My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3040: Zhan Gu Qingqiu

Heavenly Forest, Yuxing Slope.

There are more than ten spar bonfires, shining virtual white flames in the starry night. This is considered to be a slightly outside area of ​​the Sky Forest. The temporary station of the Sky Alliance is here—

Beside a large bonfire in the center, there is a middle-aged man dressed as a scholar in Tsing Yi. He is looking up at the endless star field at the moment. This man is the lord Gu Qingqiu.

Regarding Gu Qingqiu, this person’s life experience is legendary. When evaluating with Su Jin, the Requiem Whisperer bluntly pointed out that the other party’s reputation is greater than his own real strength. This person was really a worthless scholar at first and fell out of the list. After returning home consciously without face, facing the wife who had high hopes for him, he chose to jump into the Qingqiu Baihe. Who knew that jump did not die, but drifted to a secret place in the mountains and wilds. On the road of spiritual practice-

"Master, that is Gu Qingqiu." The Requiem Whisperer quietly communicated with Su Jin Transmission.

"It sounds okay, do you want to let him go?" Su Jin said lightly.

The Requiem Whisperer shook his head, "After this person entered the path of cultivation, he gained unimaginable prosperity and wealth with the mystery of the war scriptures, and gradually lost himself. In his fifty-three years of cultivation, his wife and children lived in the village. He was ransacked and slaughtered by mountain bandits, and his descendants were severed. He never went back to take a look. On the contrary, he denied his origin. This person is truly unfeeling to the extreme."

Su Jin looked indifferent, nodded, and said, "You protect me, and I will teach him the training of war classics——"

The Requiem Whisperer was stunned and responded directly.

Seeing Su Jin sitting in the void, the Taoist rhyme of the word ‘Wu’ spread out all over his body, and the word Tian Mi directly wrapped him and the Requiem Whisperer, making people imperceptible to the existence of any breath.

Then, Su Jin raised his hands--

The Requiem Speaker's heart is shocked!

What Su Jin held in his hand was an illusory shadow school book. Although it was not the real copy of the Shadow School, it felt that the magical charm of it was far beyond the real shadow school book!

"The mystery of the three thousand shadow illusions is ever-changing. You just need to follow me. In the future, I may teach you the aura of the heavens, but if you dare to think badly..." Su Jin did not look at the Requiem. The tone was the dark shadow that made my heart cold.

During the period of Su Jin's departure, the Requiem Whisperer killed many small forces in accordance with his instructions, but in the same way, there were things that did not inform him!

In fact, the Requiem speaker has a very special affection for the Shadow Palace. Now Shadow Palace has accepted this cauldron for no reason. She knows how serious the problem is, so she took advantage of Su Jin’s absence before. Secretly typed out the message Yujian and notified the movie master who was thousands of miles away!

Speaking of it, the lord of the shadow stream is also unfortunate. He is a person who dared to cut his robe and his wrist. After seeing Su Jin in the Snake Man City, he was deeply offended and wanted to leave this place of right and wrong early, even if he was a lion camel. Protoss invited him to politely decline, who knew that such a thing would happen!

In other words, the Lord of Shadow Stream may already be on his way to the Forest of Heaven!

The Requiem Whisperer's heart was chilled--

Yedi probably noticed her infidelity. Judging from the conversation with the carrot and stick just now, it was already a real hammer, but... but since he doubted himself, why didn't he do it to himself earlier? Or... Or this is also a round, use her infidelity to summon the Lord of the Shadow Stream, so as to disturb this event...

Su Jin was holding the illusory'Shadow School Book', and then flipped through the pages of the book with his right hand. With his right hand, he gently controlled seven of the strangely shaped auras, which he knew when he was practicing Three Thousand Shadows. The existence that cannot be accepted into the spirit sea——

The seven peculiar shapes of heavenly charms, with the movement of his right palm, seemed to be alive, cruising!

In the Sky Alliance, flames flickered on more than a dozen imaginary white bonfires, but there was a gust of demon wind blowing around the originally windless area!

"Who?!" The sudden situation interrupted Gu Qingqiu's thoughts. The members of the more than one hundred alliances were screaming, and they all got up tight and scanned the surroundings!

"This is... Seven Star Shadow Phantom Shuttle..." The Requiem Whisperer was stunned.

The Seven-Star Shadow Phantom Shuttle, even the Lord of Shadow Stream could not perform to perfection. I heard that in the real Shadow School Book, two of the seven heavenly auras have disappeared, and the other five auras are very thin!

Su Jin quietly looked at the shadowy phantom shuttle floating on the palm of his hand. The exquisite silver fish scale pattern on it was round and smooth. This shuttle, as if possessing a soul, almost wanted to break free of his control, and he was condensed by the existence of magical methods. There are also considerable expectations.


Su Jin gave it away with his right hand, and the Seven Star Shadow Phantom Shuttle seemed to have disappeared, almost without the slightest trace!

Gu Qingqiu was in a state of confusion, and he instinctively felt the great threat approaching. In his eyes, he only felt the brilliance close for a moment, and his powerful divine power spread all around him!

Stop... can't stop! Gu Qingqiu is shocked!

puff! Gu Qingqiu only felt the flash of light passing through his eyebrows, directly strangling him in the sea of ​​spirit!

"Leader!" Some alliance members directly exclaimed and lost their voice.





Gu Qingqiu screamed. He has practiced the "War Classics" and it is impossible to kill him with ordinary means. But now, his entire spirit sea has been twisted into a paste, and his soul has also been horrified. Ling Yun's coercion suppressed him, he felt that as long as he died physically, his soul would not be able to escape this **** ghost!

The scene is extremely terrifying. More than one hundred people in the Sky-Sky Alliance watched Gu Qingqiu's face black and blue, his seven orifices bleeding, and finally his eyes looked like a dead fish—

"My Shadow Palace, declare war on the Sky Alliance today!" Su Jin used the voice of the Lord of Shadow Stream to spread across the entire Yuxing Slope.

Shadow Palace!

Shadow Palace again!

Gu Qingqiu's spirit is screaming sharply, and other alliance members are also gritting their teeth. What is the origin of this Shadow Palace! When they came to the Forest of Heaven, many powerhouses reminded them of the Sky Alliance, to be careful of a force called the Shadow Palace when entering the Forest of Heaven. I didn't expect the Shadow Palace to move their hands so quickly!

"Chasing down the Shadow Palace for me, chasing them until there is no one left!" Gu Qingqiu's spirit roared out of unwillingness. He did not expect that he had chosen to enjoy the starlight on this bathing slope, but he would fall in a blink of an eye. it's here!

Gu Qingqiu's body began to glow, and a series of bronze scriptures were rapidly exploding with his body!

Su Jin smiled faintly, got up and embraced the slender waist of the Requiem Speaker, and left directly—

After walking thousands of miles away without leaving a trace, Su Jin put down the Requiem Whisperer and said calmly: "People should appear."

The Requiem Whisperer's body stiffened, her mind was blank, and an inexplicable complexity emerged in her heart!

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a game carefully arranged by Ye Di!

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