My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3029: Look, is it still human!

is her--

Su Jin fell into hesitation.

The person chased by the Shadow Palace turned out to be the goddess of Baijing Lake! Thinking about her, she was destroyed from Baijing Lake, entered the beast forest all the way, and mysteriously disappeared in the'Wangxiang Corridor'. This woman was finally determined by Su Jin as a person in the Shadow Palace, but since she has been chased by the Shadow Palace where she has been. Kill, what did this former beautiful tutor do...

Is it still a routine?

Su Jin smiled bitterly, and said inwardly that he didn't want to save her. Since she took herself all the way to the Wangxiang Corridor, it is estimated that it has always been a well-designed game——

The strength of the Goddess of Baijing Lake is naturally top-notch, otherwise she will not get the attention of the Lord of the Shadow Stream. At this moment, she is facing the siege of the five Shadow Palace powerhouses, and she has become more and more ineffective!

"Venerable Cat and Eagle! Don't think I'm afraid of you!" The goddess Bai Jinghu wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and she hit a sword close to her heart. The injury was not light, but at this time the instinct to survive was still very tenacious.

"The goddess should know that my five shadow stream envoys didn't want to take your life. This is what the shadow master meant--"

Venerable Cat Eagle looked at the goddess of Baijing Lake who was in white clothes, and his eyes could not help but linger with inexplicable evil in his eyes. He continued: "As the shadow envoy arranged by our shadow temple outside the beast forest, you are deeply impressed. The Lord takes it seriously and even does not hesitate to pass on the Shadow Treasure Record to you for intensive cultivation, but what is your current practice? Betrayal of the Shadow Palace, and delusion to steal the Shadow School Book of Heaven, the movie owner is now...very disappointed with you."

"Hey, why do you have to talk to her? It's not my race, and her heart will be different. Let's capture her, absorb the power of her yin, and finally bring the body back to the film owner to explain it—" A demon with a hairy face licked his tongue, as if desperately, and the other three also coveted the goddess of Baijing Lake desperately.

The goddess Bai Jinghu paled for a while--

"She's going to die! I'll come first!" A blue long-tailed cat, with a dazzling blue light all over his body, changed its limbs in the void, and finally culled!

Qiang Qiang——

The goddess Baijinghu’s dagger was guarded in front of her, her power shining brightly, and even an arc-shaped shield was condensed in front of her——

Bang bang bang! The long-tailed cat’s attack speed is extremely fast, and the claw marks continue to directly make the Baijing Lake goddess retreat. Even with its long roar, the defensive aegis of Baijing Lake shattered into a splendid glow!

"Catch her first! She has done meritorious service several times, and the movie master rewarded her several times to ascend the nineteenth-floor Tianju Pavilion of the Shadow Palace, where she must have a chance to get it. Let's hit her hard first, and then forcefully break into her spiritual sea. , Look for the branded memory!" Venerable Cat Eagle continued to stop.

"Okay!" The evil light in the eyes of the blue long-tail cat is even worse, and the overwhelming claw shadows surround the goddess of Baijing Lake——

The eyes of the goddess Baijinghu are very desperate!

The Lord of the Shadow Stream, although he is a hero, in her heart, it is only the hero! This beast forest, even if it is the Linlang God Land, is not even the size of a grain of dust in the heavens, and the goddess of Baijing Lake has no hope at all here!

Now the five demon lords surrounded her, and it was impossible to escape. Even if she ignited the soul fire and desperately used the strongest blow, she could not kill one of them now! Is it really going to fall here with such humiliation?

Nothing more-

The goddess of Baijinghu slowly closed her eyes--

After just five breaths, the goddess Baijinghu didn't feel any pain. She was even curious. Could it be that she had suffered too much and lost her pain? Still dead?

In addition to the breath of the Five Shadow Streamers, there is also a strong coercion around!

"I said...this black light, wild and uninhabited land, are the five of you too shameless?" Su Jin's voice appeared in the ears of a few people, "This kind of good thing, how can I be missing? How about adding me?"

Listening to the previous sentence, the goddess Bai Jinghu suddenly raised great hope in her heart, but the last sentence...

Look, is this still human!

Originally, the goddess of Baijing Lake ran in the direction of Immortal Valley, and when she heard this familiar voice, she naturally knew who it was!

"Who?!" The five Venerable Cat and Eagles, after just a few breaths, the breath they released was suppressed by the coercion, and now they reacted and immediately looked around!

Sure enough, there was an extra figure more than 30 meters ahead--

Venerable Cat Eagle took a few steps back!

"You are... Ye Di!" Venerable Cat Eagle exclaimed in surprise.

"Ye Di! When our movie master was in Nanshan, we didn't join forces with the **** of the sea to embarrass you. Don't think that you really dare not touch you! Today, it was my Shadow Palace that dealt with traitors. You are an outsider, want to take action?" The long-tailed cat also turned ugly, but his tone was still very strong.

No wonder the five are so jealous!

Now Yedi’s reputation in the beast forest is as strong as the sky! The momentum faintly meant to overwhelm the older generation of powerful men. This man was not well-known at first, but after cutting off a horn of the sea **** Tian Qinghai cattle, he soon exhibited his impeccable power in Snake Man City. Ye Di is not too easy to provoke.

"Yeah, bring out your Lord of Shadow Stream to threaten me?" Su Jin smiled lightly, "Your Shadow Stream Lord is a fart, now you play the magic talisman to contact him, call him over and see him Dare to come?"

The goddess of Baijinghu trembled fiercely--

Ye Di... is so confident already...

"You dare to speak against the movie master! You..." Venerable Cat Eagle looked anxious, but seemed helpless. Now the power of Ye Di is spread from Snake Man City. It is a combined force, and it can't be compared with the powerful people such as Heart Devouring Ancestor, and now it is even more impossible to fight against Ye Di——

"I kindly advise you to count me, who knows that you toast not to eat or drink fine wine, this king has always been kind, and in the idea of ​​not killing but not killing, spare you rubbish." Su Jin nodded: "But the death penalty is unavoidable, and the living sin cannot escape. Each of you demon lord surrenders your own destiny, then go away."

The destiny treasure!

The eyes of the five Venerable Cat and Eagles darkened. This destiny **** treasure is the **** soldier that was raised along with the increase of their own strength. Once handed over, the mark on the **** soldier will be erased, and it will be half-life. Gone.

The five Venerable Cat and Eagles looked at each other, and finally gritted their teeth one after another.

The long-tailed cat surrendered a green wooden stick, which is a rare treasure made by a supreme sacred tree!

Monkey Gill Demon Lord handed over a blood-colored broad ruler with bright red fire patterns flowing on it!



Five divine treasures floated neatly in the void, Su Jin raised his hand, wiped out all the natal imprints in them, and put them into the bone ring.

"Let's go now!" Venerable Cat Eagle's heart was bleeding, and he asked Su Jin coldly.

"Get off! Go back and inform you the Lord of the Shadow Stream. I hope to see him in the Chaos Island three days later. At that time, I will destroy the Su Jin clan and Shadow Palace together." Su Jin waved his hand as if driving a fly. , Let the five shadow stream leave.

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