My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3015: Qi Boom of the Top Ten

To be alive, let the Buddha cross me.

Treat it as helpless.

The Buddha hears of grief, the Buddha can overcome the suffering, the great good and the great evil, but the world is helpless. Su Jin can feel that his soul is falling into the abyss, and his world will become eternal darkness, as if everything is far away Up.

Su Jin’s raised numb right hand, the ring finger and little finger are slightly close together, the other three fingers are spread out, and there is an everlasting Buddha rhyme on the fingertips——

Far away in the void, the Golden Ape King and other strong men fell silent--

Xikuhai's big ears Sanzang with ‘fat head and big ears’ was inexplicably shocked. His eyes were piercing, and he sighed: “Fearless seal, Yedi’s gesture is my Buddhism fearless seal."

"As long as the Ape King speaks, I would like to go and destroy the gangsters——" The Blood Mark White Tiger was deeply touched, and immediately directed at the Golden Ape King.

"If you are just now, it is still possible to save, now he has used the golden pile of Zhentian, and the injury is irreparable, he can only rely on himself." The golden ape king's face was gloomy and terrible.

The huge Fenqin Tianhe pecked at the wings and slowly said: "There is a peerless power hiding in the void around the heart-biting ancestor. I feel that even if your blood-stripe white tiger and Baimei Shanzun join hands together, it will be difficult. Its opponent."

"It's true--" The Golden Ape King nodded.

Of course, Su Jin didn’t know or didn’t want to know all of this. The Tiantian Gold Pile was indeed a gift of the Ape Race, and his technique was different from what the Golden Holy Ape Race used. The existence of pile and the ape strike is a perfect ape strike!

This golden pile of gold even plunged him into the dark soul to suppress him, and he could not leave it. At least in this half of the incense time, he would not die! !

Now this feeling is very strange. Su Jin can manipulate the body with difficulty, but it seems to be manipulating a puppet. His hand is more than the "fearless seal", and he uses a silent way to resist the opponent! Use this method to prove your dedication! !

Su Jin raised his left hand, his middle finger, ring finger, and little finger were slightly flexed and loosened, and his index finger and thumb were slowly twisted. At the peak of the power of the golden pile of Zhentian, his entire body had reached an almost invincible defense!

"Said seal--" Big Ear Sanzang was in the distant void, his face moved again, Su Jin raised his left hand to cast the Buddha seal, which was actually the "Said seal"!

"His comprehension of Buddhism and Taoism is amazing. He comprehends Buddhism and Taoism through life and death." Fenqin Tianhe praised.

"Have you noticed that he has more and more the aura of the Lord of Life and Death -" Da Er Sanzang took a deep breath.

Everyone looked intently.

Su Jin's body is full of golden light, and the power of the Zhentian Golden Pillar has been spawned to the extreme, and the gestures of his left and right Buddha hands are even more powerful!

Under the "Fearless Seal" on the right hand, there are six prayer beads evolved from the revolver on the wrist. The six-character Buddhist mantra on the prayer beads is so bright that you can't directly look at it!

And Su Jin's left hand ‘said print’, the position where the thumb and index finger are twisted together, is even more shocking!

From the arm of the left hand, there began to be congealed with lotus patterns on the branches. Those lotus patterns quickly swam to Su Jin’s left hand, and soon a lotus branch turned out at a 45-degree angle, as if his thumb and index finger were pinched. ——

At the end of the lotus branch, golden lotus buds soon appeared, and they opened in an instant!


At the moment when the golden buddha lotus blossomed, Su Jin's "years and golden pupils" appeared on the center of his eyebrows, shining golden light! The rotation speed of the word'swastika' in it skyrocketed again. Behind him suddenly, he opened a circle of Buddha wheels. The Buddha wheels were reflected layer by layer and reflected in the world of unknown heavens. This scene was actually like this Exhibited in an extremely shocking way!

Heart-biting ancestors and other powerhouses were directly shocked! At least this scene, they have seen it for the first time in their lives!

"Purple-eyed Xiong Zun, Yuan Bingluan Bird, you two try it -" The Mongoose King's face was solemn, and he ordered directly.

