My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3013: Ye Zhen is dead!

Ye Zhen might still laugh at Su Jin if he was replaced as King Bai Yupeng before he was beheaded. However, this young man who was born out of the sky had a lot of courage and his own magical skills. Even if he was Jiuyou Tianyin Snake King, hesitated in his heart——

Soon, Ye Zhen laughed at himself, thinking about him the King of Snake, when was he bluffed by one person and a word?

In Ye Zhen's view, Su Jin had just performed the Kunpeng technique, which obviously emptied his power, even if it has recovered now, it will not be at its peak, so saying bluffing words is nothing more than trying to delay time.

"Then I'm very looking forward to--" Ye Zhen's body was slightly bowed, his right hand slowly raised, and a hundred-meter-wide virtual snake spirit condensed out.

This Nine Nether Sky Yin snake spirit, looks fierce, with green eyes on the head of the triangle snake. It is different from ordinary divine snakes. It has four legs, and the four legs show no signs of degeneration. The back of the snake has a few strange pieces. The bulge, people can clearly feel the strength of its divine bones!

The cold dark storm became more and more intense as the snake spirit condensed, and the majestic aura was overwhelming. Even the lone geese who were far away in the "Unenviable Immortal Valley" could feel the pressure and shock.

Ye Zhen really wanted to see Su Jin's shocked expression--

But the reality really annoyed Ye Zhen. Su Jin's face was as peaceful as ever. Under his powerful pressure, Su Jin's figure remained motionless, as firm as a rock!

Ye Zhen’s face suddenly appeared fierce, raising his right palm and making a gesture of lifting the sky. The dark wind and cold around turned into a compelling brilliance. Its snake king gods immediately became active, swam around in the void, and knocked out several void black holes. Massive!

"Die to me!" Ye Zhen moved, wrapped around the original snake spirit, and came directly to kill.

In order not to give Su Jin a chance, Ye Zhen made a full blow this time. Ninety-nine percent of his own power was blessed on the snake spirit. This blow can swallow the divine light of the sun and the moon and crush any divine power——

Kill kill kill! Ye Zhen seemed to see Su Jin being swallowed by the snake spirit, all the divine power of the whole body was absorbed, and the unworldly magic was drawn out and turned into his Ye Zhen's method.

Why is this young man still still? Really want to be big, sitting to take his blow?

Ye Zhen was a little puzzled, but the full blow had already been performed, and it had been overwhelming!

Su Jin's indifferent eyes suddenly became cold when Ye Zhen killed him——

It's now!

Ye Zhen's power that was enough to shred the endless void enveloped Su Jin's location, but the next second, Su Jin's pupils were filled with gray-blue colors!

"Tian Mi!" Ye Zhen was startled.

Booming, the power of terror turned into a continuous loud noise, Su Jin Zhou's body was fictitious and real, using the word ‘None’ to reach the realm of temporary transcendence, Su Jin did not sit still and waited for this time!

After the strongest aftermath spreads away, Su Jin stands up abruptly, the scar on the eyebrows marked by the "lightning" is shaken by him, a ray of blood is flowing down, he does not care about the pain, and the whole person is free from wordless The state of the secret, incarnate as a sword body——

"What kind of sword is this?" Ye Zhen exclaimed.

The blade with the blade opened up looks simple and unpretentious, but Ye Zhen has never felt the aura on that sword!


The sword embryo of Su Jin turned into a sword body that was so close to Ye Zhen, running time and space swordsmanship. On his sword embryo, there was a faint wheel of time spinning rapidly!

Ye Zhen only felt the incomparable slowness of his thoughts and movements. He could even feel the slowing down of time, and everything in his vision seemed to be hundreds of times slower!


A sword skill that evolved over time and space was cut open in the center of the battlefield. At that moment, the sword shadow was like a school of fish, as if there were thousands of sword shadows cutting through the void!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Ye Zhen screamed again and again. He displayed his real body for the first time. It was his complete body, a real Nine Nether Sky Yin Snake! A huge snake body with flesh and blood!

