My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3042: Fight together!

Notify the sea god?

The Shadow Lord stared at the Requiem Whisperer, he felt something wrong, if it weren’t for this Shadow Envoy who was deeply trusted by him, it could be said that he would never come rashly—

Before, there was the rebellion of the goddess Baijinghu, and then the Requiem speaker...

"You..." The movie master hasn't finished saying the word'Dare'. When he saw the Requiem Whisperer flipped his hand and pulled out a signal salute, a shrill voice appeared, and a fire like a snake rushed up. Sky.


A colorful visual feast is blooming above the sky with fireworks that fill the void!

"The people who pervert the sea are coming. I don't know if the sea **** dare to come--" The lion camel patriarch joined forces with the star sect master. After all, the star sect master has control over the enemy, and it is the main attack. The whereabouts are still unknown, I am afraid that the shadow master has already fallen!

"Everyone! This is quite weird. Someone must pretend to be me. Please allow me to explain--" The Shadow Master gritted his teeth with hatred, and hurriedly shouted at Sect Master Xing and Patriarch Lion and Camel.

"You dare to be hard-headed! Just now you and this woman killed our leader!" Master Xuan Cang couldn't help but wanted to take down the Requiem Whisperer wearing the cloak.

"Master Shade Master." Shi Lingji stood up and smiled: "I also feel that this matter is weird, but if Master Shade Master can explain one thing, we Eternal God Sect can mediate a little bit."

"Girl, please." The film master replied.

"Before coming to Yuxing Slope, I received the news that King Suan of Chaos Tiandao invited great powers. Among them, the sea gods who have friendship with you are very willing, but why your Shadow Palace refused to participate?" Shi Lingji asked.

The corner of the shadow master's mouth twitched----

This Shi Lingji not only looks outstanding, but also asks harshly.

How can the movie owner answer this question? Could it be because he was afraid of Ye Di and just wanted to hide the Shadow Palace far away? If this is answered, the Shadow Palace will make a bigger laugh, it is better to carry this scapegoat!

"I...can't answer." The shadow master sighed and replied directly.

Shi Lingji's face showed a regretful expression, and she stopped asking questions, and immediately retreated to Liu Yuantian Saint's body.

"This king will ask you one more sentence, will I hand over the descendants of my clan?" Seeing the movie lord's various defenses, the lion camel patriarch couldn't explain why, and his patience had reached the limit immediately.

"If my daughter has three longs and two shorts, there is no need for your Shadow Palace to exist!" Sect Master Xing's anger is not much better.

"I'm afraid I will disappoint you, that little lion man and little princess of Xingzong have been killed by the movie master!" When the Requiem Whisperer shouted out, her figure was already regressing at a rapid speed. She was extremely smart and rushed directly there. The shadow hall, left directly around.

just now……

Sect Master Xing and Patriarch Lion and Camel were already there-

Think about the unruly girl who was still alive not long ago, but now she was shocked by the bad news and was cut by the movie master...! Sect Master Xing's expression became more and more ferocious, and the sky-lifting momentum appeared from him!

"Your shadow palace, it should be destroyed!" The lion camel patriarch almost fainted on the spot, and then he didn't even consider keeping his hands anymore. At this moment, he wished to use 1% of his strength to destroy the movie master!

"Calm down! Calm down!" Sect Master Xing's pressure soared, and he shouted.

"Everyone, can you look at my face and give the movie owner a chance?" When the movie owner was struggling, a dark blue wave passed down in the sky. Who is the **** of the sea?



People are dead!

The lion camel had a violent temper, and shouted: "Sect Master Xing, you deal with the shadow lord, I will tear up this minotaur!!"

Fight, even the sea god—

Poor Tian Qinghai Niu didn't understand what was going on, so he was involved. This lion camel protoss is not a joke! Regardless of its large area of ​​the evil sea, but there is still an old lion in the family of the lion camel protoss!

Boom boom boom! The lion camel patriarch rushed to the sky and killed the Qinghai cow, and a shining golden lion shadow seemed to have evolved into a behemoth that swallowed the sky! Tian Qinghai Niu had a bad temper, thinking that he would be beaten when he first came.

A wave of fierce might, as if directly returning Yu Xingpo back to the era of ancient **** wars, the sweep of the gods, the momentum is suffocating, the movie master heard the roar of the Qinghai cow, and the anger in his heart was also Be ignited!

Sect Master Xing gave a bad cry, and when he saw his sleepy formation, the body of the Lord of Shadow Stream turned into a bit of light and disappeared!

"You... deceive people too much!" At the highest point of the entire shadow hall, there was a sudden, stiff voice. From the naked eye, I could faintly see a blue sarcophagus translated from the highest floor of the shadow hall. The blue sarcophagus had stars on it. At this time, the stars in the sky seemed to condense around the sarcophagus, lighting up the star map of the entire coffin.

"Shadow incarnation." Sect Master Xing looked cold.

The shadow lord who had just been trapped was actually a shadow incarnation. The deity of the lord of the shadow stream was probably in the sarcophagus. For some reason, Sect Master Xing actually had pressure in his heart. According to the previous, he believed that his strength was far behind. Above the Lord, but that is only for the shadow incarnation. After all, the mysteriousness of the shadow school book is difficult to distinguish the real body from the fake body——

It's different now, the master of the shadow stream will soon appear in this world, how much strength it has, Sect Master Xing has no bottom!

At this time, there was a secretly laughing person, thousands of miles away--

Su Jin was in a very happy mood, the shadow master was indeed the shadow incarnation, and the Requiem Whisperer was smarter than he thought, knowing how to choose, and knowing who to talk with is more promising!

"Master." The Requiem Whisperer appeared beside Su Jin.

"You did a good job, the lion camel patriarch is really tough, and he even pulled out the magic sword." Su Jin nodded with satisfaction.

"The master of the night emperor's strategy shocked Xiaoyu as a heavenly man, and the goddess of Baijing Lake did not see the wrong person. Maybe...her choice was the right one." The Requiem Whisperer said.

"Haha, look, the sky blue sea cow is going to be real, and one of its horns is still in my hands." Su Jin looked at the color on the sea god's body, and immediately laughed.

The Requiem Whisperer couldn't help but look at Su Jin a few more times-

The master of the night emperor is really different from the ordinary strong. You don't need to control your emotions and anger. Unlike the movie master, since she joined the Shadow Palace, she has always had that face.

"You... are forcing me--" The shadow master's voice was slowly drifting away from the shadow hall, drifting towards the position where Sect Master Xing was standing.


The sea **** could no longer hold the slashing and killing of the lion camel chief, and directly displayed the real body of the sky green manatee. The air wave rolled and rolled, but the angry chief lion camel didn't care at all, and he was still fighting with the sea god. together!

"What kind of knife are you!" Tian Qinghai Niu's belly was easily cut open by the strangely shaped magic knife. Although the wound was not fatal, it still couldn't believe it if the knife hurt it seriously!

"Kill--" The lion camel patriarch was crazy, and he didn't respond as if he had been enchanted.

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