"Okay!" The Purple-eyed Bear Zun breathed heavily, and jumped directly from the golden road boat to the sky. Its momentum was extremely terrifying, with both hands in fist-like shape, and constantly beating its chest, every time there was a terrible divine power swing. Broken deep space!

Boom boom boom boom... The purple-eyed Xiong Zun smashed down, the strength of the purple demon energy condensed, enough to easily split mountains and seas! But it quickly became hard to look. With this blow, the golden "swastika" in the vast tens of thousands of miles did not even shake!

"I'm here!" Yuan Bingluan bird chirped for nine days, a trace of blue ice fog's supernatural power, let the temperature of the entire Snake Man City drop to a very deadly point!

The icy blue snowflakes, each with the size of a palm, fell from the nine heavens, but the snowflakes could never fall to the ground. Those snowflakes fell on the vast golden revolving'swastika' and were instantly vaporized. It's like a rootless snow!

"So strong?!" The Mongoose King was shocked.

"Ten of you super powers, take action together." Heart-biting Ancestor said with a dark face.

Swish, ten super powers with amazing methods, instantly manifest the void together, and directly display their methods! A black sun appeared behind the King of Meerkats, in which there was the imprint of the sun-worshiping ancestor spirits of the Meerkats——


The result was shocking! ! ! !

The ten super powers, each displaying their magical skills, combined their efforts to make a single blow, only to make the huge golden "swastika" shake, just shake it! !

That's right! All of this was in Su Jin’s expectation, because at this moment the golden "swastika" character belonged to his own Dharma evolution, and the strength of the Zhentian golden pile is that the stronger the self, whether it is divine art or physical body, it comes from The state of absolute defense! !


This situation caused countless people to take a deep breath!

Too strong, too exaggerated!

In Buxian Immortal Valley, a whole group of people were dumbfounded, especially the many female cultivators in the Saintess Hall, the shock was stronger than anyone else.

Is this the Ye Emperor! Cangshanxue's heart was surging, and she was so excited that she could see this scene in this life, even if she died now, she would die without regret! !

Even the golden ancient ape king at this moment is still nervous and excited. It is better than it, and it is also frightened. At that time, it said to Su Jin that when the Zhentian gold pile was used, Su Jin could resist the blast of ten great abilities. Half-pillar incense time, in fact, this is a bit of a boast, because the weaker the realm of strength, the worse the effect of this talented magic technique, and the time limit will be greatly shortened——

"Are you feeling wrong--" Daer Sanzang woke up in shock and asked Fenqin Tianhe and other strong men.

"Strong." Bai Mei Shanzun was amazed, instinctively responded.

"Yes, I can't even break him in his current state--" the **** white tiger said.

"No, I didn't ask you this. If I remember correctly, the talent of the Ape King clan is static after being cast, and can suppress everything in itself, including spirits, and even thinking. Imprisoned, like a dead meteorite, now you look again, the situation of the night emperor—" Da Er San Zang said in surprise.

"His "Swastika" in the Dharma rotates slowly in the void, but it is not still." Fenqin Tianhe's pleasant voice was surprised, and he clearly understood the meaning of Da Er San Zang.

"As long as the Buddhist character'swastika' is still rotating, the surrounding place is a place of blessing, and everything is unbreakable, but I am curious why the Zhentian Golden Pile cannot contain this situation, just as Daer Sanzang said. , The 卍 character should be static." The blood-stained white tiger said in confusion.

"Look carefully again--" Da Er San Zang said in a low voice.

"Isn't it right?" Even the Golden Ape King was surprised.

"Not all right." Daer Sanzang shook his head.

These super beings immediately observed them carefully, and the subsequent observations, even if they were as strong as the Golden Ape King, were stunned, unable to react for a long time.

They saw--

Seeing Su Jin's eyebrows, that is the place to open the golden pupil of the years! That golden pupil was no different at other times, but in the state of Zhentian golden pile, it has been bleeding!

And in such a long time, no one noticed, a lot of blood dripped on the giant snake egg below! You know it, but there is a Snake-human queen who has a peerless beauty and is undergoing transformation...Feng Qingtian!

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