But under Su Jin's attack, Ye Zhen still suffered heavy losses! His huge snake body has been skinned and fleshy, and snake scales are falling like rain. He has never suffered such a serious injury! !

In the next second, Su Jin pulled away and returned to his true body from the state of the sword body, but at this time, his face was extremely solemn.

Still... a lot worse!

If he had just played against King Baiyu Peng and used this trick at the peak, Su Jin would still have the confidence to kill Ye Zhen, but... the strength of the deficit still affected the power of this sword!

Su Jin didn't think about how much time, he severely injured the snake king Ye Zhen with a single blow, and now is the best chance to get rid of the opponent!

Immediately, a black halo rose under Su Jin's feet——

"Guillotine!" Su Jin shouted, the murderous intent in his eyes surged.

Kaka Kaka, not far from Ye Zhen, a stunning guillotine seemed to emerge from the netherworld, that dark red barbed chain, breathtaking!

Ye Zhen was a little desperate at this time!

The sky full of barbed hooks directly surrounded him——

Su Jin's figure swayed suddenly at this moment, his divine power was exhausted, and it was obviously extremely difficult to cut Yezhen at this moment!

This Ye Zhen must die! Su Jin gritted his teeth and spit out blood fiercely. At this moment, the black pupils of his original ghost king's body were gradually filled with a rich blood blue color!

Su Jin wants to use the word "fight" to kill Ye Zhen forcibly! However, when he displayed the word "Tian Mi", behind his'guillotine', there was a faintly huge vague shadow that trembled for a while, and could not be manifested.

"Tian Mi! It's Tian Mi again! I hate—" Ye Zhen saw that Su Jin's gorgeous golden robe was covered with blood, and knew that the other party had no ability to kill him, but the breath of Tian Mi appeared. , His despair has increased a hundredfold!

Su Jin suddenly urged the ‘guillotine’, and the endless barbed hooks bound the huge body of the Nine Nether Sky Yin Snake, then he raised his right hand without hesitation and grabbed the ‘God Whip’.


Ye Zhen screamed again, and the huge Jiuyoutian Yin snake body was suddenly beaten into the previous human form.

The barbed hook Shusheng pulled Ye Zhen towards the guillotine, and the next moment, the terrible hanging ax was brazenly slammed, ending the life of a super-powerful——

Su Jin even vomited three mouthfuls of blood, and the guillotine could not be maintained, and disappeared. Only Ye Zhen, who had a different head, fell heavily into the Snake Man City! Su Jin's eyes are as firm as ever! This is the second super power, Ye Zhen, Jiuyou Tianyin Snake King! Beheaded by him!

In the western pole of Snake-Man City, on that golden road ship, more than ten people looked at Su Jin's body in the distance.

"Ye Zhen is dead, it saves a fortune." The Heart-Biting Ancestor said with a smile in his black robe.

"It's getting late, let's take action against Feng Qingtian together. Her sacred formation in Snake Man City is fragile. As long as the giant snake egg is broken, it will only take a minute to kill her." The Mongoose King said.

"Then this kid--" another super power asked.

"For the time being, let's kill Feng Qingtian first. This kid has been seriously injured and can't recover in a short time." Heart-biting Ancestor said with a smile.


The golden Dao ship was driven away and broke directly into the void in the center of the Snake Man City from the Nine Heavens Void in the Western Polar Land, which is not far from the giant snake egg——

Su Jin wiped the blood from his lips with his robe sleeves. With a slightly trembling body, he took a firm step and appeared above the giant snake egg in one step.

The golden pupil of the years on the eyebrows, the breath of the years is flowing away——

Su Jin sat cross-legged on the giant snake egg, his hands slowly folded!

Boom boom boom.

One, ten, one hundred, one thousand--

In the end, the countless stone Buddhas stood up from the ground of Snake-Man City, and the endless Buddha songs were flooded. If you look carefully, the golden Buddha lights all begin to converge in the direction of Su Jin!

On Su Jin Heshi's hands, a ‘swastika’ is turning into a giant wheel that rotates in parallel and expands again!

Just this golden ‘卍’ character covers thousands of miles!

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