Among us, the strongest is the King Suan. The reason why the Great Lord Suan is invited to come is to deal with the transformed Feng Qingtian. Even if she truly changes, we are sure to kill her, but now, Who of you go to play with that kid?" A pair of small eyes flashed in the King Meerkat. His head is like a rat's head, but his neck is a human figure, with dense gray long hair that can't be covered by clothes. live.

"I'll go--" Snake King Yezhen responded lightly.

"It's so good. I promised the benefits of Brother Ye Zhen, plus 10%. Go ahead and lift the head of this child." The heart-biting ancestor raised his hand, and the black centipede in the sleeve of the robe immediately issued a faint. Sheng, climbed out and stood up, he confessed with his face against the tentacles of the centipede's head.

Ye Zhen flashed and disappeared--

Soon, Su Jin slowly opened his eyes, and his strength at this time only recovered less than 40%. He felt the crisis approaching, and when he looked around, waves of fishy wind carrying chills gradually became fierce.

The sky was dark, even if it was as gorgeous as a purple sun, it seemed that it couldn't bear the wind and cold dark sky. There was a person in Su Jin's eyes, and the domineering original ancestor snake spirit was looming.

"Jiuyou Tianyin Snake, he is the snake king Ye Zhen!" Tie Mushan's face was pale, he did not expect that this scum would even dare to enter the city, seeing that posture still needs to solve Su Jin!

You know, Snake King Ye really has the blood of the ancient snake man ancestors. Although this Ye is really inferior at the peak of Feng Qingtian, the Taoist couple who can be selected by the Queen is naturally far more powerful than some strong ones. Unfortunately, this Ye really doesn't know good or bad. , If a good thing is not done, betray the snake human race again!

"Snake eyes with double eyes, you are Ye Zhen--" Su Jin said slowly.

Ye Zhen nodded: "I admit that the Kunpeng skill you just performed was very amazing, and I even wanted to personally experience the blow, but I know that there is no chance."

"This king is sitting here, letting you attack, but you only have one move, so you only have one chance. When this king takes action, you will be the same as the Baiyu Peng King, without a whole body." Su Jin is as calm as ever. , Nodded thoughtfully.

Ye Zhen's expression was very surprised--

This mysterious young man's tone was so loud that after spending all his energy, facing his Nine Nether Sky Yin Snake King, he still had to make a move! !

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