My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3041: A big pot that can't be lifted

The remaining members of the Sky Alliance are all stupid on the spot——

The sudden death of Gu Qingqiu, the lord, directly caught them off guard. Who would have thought that, as an alliance of more than one hundred forces, they would be so embarrassed by a shadow palace. If this matter is tolerated, what else is there in the Sky Alliance? Face-to-face?

"Shadow Hall, what a Shadow Hall!" There is an old man with the name Xuancang Master, with a gray beard, and a ray of light burst out of his eyes. He wanted to find Su Jin's trail, but found that there was nowhere to look.

"The matter of the bones of the sky has not yet been settled, but the leader has fallen first. From now on I am afraid that the Xuancang master will temporarily take the position of the leader, otherwise the dragons will have no leader and it will be difficult to avenge the leader!"

"Yes, I agree to Master Xuancang being the acting leader!"


When the Sky Alliance was in chaos, the void at Yuxing Slope fluctuated——

The three forces of Star Sect Master, Lion Camel God Race, and Eternal God Sect are all present!

The old monk of Kongshi and Liuyuan Tiansheng looked around, their expressions a little unkind.

"You have just seen the movie master--" the lion camel patriarch asked with red eyes, staring at the Sky Alliance and more than a hundred people.

"The lord of the Shadow Stream just killed our leader Gu Qingqiu! The people in his Shadow Palace are all rats, all relying on the shameless concealing magic method, which is unpredictable! Everyone, I think he should be nearby!" Master Xuan Cang immediately arched his hand to Sect Master Xing and the others.

Sect Master Xing’s expression has never been better, how could he have imagined that Master Shanzhen would be from the Shadow Palace!

Just now, the Six Yuan Tiansheng used the secret method to derive a picture, and the Shanzhen Mage met the Lord of Shadow Stream! And neither of them knew the fate of Yun Feiyao and the Little Lion!

"That Shanzhen Mage must be the shadow incarnation condensed by the shadow master using the shadow school book! It's ridiculous, you still say that his power is unfathomable! Don't you know the role of the shadow school book?" Kongshi old monk sneered. .

"The matter is here, arguing is useless, the shadow master has the shadow school book, if he wants to run, even I can't track it." Liuyuan Tiansheng glanced at several people.

"Don't you just wait like this?" The lion camel clan was so angry that he went crazy. If the little lion man fell, how could he explain to the old lion at home?

"Don't worry, there must be a way--" Xingzong took a deep breath, "It really doesn't work, I Feixun passed the book to my father. He is proficient in Tianyan, and he will surely be able to pick out the movie master."


Just when the forces were anxious, less than a quarter of an hour, a great hall suddenly descended from a position west of Yuxing Slope, and with the appearance of this temple, it instantly attracted everyone's attention!

Shadow Palace! The shadow hall comes, and the person standing on it is not the shadow master?

"Shadow lord! You are looking for death!!" Two beams of demon light spewed from the eyes of the lion camel patriarch, almost without waiting for the shadow lord to speak, it jumped away in one step, and then a huge lion ancestor soul appeared.

"Lion camel patriarch listen to me to explain!" The shadow master was aggrieved to death, but fortunately, his speed in the shadow hall was good, and he directly avoided a claw attack from the lion ancestor soul!


Sect Master Xing's temper also exploded in an instant. He appeared behind the Lord of Shadow Stream in one step, pinched a handprint when slapped with his right hand, and immediately condensed into a mysterious star-controlling array.

"Where are the descendants of my clan!" The lion camel patriarch approached directly, and when he roared, a terrible sound almost overturned the entire shadow hall!

Bang bang bang! The lion camel patriarch was anxious and desperate! In an instant, the entire Yuxing Slope was covered with golden lion shadows. This was a killer move of his lion camel clan, and the lion shadow blocked all directions!

Sect Master Xing was a little worried. If Patriarch Lion Camel killed the movie owner like this, how would he find his daughter?

"My Shadow Palace never participated in this matter!" The Lord of Shadow Stream's face was pale, he was also uncomfortable under the attack of Patriarch Lion and Camel, and he had already suffered some minor injuries.

"You didn't participate? Do you really think of us as fools? You just killed our leader Gu Qingqiu!" Xuan Cang Master Huo Dao.

"I didn't! I just rushed over from a remote wasteland--" The movie master was hurt and breathed, almost vomiting blood.


Who put this big pot that was enough to destroy the Shadow Palace on his head?

"Haha, no? Do you still dare to quibble now? Then I ask you, in the world, is the Shadow School Heavenly Book only you?" Master Xuan Cang asked loudly.

"Yes, the shadow school book is the highest book of my shadow palace. If you can't grasp the aura of the heavens, you will naturally not be able to learn the second and third magic." The shadow master didn't even think about it, and quickly avoided several golden lion shadows. Tao.

"That is to say, only you can perform the Three Thousand Shadows——" Master Xuancang's voice was cold.


"Then what are you going to pretend?" Master Xuancang said loudly again: "Everyone! Look! This is the face of the Shadow Palace! This shadow master, who was on the edge of the Sky Forest not long ago, performed three thousand shadow illusions. In one fell swoop, more than 80 forces including the'Zhanzong', the'Blood Spirit Gate', and the'Bone Yin Clan' were slaughtered!"

After all, Master Xuan Cang waved his hand directly, and there was a stone of memory in his hand, and the scene in this stone was also manifested in the void!

The movie master stunned——

That magical technique that encloses more than 80 forces on a large scale, isn't it his three thousand shadow fantasy? This magical technique cannot be faked at all! At least those black thunders and the aura of heaven all over the earth could not be formed by illusions.

what happened? !

The movie owner began to doubt his life, and did not wake up after a long time. Why did his only shadow school book of heaven have such an unthinkable situation?

"Impossible! This is impossible!" The shadow master suddenly sullen and roared everywhere.

He can't explain, he can't argue with a hundred words!

The only explanation is that someone impersonated him! But who would believe it now? Just now, I personally admitted that only I can do "Book of Shadows"!


This is ridiculous!

At this moment, the Requiem Whisperer's face was pale. Although her beautiful face was hidden in the cloak, she couldn't help but bowed her head deeply. She was scared of Ye Di's calculations, but she never thought that Ye Di could do it. To this point! This... is equivalent to using her feelings for the Shadow Palace!

In other words, the Requiem Whisperer secretly notified the shadow master of the location, so, under Su Jin's subtle calculations, she became the key to the destruction of the Shadow Palace!

"It's your turn--" Su Jin's tone seemed to be immortal, and he glanced at the Requiem Whisperer.

"Since the master counts that I will notify the movie owner, why... don't kill me..." The Requiem Whisperer trembled all over, and she felt that she could be beheaded to death by Ye Di at any time. This person is terrible.

"This king doesn't like waste. Even if you have a little value by my side, this king will not kill you. Remember, this is your last chance to redeem your merits. I think you should know how to do it." Su Jin said.

After a short silence, the Requiem Whisperer was in despair, and his eyes gradually became ruthless. This is practice, cruel practice! She informed the movie owner that it was nostalgia, and now the shadow palace has gone. She understands that she is now working for the emperor, and if she doesn't do it well, she will die!


The Requiem Whisperer no longer hesitated, and appeared directly on the **** of Yuxing with the flute. She said to the shadow master: "Master Shadow Master! Why should we be afraid of them in the Shadow Palace? We have a joint agreement with the sea **** , It is better to inform the **** of the sea and come and destroy them in one fell swoop!"

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