My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3033: Requiemer

The next evening, the purple sun was already submerged in the horizon——

The goddess of Baijing Lake has gone back and forth, and finally brought big shocking news. This time King Suan's battle is unprecedented!

King Suan invited four sea gods, namely: Litian Sea God, Jiaman Sea God, Mother of All Sea God, and Evil Sea God!

There are more than ten mountain gods in the Bada Mountains, and there are also 326 powerful travel gods outside the Beast Forest, "Endless Void". Not only that, the number of nearby thousands of big worlds and peak sects is even more difficult to count!

Upon hearing the news of the investigation, Feng Qingtian, Cang Shanxue and others all fell silent--

"Chaotic Sky Island, it's really a big battle!" Su Jin's face was normal, but the sneer at the corner of his mouth was undiminished.

"This time King Suan invited all the powers of the pinnacle, and even the super powerful forces such as'Guanmiao','Xingzong','Lion Camel God Clan', and'Era Temple' are among them. On the way here." The face of the goddess Baijinghu was extremely solemn.

After having been busy for so long, from leaving to seeing Yedi, the goddess of Baijinghu felt uncomfortable. Yedi seemed to have changed a little, like her temperament, but she didn’t feel like it. In short, she felt that Yedi seemed Different.

"The Lord Guanmiao has an extraordinary understanding of Tao. He has already become a Taoist god. It should not be underestimated. And the temple of the era has a strong creation. I guess it may be borrowed by King Suan. You have the bones to preach, otherwise it is absolutely impossible for so many strong people to gather." Feng Qingtian could not help but feel palpitations when hearing these resounding names, even if they were stronger than her, and the tone was persuasive.

"So?" Su Jin asked with a smile.

"It is recommended to leave the animal forest--" Feng Qingtian said bluntly.

"Yeah, this time King Suan is very confident. Once you go to Chaos Island, the chances of getting out safely are not in case. It is better to go as far as you can take advantage of it now," said the goddess Baijinghu. .

"Go and pick up Dakui and Yao'er. As for this trip... I will not leave, on the contrary I will sing vigorously all the way to Chaotian Island!" Su Jin raised his head.

"When... to leave?" Feng Qingtian asked, frowning.

"The next morning."


Later, Su Jin asked about some things about the goddess Baijinghu, and then the goddess Baijinghu took the order and set off to pick up her children and daughters. Su Jin himself was confessing to Feng Qingtian. After some preparations, he quietly left Buxian Xiangu.

The entire beast forest was a complete sensation at this time, and no one thought that it was because of a night emperor that King Suan on the chaotic island would make such a big movement!

However, after two breathing times, Su Jin passed Snake-Man City and looked down from high above. The entire Snake-Man City seemed to be a red ocean. Shops, streets, and thousands of people's houses were hung with red silks or red lanterns. !

It seems that Tiemushan's daughter Sasha has become a king.

Su Jin sprinted all the way. It took some time to find the place he needed. Chaos Tiandao was at the extreme edge of the beast forest. He chose to drive in the opposite direction now, and his purpose was naturally impure.

Putting on blame, but also doing real hammer——

Su Jin just asked the goddess of Baijing Lake, the location of another Shadow Envoy in the Shadow Palace, and she gave herself an accurate location route!

Burial Soul Mountain.

The sky dimmed, and the night was black and the wind was high, Su Jin used starlight steps to turn into a cluster of shining starlight, appearing in it, the spirit fluctuations here are extremely strong, I don't know who was buried in it, and the spirit is uneasy.

Just when Su Jin was surprised, he heard a quiet and heavy sound of a flute in his ear.

"Requiem Whisperer, the head of the Eight Shadows!" Su Jin's eyes lit up.

Because of his eccentric temper, it is rumored that the shadow envoy, after practicing the Shadow School Book of Heaven, took a different approach, using his own rhythmic path, combined with the various skills in the Book of Heaven, and has become a leader in the Shadow Palace. It is also because of his strong strength and sometimes even shadows. The words of the Lord of Stream are not taken seriously!

The music that allows the souls to fall asleep, the way it spreads, is quite penetrating, and this Soul Burial Mountain is a perfect place for requiem whispers to practice!

"A friend came from afar, please tell the name taboo--" The Requiem speaker's music stopped.

Su Jin searched for the sound and walked into the heart of the Soul Burying Mountain Range. He appeared in shape without any means of hiding.

"What a requiem, this king has taught me." Su Jin looked at the figure on the top of the black mountain, and saw that she was wearing a refreshing white shirt and a black bamboo cloak. She was actually very thin. woman.

Su Jin secretly wondered, are all the Shadow Hall Shadow Envoys women? The goddess of Baijing Lake is, and so is this Requiemer——

"Human race." The Requiem Whisperer hesitated slightly, "If it is an ordinary human race, even if it is the supreme heavenly person, under my requiem, the spirit will sleep peacefully. You...are the night emperor."

"This king likes to talk to smart people." Su Jin smiled slightly.

"The night emperor and the Shadow Palace are opposed. You found it today... Could it be because of the day after tomorrow's trip to the'Chaotic Sky Island'?" The Requiem Whisperer's tone was obviously sharp.

"It's not the day after tomorrow, it's now." Su Jin said straightforwardly: "I want you... to submit to my king."

When speaking of the last four words, a cold murderous intent suddenly surged out of the Requiem Whisperer, but even though the murderous intent was like a turbulent tide, the Yedi in her eyes seemed to not care at all, which surprised her a bit, slowly. Slowly said: "That traitor asked you to come to me, right?"

"Traitor? So are you soon—" Su Jin stretched out his hand, with a weird smile rising at the corner of his mouth.

Only heard the sound of ‘pop’, after Su Jin snapped his fingers, the Requiem Whisperer’s body suddenly shook, and then she felt a super strong primordial power rushing over!

"Sutra of Heaven"!

Su Jin ran the Requiem Sutra, and the strands of Scripture continued to cover the Requiem speaker. He wanted to rob the Requiem speaker’s mind so that everything about her belonged to him. At least for the moment, this woman has Great use!

The Requiem can't resist the power of the "Sudden Heaven Sutra". Her spiritual sea constantly wants to resist, but the strange scriptures continue to squeeze every inch of her spiritual sea——

"Master--" The Requiem Whisperer lifted off the cloak, and a handsome face appeared. She worshiped with her hands, and a circle of dark red in her eyes gradually faded.

"Get up, follow me..." Su Jin stepped forward, lowered his body, touched her handsome face with his hand, and helped her up.

"Yes." The Requiem Whisperer put on his hat and stood beside Su Jin.

Su Jin left the Soul Burying Mountain Range and went straight to Chaos Island!

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