My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3036: Scarlet Palace

Sect Master Xing nodded and agreed with the words of Patriarch Lion and Camel----

The rise of Ye Di is indeed a bit weird. The description of him outside is very crazy, and there are various versions, but the most common point is that Ye Di is very smart and relatively ruthless.

"Father, didn't you find out where the night emperor was before you came? Why don't we have to wait for the night emperor's celestial bones?" The little lion man did not dare to stand too close to Su Jin. Although it is young, it is more than a thousand years old since its birth. It feels that Su Jin’s origin is mysterious, his position is unknown, and the Buddhist family is the most greedy, anger, and ignorance. This guy looks sunny and peaceful, and in the end it is not for the “Tian Bone”. 'Come.

"Our team has too few people. If Sect Master Xing is willing to join forces, the odds of winning are still somewhat--" the lion camel clan chief hesitated: "Except for the night emperor, the golden ancient ape king is also very troublesome, and if it annoys the gold The holy ape clan, let it come out..."

Sect Master Xing shook his head, indicating that he didn't mean to join hands.

This kind of stupid idea, I am afraid that only these reckless men can come up with it. It is the place where the Golden Ape King rules. If you enter in, don’t you think you don’t feel hurt, you want to be beaten, and you want to be beaten up —

"Hmph, let him live for two more days, when the young master will chop off the bones of that day with his hands." The little lion man stopped speaking after speaking.

Su Jin glanced at the Little Lion, then looked ahead--

Under the star-filled night sky, the "Forest of Heaven" has an unspeakable beauty. The folds of stars are scattered on the dark blue continent. It is like a dead zone, without vegetation, only dark blue hills.

Oh, there are vaguely some campfires burning spar.

A lot of people came first, and there are still a lot of them.

"Xingzong, but Senior Xingzong?" When the figure flickered, the voice also appeared in the ears of Su Jin and others.

"You are... from the Sword Sect——" Sect Master Xing looked at the five people who appeared, and his eyes fell on the martial art logo on the other's chest.

"The junior is the'Jianmen Daozi' Xu Wuji." Xu Wuji bowed his hands and bowed in salute.

"Junior's "Palm Great Sect", Yan Yuge."

"Junior Shi Lingji,'Eternal God Sect'."

"Hahaha, who did I say these little guys came to meet? Isn't this the master of the Star Sect, one of the hypocritical four sons——" a discordant voice appeared, and only a thin, thin old man in Tsing Yi appeared, squinting Seeing Sect Master Xing.

Sect Master Xing was taken aback, and he immediately said, "It turns out that it is Senior Six Yuan Tiansheng, Feiyao, hurry up and salute to seniors——"

The lion camel patriarch also put his hand in front of his chest, and his face changed slightly, obviously because of the appearance of the Six Yuan Tiansheng! This... But a strong creation, I didn't expect a piece of sky bone to attract such a strong to show up!

Yun Feiyao is a little reluctant. Although she knows the etiquette of Xingzong, she hasn't done it for a long, long time. Besides, isn't she a strong creator? She often sees it because her grandfather is!

Starting style——

Yun Feiyao raised her arms and staggered her palms together like a peace dove. Then she leaned forward in a half-squatting posture and stood up again, without speaking to Liuyuan Tiansheng.

Su Jin resisted smiling, the name of the Six Yuan Tiansheng almost made him laugh silly in his heart. Of course, Yun Feiyao's manner of etiquette was really beautiful, but his face was a bit stinky.

"Why didn't Senior enter the Chaos Sky Island?" Sect Master Xing asked after saluting.

"The Wild Beast Forest is very troublesome this time. The blood tide on the chaotic island is faintly condensed by the blood demon. I don't know how much the tribulation generation exists this time. The old 狻猊 is communicating, and your Star Sect and the Lion Camel Protoss are also You have to stay here and wait for the notice to enter the Chaos Island." Liuyuan Tiansheng glanced at all the people present.

Sect Master Star and Patriarch Lion Camel suddenly-

This time can naturally afford to wait, anyway, there is more than a day before the real event.

Liu Yuan Tiansheng’s gaze at this moment slowly shifted to Su Jin...

The cubs of the Star Sect and the Lion Camel Protoss at the scene all saluted him, but this handsome young monk was always indifferent.

Seeing this situation, Sect Master Xing had a numb scalp!

"Senior Tiansheng, this is the descendant of the sage of Buddha, Master Shanzhen." Sect Master Xing introduced.

"He has a very strong aura of disaster and calamity--" Liu Yuan Tiansheng looked at Su Jin, and then said to Sect Master Xing and Chief Lion and Camel: "This is unknown, I advise you not to get close."

Sect Master Xing and Chief Lion Camel trembled fiercely in their hearts. The two of them seemed to have been empowered by Daigo. After thinking about it carefully, they began to appear with the name of'Shenzhen' since Su Jin, and now, they believe in each other deeply. Identity, this feeling is very strange——

If Su Jin is not surprised, his hands have been folded together, and then calmly said: "Senior, I am willing to bond with this girl and save her gods and demons within ten days. As for my calamity body... the Buddha Chang said, If I don’t go to hell, whoever goes to hell, all kinds of tribulations are nothing more than predestined birth and death. What if I can cross her and add another third of karma?"

As he spoke, the girl Su Jin pointed at was Shi Lingji who was the closest to Liuyuan Tiansheng!

The corner of Liuyuan Tiansheng’s mouth crooked and couldn’t help but laugh, “Ahem, I’m here to find my old friend, the "Old Monk", he can also get through my great-granddaughter's heart demon, why do you need to cross?"

"It's so good--" Su Jin nodded.

Sect Master Xing and Patriarch Lion and Camel now clenched their fists, secretly gritted their teeth, and they finally understood how shameless these six yuan heavenly saints are! The relationship between Shanzhen Mage and them just now was so divorced, that he actually wanted to draw him into his eternal **** sect!

Liu Yuan Tiansheng twitched the corner of his mouth. He originally thought that Su Jin would continue to please him, but who knew he would answer this way. This made him embarrassed instead.

"Senior, Shanzhen Mage first became attached to me. The old lion in my house named Shanzhen Mage to be a guest in the clan. From this trip to the end, Shanzhen Mage can't make a mistake." The lion tuo clan leader said coldly.

"Senior Tiansheng, should I tell my father to come and tell you about the past?" Sect Master Xing's expression also looked bad.

"Forget it, you guys are very good, the old boy of empty knowledge, gods and ghosts, who knows if they will play me again this time, my great-granddaughter will leave it to you, ten days, right? The old man will wait for you for ten days." Liuyuan Tiansheng said with his beard.

Su Jin nodded slowly--

The starry night is full, and there are more and more bonfires in the Forest of Heaven, which means that the coming forces are also increasing rapidly.

Since he had to wait, Sect Master Xing also released his Star Palace and arranged a place for Su Jin.

Su Jin did not decline. He did not rush to visit the residence of the Star Palace, but sat quietly outside, staring at the distant thick blood tide.

After about an hour, the blood tide became more and more turbulent, and it even approached the "Forest of Heaven"!

"Hey, monk!" Yun Feiyao ran to Su Jin's side.

"You shouldn't come—" Su Jin glanced at Yun Feiyao lightly.

"Who doesn't want Tiangu? What's the point of this calamity? You monks are really timid." Yun Feiyao said.

"Look carefully, in the surge of blood..." Su Jin's tone was gentle, pointing his finger.

Yun Feiyao was dubious and looked in the direction of Su Jin's finger——

In the **** tide covering the sky, a blood-colored palace is floating in it...

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