My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3034: I have a relationship with your daughter

Under the starlight, a passerby is passing through a verdant jungle—

In the jungle that shades the clouds and the sun, the more the north, the rarer the ancient trees. Su Jin took the Requiem Whisperer onto a Gobi Desert. With the cultivation base of the two, he could actually ignore the darkness.

The sand here is very strange, the color is azure, and it is endless. If there is a purple day in the day, you will see a beautiful picture, the blue desert is connected to the sky, the layers are distinct, and the deeper it goes, the deeper it becomes.

"Master, this is the Qingsha Sea." The Requiem Whisperer is very quiet, just like a requiem she plays, with a unique mysterious temperament.

"After doing a few important things, we rushed back to Buxian Xiangu, the next morning, I will be the night emperor of the Eternal Palace." Su Jin said lightly: "How far is it from the Chaos Island?"

"Qingshahai passes by, and it is the'Forest of Heaven' in the beast forest. There is already a very marginal area. The Island of Chaos is less than a million miles from the'Forest of Heaven'." said the Requiem Whisperer.

"Actually, we don't need to go to chaos Tiandao right now, right—" Su Jin climbed onto the shoulder of the Requiem with his right hand, and gently raised the face in the cloak with his left hand. He felt Requiem with his fingers. She has delicate skin, but she also felt her trembling slightly.

Su Jin squinted slightly, and a cold light flashed deep in the corner of his eye——

The Requiem Whisperer said: "The Island of Chaos is very unique. It can be regarded as a cave world. According to the formation invited by King Suan, the Teleportation Array of the Island of Chaos cannot bear. In this way, many powerful forces must first Come to the Forest of Heaven."

"Shhh-" Su Jin motioned to the Requiemer suddenly, and then the two looked towards the sky together.

A beam of golden light blasted through the sky, directly bombarding the Qingsha Sea, among which strands of golden discs spiraled like birds, and a vast golden formation was also imprinted on the sand.


When the golden formation appeared, the void in the distance seemed to collapse, and another extremely luxurious temple came down!

Su Jin and the Requiem Whisperer were obviously very surprised, because the arrival of these two forces was not in the Forest of Heaven! Because there is the closest place to Chaos Tiandao!

"Lion Camel Protoss——" the Requiem Whisperer quietly said.

"That temple is very luxurious, compared with this hall, your Shadow Palace is simply dregs." Su Jin said disapprovingly.

"If the master knows the origin of this temple, I am afraid it will be understood. This temple is a star sect. Even ten shadow temples can't provoke an existence." Requiem whisperer said.

Ten shadow halls can't be offended!

Su Jin was shocked, two super powers came casually, it seems that the influence of Tiangu has exceeded his expectations——

"Xingzong is here? Did you old Xingyuan come?" A group of more than 800 people from the Lion Camel Protoss stood in the Qingsha Sea. The leading Lion Camel had a lion head covered with a bag on its neck. But it is a sturdy body, and the rest of the people have legs and thick blond hair.

"Patriarch Lion and Camel, our ancestors are not interested in coming here."

The silhouettes of the people in the temple flew and appeared directly in the Qingsha Sea, but the temple was built by a middle-aged man, and finally turned into a pigeon egg-sized existence.

"Your ancestor likes curious hunting the most. I don't believe that he has no idea about Tiangu." Patriarch Lion and Camel's eyes flickered, as if he was weighing something. Obviously, he did not expect Xingzong to intervene.

"Come on, I heard that there was an unworldly wizard in this wild beast forest, and the sky bone was acquired by him. This time there are countless forces coveting the sky bone. Your lion camel protoss is the same as our star sect. Last laugh." Sect Master Xing said lightly.

"The old lion in my clan has given a death order this time. As for the sky bone, our lion camel protoss is bound to win. I heard that the old lion wants to use the sky bone to make a beautiful wine glass. It is exciting to think about it. Now--" the lion camel patriarch laughed.

"Coincidentally, the ancestors will be divided into pieces to worship God and pray for the people of the world." Sect Master Xing said.

"Hahahaha! You... your Star Sect is still hypocritical as always!" The Lion Camel Protoss group burst into laughter.

The Requiem Whisperer always maintained a very quiet state, while Su Jin frowned——

The sky bones are now fused into their own skulls. In this way, the Lion Camel Protoss wants to use his skull to make a wine glass? Haha, it's getting more and more interesting.

Su and Jin are not too close to the two forces. He listened lazily, and looked at the Requiem Whisperer and said, "Do you see the lion camel surrounded by the lion clan? That hairy little lion man? ..."

"Master thought--" The Requiem Whisperer was shocked.

"Well, go and catch it. I have a brother and daughter. I just became the Queen of the Snake-Human Race. When I went to see you, I passed by the Snake-Man City. I wanted to meet, but I was missing a gift. Now you catch it. Come back, I want it to be a mount for the little queen." Su Jin said.

The Requiem whisperer fell silent immediately.

Su Jin frowned slightly, "Too difficult? Forget it, did you see that Star Sect? There is a young girl standing next to the Star Sect Master. You look for a chance to capture her, our little Queen Salsa needs someone to serve—"

The Requiem speaker shook his head.

Can't do it, still can't do it!

The one surrounded by the Lion and Camel Protoss must be a blood inheritor, that is to say, the future king of the Lion and Camel Protoss, and the girl next to Sect Master Xing, dressed in costumes, is almost exhausted by the Star Sect. It's Tianlan gauze, every piece of jewelry is a superb treasure, this girl, not surprisingly, is Sect Master Xing's beloved daughter, how can she catch it!

"It seems to be too difficult--" Su Jin said with regret, "There are more and more forces coming, so pick the soft persimmon first."

"Father, what is the sacred Ye Di? I'll talk about it first, I want to catch him alive, and then I will lead you to peel the bones when I get tired of it." The girl next to Sect Master Xing looked savagely akimbo .

Su Jin was speechless--

His face gradually became gloomy, this Xingzong family's jewel in the palm was really held up in the sky, this was actually trying to catch him, and then he used the word ‘lead’!

"Master." The Requiem Whisperer felt something wrong with Su Jin, and immediately became nervous.

"I have my own way. You stay here and see the forces that can do it. Don't be vague. Even if you expose it in the future, it will be the king alone. Give me trouble. The bigger the trouble, the better." Su Jin is very calm. Said to the Requiem.

The Requiem Whisperer didn't know what Su Jin would do, but she felt... the daughter of the Star Sect seemed dangerous--

Su Jin stepped towards the void, and the golden brilliance that escaped from his body suddenly caused the surrounding void to shake!

One after another, the golden colored glaze was opened up on all sides of the void, but Su Jin changed the lower face and blessed himself with a wordless heaven secret. To outsiders, he looked like snow in white and had a handsome face. Very handsome young monk!

"Which Buddha is coming?" Sect Master Xing immediately put his hands together and quickly asked God.

"I inherited the name of'Amitabha Buddha', and the name is Shanzhen. Donor, I have a destiny with this girl." Su Jin pointed at Sect Master Xing's daughter and directly descended between the two forces!

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