My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3037: God’s world, I want ninety-nine!

The **** palace seemed to be full of magic. And at the center of the flowing blood wave is where this palace stands, Yun Feiyao admits to have seen many magnificent buildings that are hard to see by ordinary people, but there has never been a palace comparable to this palace!

The highest point of the Scarlet Palace, it seems that you can pick the stars with one hand!

"These are not things that you and I can care about--" Yun Feiyao frowned after a daze, looked at Su Jin, and whispered, "Monk, you have something weird about you that I can't understand. Although both my father and the lion camel king believed in you, from the moment you appeared, I did not believe a word of what you said."

"Why the little princess Xingzong said more, you can question your father." Su Jin said quietly.

"You--" Yun Feiyao was secretly annoyed, pouting slightly, trying to refute but didn't know how to refute it.

"Divided into the sky, the road heads towards the sky, each side." Su Jin gently nodded to Yun Feiyao, and then walked towards the Star Palace.

"Yeah, you really can't stand the temptation of the bones of the sky, let me just say, how is it possible that a Buddhist power of your level, without greed, will appear here—" Yun Feiyao was in Su Jin She flared her teeth and claws behind her back, as if showing off her'IQ'.

Su Jin's pace was very slow, and the Buddha's light escaped automatically. Yun Feiyao looked from behind, as if he saw a person with golden light. He felt that the treasure was solemn and had a temperament that people wanted to get close to. .

Seeing Su Jin walking alone, Yun Feiyao ignored her, and immediately felt that her self-esteem was frustrated. He hurriedly chased up and asked, "You monks, put your hands together every day, are you tired? Hey, just say something. ——"

"Say what?" Su Jin did not stop.

"It's okay to say anything, how about the scarlet palace in the depths of the starry sky? Have you never seen such a beautiful palace?" Yun Feiyao said.

"It's no big deal to see a deer in Lin Shenshi, and a whale in Hailan." Su Jin saw Yun Feiyao stop in front of him with open arms, his expression still as calm as his voice.

"Being a monk is a monk, but I still have to be a literary monk, but this is a good sentence, yes, since you are not interested in the Scarlet Palace, do you know my grandpa? Do you know who is the most powerful person of the Lion Camel Protoss No?" Yun Feiyao said with a smile: "I know all about it, and ah, I have seen the strongest existence of the Sui clan three times, no, four times!"

A cold light flashed quietly in the depths of Su Jin's eyes, and said lightly: "Let's talk about--"

"The old lion of the lion camel protoss is very famous. It is called the old lion king. In terms of age, ten of my grandfathers can’t be compared. There is also the old clan king of the Suan clan, who is a bi-eyed golden 猊. It's probably already communicating with the Scarlet Palace. This Bi-eye Jinya is older than the Golden Ape King in this Beast Forest--" Yun Feiyao said.

Su Jin slowly shook his head, "I see, please go back to the room."

"Hey, what's the matter with you monk? This girl wanted to have a good chat with you, are really incomprehensible!" Yun Feiyao showed displeasure and continued: "Okay, since you If you play me this way, then I’m not welcome. You need to give me an explanation for what happened before."

"What's the explanation?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"Have you met Yedi?" Yun Feiyao said: "You said so many good things for that emperor earlier, saying that he has an eternal fate, and that he has a very big background."

"How about it?" Su Jin glanced at Yun Feiyao and said.

Yun Feiyao's face stretched, and she seemed depressed, and said, "My grandfather, who was watching the stars that night, revealed the secret secret to his father, saying that I had a fateful entanglement with a night emperor, and I could not avoid it. Coming to kill the emperor to prevent future accidents."

"Then you are over, if Ye Di didn't fall in Chaos Tiandao, even if your grandfather had the ability to reach the sky and rebel fate, it would be useless." As Su Jin said, he forced the thought of laughing in his heart.

"Have you seen him, what does he look like? What did you say?" Yun Feiyao asked.

"He said... God's world, I want ninety-nine!" Su Jin said with a calm expression and serious.

