My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3014: Please recite me a sutra of death

The beast forest covered by the word "swastika", whether it is a monster beast in form, or a prodigal human race scattered outside, all face shocked——

Looking up, there are countless Buddhist scriptures cruising in the beast forest. Under the vast'swastika', one can faintly see the Buddha's splitting. If you look closely, countless stone Buddhas are rising from the ground. The pupil was in tears, everything that the Buddha's song appeals to, but without the slightest sadness——

Stone Buddha shed tears!

At this time, Cangshanxue, who had already returned to the "Unenviable Immortal Valley", had a deep worried expression on her face. When she came, no one blamed her, even the Master, the Holy Lord cast a comforting look.

"Emperor Ye is too strong." Cang Shanxue slowly said to Master.

"The ancient Buddhism and Taoism continue to this day, and the hope of Buddhism and Taoism has never been extinguished. In him, I saw the prosperous Buddhism and Tao." The Saint Lord of the Saintess Hall nodded.

"Yes, when the night emperor killed Ye Zhen just now, he finally used the ghost king blood blue pupil. It should be another kind of sky secret, fighting word secret. This is the most overbearing and powerful in the sacred law of the heavens. Tian Mi, I'm not surprised how strong Ye Di is now. He always feels like he won't admit defeat. It's not surprising that there are so many opportunities--" Ghost Flower Spider Mother sighed and shook her head.

"Emperor Ye fought in Nanshan and defeated the **** of the sea. He was a blockbuster. Now in the Snake Man City, he is screaming again and again. The Ye Emperor of the human race has passed his name to the world." Senior Sister Lingsu also said.

"Holy girl, didn't you leave? What method did he use to turn you back again--" Song Xiaoyu asked with a smile.

Cangshanxue blushed and fell silent without explanation.

Among the forces of the Beast Forest, there is another party who pays more attention to Su Jin! That is the Shadow Palace!

The Lord of Shadow Stream controls a large hall, floating in the Snake Man City a million miles away. There are hundreds of shadow palace powerhouses lined up on it, and if Su Jin sees it, he will definitely find one of the eye-catching figures——

Goddess of Baijing Lake! Yellow shirt tutor!

This goddess has disappeared for no reason since Su Jin left the "Wangxiang Corridor", but her identity is naturally very obvious in the camp of the Shadow Palace. She... really has always been a member of the Shadow Palace!

"Buddhist Samadhi, it is rumored that the Supreme Buddha has reached the realm of the other side. The Ye Emperor is so young and the realm is weird. Why can he reach such a mysterious realm!" The Lord of Shadow Stream frowned, and he was very jealous of Su Jin. He knew that Ye Emperor would really rise in the Beast Forest, and his achievements might even reach the level of the Golden Ape King.

"Hall Master." The goddess of Baijing Lake was silent for too long, then she said.

"What's the matter?" The Lord of Shadow Stream raised his brow.

"From now on, I must never provoke Yedi again--" The goddess of Baijing Lake hesitated and said truthfully.

"My Shadow Palace and the Evil Sea Alliance have the strength to sweep the beast forest. Brother Niu was defeated and retreated. According to his temper, he will never give up. You should know that Brother Niu, as the **** of the sea, is supported by him. , Don’t speak this sentence in front of me from now on.” The Master of Shadow Stream.

"The **** of the sea is reliable, but..." the goddess Bai Jinghu said with a resolute expression: "but I am quite social with Ye Di. His secret is so terrifying that it is unimaginable. Just now I finally figured out a terrible thing. ."

"Huh? Speak—" The Lord of Shadow Stream was inexplicably surprised.

The goddess Bai Jinghu said: "When he didn't rush to the beast forest, Ye Di used the guillotine just now. Everyone must know the news that he is the ghost king."

"Yes, what do you want to say?" The Lord of Shadow Stream looked at the goddess Baijinghu coldly, and his heart became more and more irritable.

"At that time, Ye Di fought with me. Behind his guillotine, there is a feeling that can make many people yearn. There are even strong people who lose their minds. Even I was longing there at that time." The goddess Bai Jinghu took a deep breath. With a sigh of relief, he continued: "Just now, when the emperor of the night used the word "Tian Mi", a huge vague shadow appeared in the mysterious void behind the guillotine. I thought about it for a long time, and I checked the records in the shadow hall these days , Now the guess is almost come true—"

"What guess?" The Lord of Shadow Stream asked.

"Eternal Life Hall." The goddess of Baijing Lake raised her head to look at the word'swastika' of the prosperous Buddhist Dao, and continued to mutter: "Nine Heavens and Ten Grounds Eternal Life Hall, there is no reincarnation on the other shore. Behind his ghost king, he can evolve longevity. temple!"

Hearing that, the face of the lord of the shadow stream is green——

All sentient beings, all wonderful, all-in-one longevity hall, sentient beings want to go! From the time the first era opened up, the legend of the "Eternal Life Hall" has been spread from all over the world. It is rumored that it is a worry-free place, which has no advantages.

"Absolutely not. The Temple of Longevity was just a lost place when it was rumored in ancient times. It was definitely not evolved by one person, even if it was evolution, it was just a vision." The Lord of Shadow Stream looked cold.

The goddess Bai Jinghu sighed, she knew what she should do next...

At the same time, everyone can see that Su Jin is getting worse and worse--

Although Su Jin is sitting in the Buddha posture, he feels that he is getting colder and colder. He rarely feels this kind of feeling. That kind of coldness is spread all over the body from the soul and soul. Once he has this feeling, he knows that his time is running out. .

Is it worth it to fight for a snake queen who has never been masked? Su Jin laughed at himself, but his smile disappeared. As the emperor of the night, when do you need to think about this? Want to do it, do it! What a reason! !

"Human's own talent is really stronger than that of the Orcs. I have to say, you kid surprised us very much -" the Heart-Biting Ancestor said.

"Before you die, tell this king who you are--" Although the King Snake Mongoose is cruel by nature, he respects the strong. As long as he is strong, even beyond the racial barrier, he naturally wants to know who Su Jin is.

"He is the emperor of the night." The voice of the Lord of Shadow Stream spread throughout Liuhe and Bahuang, and after he finished controlling the temple, he stayed away from this place of right and wrong.

The heart-biting ancestor's face suddenly appeared shocked, this young man turned out to be the night emperor of the human race! It blocked the existence of the sea **** of the evil sea!

The Snake-Man City, Tiemushan and other snake-men were equally shocked. The Human Race Yedi fought against the sea god, no one knows! It's just that Tiemu Mountain, who is now excited, can't even think that he can become attached to the night emperor! !

Su Jin is now very cold, trembling cold, he is getting worse and worse, only feeling that his consciousness is slowly disappearing, his lips are white, his eyes are blurred, and a voice comes out: "I can only support half of the time- "

In the face of these more than ten super powers, can you still support half of the incense? how is this possible!

nothing is impossible!

Su Jin raised his numb right hand with difficulty, and the lightning pattern on the center of his eyebrows slowly opened again, from the lack of light just now to the gradual yellow light!

A drop of Buddha's blood dripped from the vertical pupil laceration, Su Jin's pores all over his body were spitting yellow light!

"Zhentian Golden Pile!" Su Jin's hoarse voice gradually faded, "My Buddha, please recite the "Departure Sutra" for me——"

The "Death to Life Sutra" has always been used to save others. Now, thousands of stone Buddhas screamed!

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