My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3035: Can't be fooled by him

Fate with my daughter!

Sect Master Xing has no doubt about it. This time chaotic Tiandao and his entourage, there are already a lot of people, and the appearance of a monk is normal. At this moment, the sky is full of buddhas, and the sights are full of golden caves. The powerful Buddha power, even if there are many strong people present, it is rare to encounter——

"You learned from Amitabha? This is a joke. You have to know that the sage of the Buddha, who has never seen him, only exists in legends. You say yes? Dare to ask, where do you come from?" Patriarch Lion and Camel felt wrong. Staring at Su Jinfa and asked.

"I come from the world of Xiaoqian." Su Jin nodded calmly. With his hands folded, he felt mysterious and powerful. It felt as if he had turned into Dharma, and the Buddha appealed to the rhyme of Buddha all the time.

"The ancient sages and sages are all dead, and even the sages of Buddha can't escape, dare to ask your master..." The lion camel clan leader became more and more suspicious, and kept looking at Su Jin.

"The master is naturally there, but his Dharma and power are beyond the object. You cannot imagine it."

Su Jin was calm, and immediately he glanced at the little lion man in the lion camel protoss, and continued: "The human body lion pupil, there are vaguely two opposing extreme forces in the body, which cannot be balanced, it is a pity -"

The head of the lion camel was shocked.

"Does my Buddha have a solution?" The lion camel patriarch asked immediately. It only felt that Su Jin's current light had infinite heights. After all, this was related to the destiny of its youngest son!

You can see the problem of Lion and Tuo Daozi at a glance. If this is not an expert, who can be regarded as an expert?

"The Buddha said that all kinds of predestined conditions are all encounters." Su Jin looked at the little lion man with sympathetic eyes, as if hesitated and stopped.

Patriarch Lion and Camel hurriedly scratched his head, then asked again in a loud voice: "Master Shanzhen, what do you mean by this?"

Su Jin raised his brows, and said in a deep voice: "Don't understand? We...have destiny~~~ Forget it, be with me for a hundred years, and change it to be invincible for thousands of epochs in the future, are you willing?"

After that, Su Jin put his hands together, flashed suddenly, came to Sect Master Xing's daughter, staring at her closely——

Sect Master Xing also didn't stop him, he didn't feel any malice in Su Jin, and there was no harm in having such a powerful Buddhist power.

As the only inheritor of the Xingzong, Yun Feiyao has her own arrogant temperament, but she has lived in the sect world for a long time, and finally can come here. Seeing such a handsome monk, she can only secretly praise her.

"Monk! You... why are you staring at me like this--" Yun Feiyao was a little nervous, but due to her character, she immediately stared back.

"Not good, not good." Su Jin slowly shook his head, and said, "Girl, you will meet a lifelong enemy on this trip, and this is also your own calamity, so sad--"

Sect Master Xing’s expression was a little strange. His ancestor of the Star Sect, the Elder Xing Yuan said that his daughter would have a lot of calamity when he set off in his group. Although there was no life worry, it was definitely a disaster that completely changed her. For this reason, he is still a little worried, because Yun Feiyao's youthful and splendid personality is also quite good, and Xingzong has long been used to the existence of such a little princess...

"My ancestor is proficient in sacrificial offerings and seeking to seek from the sky. On the eve of his departure, he also worked out a hexagram for the chaotic Tiandao and his party. The hexagram is not good. Is there a solution for Master Shanzhen?" Sect Master Xing was extremely nervous, folded his hands and asked. Tao.

"Hey, follow me--" Su Jin slowly shook his head in a helpless tone.

"Good! Good! Master Shanzhen will accompany me and go to Chaos Tiandao together!" Patriarch Lion and Camel was really afraid that Su Jin would leave, and quickly invited.

"If Shanzhen Mage can help the little girl, when the time comes, my Xingzong promises that there will be a share of Shanzhen Mage!" Sect Master Xing promised.


Now the two superpowers have already guarded Su Jin in the middle. This kind of noble treatment makes people stunned.

For example... The Requiem Whisperer who is currently in a sluggish state and has not reacted at all...

It's just a mouth, this is a lie! Not only a deception, but also a worried and embarrassed appearance. People don’t even know that it was acting when they watched it, let alone the deceived Star Sect and the Lion Camel Protoss, even the Requiem speaker himself feels this guy. His identity is like being a disciple of a sage of the Buddha, it is pure, pure and unadulterated!

The Requiem Whisperer can't find the flaw--

She wanted to remind the two great forces, and even wanted to tell the girl named Yun Feiyao face to face, this guy is your catastrophe! But, that guy is so smart!

It's terrible, Ye Di is terrible--

The sky was full of Buddha and flowers, the smoke disappeared, and in the night, a void channel was opened, and Su Jin stepped in with the two forces and walked into the deep blue.

Forest of Heaven.

"The reason why Chaos Tiandao can't come is not that it is not enough to transmit the **** array. After all, the magic of the gods formation can be drawn at any time." At this time, the lion camel patriarch paused and continued: "I heard that Chaos Tiandao In the past two days, there has been a wave of blood covering the top, and now it is becoming more and more dense. I am afraid that an unpredictable disaster will appear in this animal forest—"

Sect Master Xing didn't care about this. He looked at the dark blue "Forest of Heaven" and said, "This savage wild and plagued with disasters, just ignore it. I don't know when Shanzhen Mage will leave?"

"Small Thousand World, I haven't returned for 13,000 years. A monk, the world is big, and one stay is home. I am afraid that this calamity is due to the bones of the sky. I see you all come here, in the end, I'm afraid it's just a emptiness. I wasted my time and may even end up in a fall. It's better to take a look at the island and leave--"Su Jin's extraordinary Buddhist temperament makes people sound terribly comfortable.

"How can it be done! The bones can't come out, the lion camel protoss will not return!" The lion camel patriarch shook his head.

"Monk smelly, you know that you will be aspiring to others and destroy your own prestige, where are you--" Yun Feiyao couldn't help being affected by Su Jin's temperament, but she still refuted it.

"The origin of Yedi is very big. I think he will have a life span forever in the future, otherwise he will not choose the master." Su Jin deliberately boasted.

Invisible boasting is the deadliest! Even Su Jin himself believed it--

"I got the news of this person, but it was not what the Master Shanzhen said! I heard that Ye Di was despicable and mad and arrogant, and he was cunning by nature, and he couldn't be prevented when he met him. You lied." The Lion Camel Protoss raised its voice and said, the reason for this is precisely because it has brought more people, and it is also meant for the people.

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