Yun Feiyao was stunned by this sentence, and her delicate body began to tremble involuntarily——

God's world! I! To be ninety-nine!


Seeing Yun Feiyao still dull, Su Jin couldn't help staggering two steps, bypassing Yun Feiyao, and walked to the room in the Star Palace.

The deep starlight was gradually obscured by the flood of blood, and Yun Feiyao suddenly woke up. She realized that Su Jin was no longer in front of her vision. Now she only feels that the clothes behind her have been soaked in sweat, which caused this. In this case, I am afraid that no one will believe it because of the shocking sentence——

"Sure enough, she is a lunatic. It's best not to let this girl meet first, or she won't be forgiving." Yun Feiyao snorted, then returned to the youthful and unruly temperament, and returned to the Star Palace.


The cascading star halls contain the universe. Sovereign Star arranged Su Jin's room, which is an excellent location on the extreme edge. From here, the windows can be opened to see the west, and the apartment is also very large.

Su Jin continued to hide his breath with the wordless heaven secret, and then, his figure shook, and a shadow incarnation appeared directly beside him! And keep the appearance of ‘goodness’! If it weren't for him to refine the "Shadow School Book of Heaven", I'm afraid he can't tell the truth from the fake!

Su Jin urged the shadow incarnation to sit on the bed, and the Buddha’s precious light illuminates the entire room, to the point where Sheng Buddha Yun is far away can make people feel truly--

After that, Su Jin left a strand of Yuanshen in the shadow avatar, and then took out the hidden dragon clothes, the next moment, his real body disappeared in the room out of thin air!

The vast "Forest of Heaven", there are no more bonfires, there is no vegetation, and many forces will carry their own spar for burning. Su Jin opened the **** pupil and easily found the position of the Requiem!

Outside the Forest of Heaven, near the Qingsha Sea, the sound of fighting is endless. The fighting here seems to be particularly anxious. There are many originally hostile forces who choose to fight here——

The struggle between monks and schools has never stopped for countless years.

"Blood Spirit Gate! Just now there were despicable and shameless Shadow Palace powerhouses who took advantage of the chaos to destroy the eight powers. It is better for us to truce here. After Tiangu is born, we will fight again!" A chest embroidered'x The youth of the'Zhanzong' of the'mark', escaped a **** shadow from the culling, and hurriedly called to stop.

"Shadow Palace? As long as the Lord of the Shadow Stream doesn't appear, it's okay!" Dozens of people from the Blood Spirit Gate immediately stated their stance.

"That's the Requiem Whisperer of the Shadow Palace, you...don't die!" Zhan Zong youth said angrily.


The deep sound of the flute, with the pulsation of the rhythm, slowly spread over——

Seeing this scene, the corner of Su Jin's mouth grinned. The temperament of the Requiem Whisperer was really impressive, but when he heard that the other party had destroyed the eight powers, he felt that it was not enough.

"Just now you said that my Shadow Palace is despicable and shameless?" Su Jin stepped into the void, his appearance, voice, and clothes turned into the master of Shadow Stream at the time!


Without waiting for the surrounding forces to respond, Su Jin was doing this, and once again refreshed the Requiem Speaker's cognition! At this moment, the rhythm of the Requiem speaker is paused!


Under the starry sky, the black thunder began to confuse, and the aura of heavenly secrets, like raindrops, as the black thunder descended, on this dark blue ground, suddenly there were more beautiful array patterns aura!

"Three thousand shadow phantoms, this range...covers more than 80 power stations!" The Requiem Whisperer stiffened and was present, and the eyes in her cloak were all unbelievable eyes. No wonder, no wonder Ye Dihui Finding himself, he actually completed "The Book of Shadows"!

Pretending to be the lord of the shadow stream like this, descending the catastrophe... the consequences are disastrous!

Although Su Jin is a counterfeit in the cottage, everyone in the "Book of Shadows" knows that only the Lord of the Shadow Stream can do this. Even if it is not the real Shadow Palace, it can only be counted as the Shadow Palace!

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