My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3030: Shadow School

The five shadow streamers leave dingyly--

The goddess Bai Jinghu looked at Su Jin and wanted to say something, but found that she didn't know how to face this man.

Ye Di, a blockbuster in the Beast Forest, really took off! The current position in the beast forest is close to many rare ancient powers. For the goddess of Baijing Lake, this pressure has skyrocketed many times over the previous few days.

"Are you here to find me?" Su Jin asked calmly without making any waves in his heart.

"Yes." The goddess of Baijinghu Yinya bit and nodded gently.

"You have betrayed the Shadow Palace. As a traitor, even if you join other forces, you will not entertain you. Just like my current Longevity Palace, since you can betray the Shadow Palace, you may also betray me in the future, my Do you understand the meaning?" Su Jin really doesn't know what this beautiful tutor thinks, but the good and bad things should be said first. After all, he is the only one who can protect her at the moment.

"I am willing to pay..." said the goddess of Baijinghu with difficulty.

"Oh? How are you willing to pay—" Su Jin's eyes were curious.

"Give everything." The goddess Bai Jinghu closed her eyes.

Su Jin scratched the back of his head. Is this really the beautiful instructor who refined the "Relentless Dao"? If it hadn't been seriously injured to this degree, he really doubted whether it was an undercover agent sent by the Shadow Palace.

"Why did you choose me?" Su Jin asked.

"There is no hope in the Shadow Palace. I used to long to become stronger, long to shine in the heavens, even not hesitating to practice ruthless Tao, but the shadow master Kong has the strength, but he is an indecisive and unbridled strong man." Bai Jinghu The goddess answered.

Su Jin looked at the goddess Bai Jinghu, walked to her, touched her face with her hand, she didn't even mean to dodge, it seemed that she was cruel and wanted to follow——

"You know, my Hall of Longevity is not a shelter. I just took in a beautiful girl who is down and out. I'm very embarrassed if you join in. Or, let me see your sincerity first?" Su Jin coughed lightly. Continued: "Of course, you can refuse."

The goddess Bai Jinghu's face was flushed, she did not have the firm and ruthless Dao heart at all. She looked at Su Jin, hesitated and put her hand on her waist belt like a slender willow——

Su Jin was embarrassed, "Divine techniques are also okay, you probably know some of the magic techniques in the Shadow Palace, right?"

"I have both the Shadow Treasure Record and the Shadow School Book, but I can't learn the Shadow School Book. I haven't even repaired the fur. I will give you the Shadow School Book," said the goddess of Baijing Lake.

In her heart, Yingpai Tianshu is the best! Shadow Treasure's recording is more than one thing worse, and I feel that Ye Di can't look down on it.

The Supreme Divine Technique of the Shadow Palace, the Shadow School Book of Heaven... Su Jin is actually a little bit interested--

"Just the shadow school book, you can look through it while you're bored these two days." Su Jin said lightly: "Who else would have the shadow school book?"

"In the Shadow Palace, only the Master of the Shadow Stream has reached the Dacheng level. Other masters, even if they are in front of the heavenly book, are hard to learn. This divine technique is too profound and strange." The goddess Bai Jinghu hesitated: " It’s a pity that I can’t take away the scriptures, but I have written down all the methods in it. According to legend, the master of the shadow stream relied on the seals in the scriptures to get started.

"I see, you brand it for me—" Su Jin nodded.

After speaking, Su Jin stretched out his hand, and a quiet and gentle Buddha light slowly radiated. The goddess of Baijing Lake only felt calm, and her pain was quickly improving!

In less than five minutes, the goddess of Baijinghu was surprised to find that she had returned to its heyday!

And then she also got acquainted, and directly took out a white jade slip, branded all the shadow school heavenly books that she wrote down, and handed it to Su Jin——

Su Jin felt that it was a good deal and didn't say anything. He grabbed the shoulders of the goddess of Baijing Lake and shook his figure before returning to the Immortal Valley of Buxian.

"Someone will arrange your accommodation later, let me first see what is so great about the Yingpai Book of Heaven." Su Jin didn't want to delay a second, walked to the middle of the lake and sat down in suspension.

Holding the white jade slip in his hand, Su Jin closed his eyes, and the soul of the soul swept through the jade slip. The shadows and handwritings, all up and down, were remembered by him.


Crushed the white jade slip, Su Jin quietly enlightened it.

This "Shadow School Book of Heaven" does have a lot of merits. It is simple to say, but it seems extremely difficult to cultivate. Like the first divine method in the Book of Heaven, it is required to practice the phantom body, and the incarnation is indistinguishable. A true and false phantom is considered qualified.

Shadow incarnation is not difficult, many great abilities can be achieved, but the requirements are extremely demanding. The degree of shadow transformation, even the breath, realm, and the deity must be exactly the same, and it must have different actions, expressions, and the way of performing the magic. It must be the same as the deity, so it would be too difficult to get down.

Su Jin couldn't help frowning at this time. He had a terrifying thought. When he was in Nanshan not long ago, the Lord of the Shadow Stream that he encountered may be a fake, and the deity still doesn't know where it is. Place! At that time, he could not tell! If it weren't for viewing this movie school book, he wouldn't even have this idea!

Of course, the Shadow School Book of Heaven may be extremely difficult for others, but for Su Jin, there are not many big problems——

Su Jin was sitting cross-legged, with both hands in front of him playing a spirit formula from the Shadow School Book of Heaven. In the void in front of him, a group of ripples suddenly appeared.

The goddess of Baijing Lake is watching closely by the lake----

The surprise in my heart is beyond words!

How long is Ye Di now, but in a moment, is he going to condense his shadow incarnation? !


Time passed by one minute and one second, and Banzhuxiang time passed, Su Jin appeared in front of him with a perfect shadow avatar exactly like him. After doing this, he snapped his fingers, and the shadow avatar disappeared. This also represents He has gotten started!

Su Jin fell into a frantic and obsessive study----

In the book of heaven, the second divine method is "Three Thousand Shadows! "When Su Jin saw it, his heart became cold. If this divine technique is cultivated, it will definitely be useless, because this divine technique involves the real heavenly book placed on the nineteenth floor of the Shadow Hall. If Su Jin guessed well , The imprint in the book that day should be able to attract a trace of secrets, without that strand of secrets, this offensive'Three Thousand Shadow Magic' magical technique is destined to be just a fancy technique.

"Lord of the Shadow Stream, I blame you for offending this king." Su Jin showed a weird smile on his face. This Shadow School Book of Heaven, he must learn it in two days! At that time, he will borrow this heavenly book to upset the chaotic Tiandao!

Because this heavenly book has been cultivated to the greatest extent, currently only the Lord of the Shadow Stream is the only one who, if Su Jin learns, his actions can only be counted on the head of the Shadow Palace!

As for the secret in the book, can it be difficult to get Su Jin?


A silver-green canopy unfolded in an instant, and the branches of the tree of enlightenment were rushing into the deep space madly. At the same time, Su Jin fully used the shadow phantom body that had just started, looking for that trace of heaven in the underworld trail!

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