My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3043: A fierce battle!

Facing the crazy behavior of the lion camel patriarch, Tian Qing Hai Niu had to curse silently--

To be honest, the magic sword controlled by the lion camel patriarch, Tianqinghai Niu faintly felt that this sword had a lot of origin, and it felt like the legendary ‘dragon bird blood inflammation’! This knife has a sparrow head on the handle, and there are strips of red veins on the knife like human meridians, and only a small amount of divine power is needed to activate the demon flames that can weaken the enemy's defenses and cause fatal damage!

"Under my dragon bird, I have been able to cut more than a hundred times, and there is almost no enemy in one! Today I am drinking the blood of the sword, and I am afraid that the Sifang Seagod will be missing one!" The lion camel urged the red knife shadow, repeatedly cut There were a few blows.

"If it weren't for this knife, how could I avoid you, Lao Niu! What is your ability to rely on the profit of a fierce thing?" Tian Qing Hai Niu was very jealous of the dragon sparrow blood inflammation and was quite aggrieved.

Just imagine how many years it has been the **** of the sea, the "evil through the sea"?

Can you not be frustrated now? Not long ago, Ye Di combined a sky crane and took away a horn. The other three sea gods are still making fun of it! But when I wanted to be ashamed of this chaotic Tiandao event, who wanted to be beaten again!

"The king wants to teach and teach, what is your sea god!" The lion camel patriarch is also a hard-tempered, after all, there are people from the Sky Alliance watching below, and immediately put away the dragon bird, fangs and claws toward the sky green manatee After tearing it up, looking at that posture, it really meant to tear the sea god.

Sect Master Star is very vigilant now--

Just now the shadow incarnation of the Lord of the Shadow Stream disappeared, and no one would have thought that the real shadow master would hide in a sarcophagus, and this sarcophagus had an extraordinary breath.

"District movie master, there is no room for you to be presumptuous--" Liu Yuan Tiansheng's voice came out.

Sect Master Xing's pressure dropped sharply, but he had forgotten that there was a strong creator behind him, so he didn't have any scruples.

"Liu Yuan Tiansheng, you also want to be an enemy of my Shadow Palace?" The voice of the Lord of Shadow Stream contained anger.

"Are you worthy?" Liu Yuan Tiansheng stared at a pair of watery eyes.

"Well, you movie master! If I didn't read it right, this coffin is an ancient star coffin, this coffin can gather the yin and yang of the living dead, you used the shadow incarnation to kill you before, just want to use the coffin... to raise you Divine body!" Master Xuan Cang burst out quickly.

"That's it, what you say is what... Six Yuan Tiansheng, you said that my Shadow Palace is not worthy, that's good... the juniors are brave and want to ask you for some advice!" The same voice of the movie host is cold, already suffocated to the extreme .

These people dunked him a big pot for no reason, and they are still insulting him, even if they are clay figurines, they still have three points of fire! The movie owner felt that his personality had been severely discriminated against, and he was going to challenge Liu Yuan Tiansheng directly!

There are more than one hundred people in the Tongtian Alliance. At this moment, there was a monk who elected Master Xuancang as the leader of the alliance. He quietly asked, "Master Xuancang, does this star coffin really have the power to suppress yin and yang?"

"Fart Zhenyin and Yang, the old man just wants to add fire, no matter what, this guy beheaded the leader and killed so many creatures, today I can't let him go anyway." Master Xuancang said.

This word spread, and the people in the Sky Alliance suddenly boasted--

Seeing the increasingly lively scene, Su Jin looked up at the void in the distance, feeling that there was another horror in this battle. He thought about it, and said directly to the Requiem Whisperer: "Let's go--"

"Master does not see the result of this battle?" the Requiem Whisperer asked.

"I said I can expect the result, do you believe it?" Su Jin glanced at the Requiem Whisperer.

"Uh--" The Requiem Whisperer took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed curiosity, and did not ask any more.

"Hundred secrets must have a sparse, even if I will design again, but there are some force majeure flaws, they will understand when they want to detect it, and the big forces on this trip are fierce, it is impossible for King Su Jin to ignore." Su Jin shook his head and quietly opened one. The Void Passage directly led the Requiem Whisperer to leave and returned to the'Not Envy Immortal Valley'.

The stars are clear and the wind is clear, and wisps of white smoke drifting across the lake——

Su Jin looked at the rising Zi Yun, feeling that the sky would be bright in less than half an hour, he pondered, directly manifested the town demon tower, and released the little lion man.

"Who are you! You are so bold! Do you know who I am? I am—" A few flames rose in the eyes of the little lion man, but even though it was out of the demon tower, the pressure of the demon tower was still dead. The death suppressed it, making it difficult to move.

"You are the inheritor of the Lion and Camel Protoss, the future king." Su Jin took it.

The little lion man was taken aback for a moment, looking at the strange young man in his eyes, he recalled carefully, but no matter how he racked his brains, he couldn't figure out when he offended him.

"You know that I am a member of the Lion Camel Protoss, do you dare to catch me?" The little lion man's arrogance quietly disappeared.

"It's you who caught you." Su Jin laughed, "Don't be nervous, I have a friend's daughter who has just taken the new king. I caught you because I want to take you to meet her."

"Just knowing?" The little lion man didn't believe it, he always felt that Su Jin's words had other meanings, but he couldn't figure out where the problem was.

"She is so lonely, she suddenly became the king, she must be very uncomfortable, so I want you to play with her——" Su Jin said seriously.

The Requiem Whisperer had looked in his eyes from the beginning. When he heard this, he couldn't help covering the mouth of the cherry blossom in the cloak with his little hand. This little lion man's IQ was really...low!

"You! You let me be someone else's slave!" The little lion man's eyes were fierce, and he finally understood!

"Wrong, it's the mount—"

As soon as Su Jin's words fell, he directly stretched out his hand, and he immediately plunged into a sea of ​​Buddha's light. He sighed, sat down cross-legged, and personally recited the immeasurable Buddhist scriptures.

The Requiem Whisperer looked in his eyes and only felt that the little lion man was submerged in the Buddha's light. It was clearly roaring and struggling, but there was no sound from it.

The master wanted... the Requiem Whisperer was secretly surprised!

From the Requiem speaker's point of view, Su Jin wanted to trace the origin of this lion camel protoss to an uncivilized lion camel state!


Three hours later, an extremely beautiful lion has already come into view-

Behind this lion is a ‘humped hump’, as if it is the best mount in nature, and the golden glaze hair makes it almost impossible to look away!

It used to be... the little lion-

The Requiem speaker was stunned.

"Today, if you follow the new master, if you serve her to her next position, the soul seal will naturally be unlocked, and there is still a great opportunity waiting for you. Go, go to Snake-Man City and find the new Snake-Man Queen——" Su Jin Faintly said to this little lion.


Following the direction Su Jin was pointing, the little lion camel turned into a golden light and went straight to the Snake Man City.

"I don't know what the result of last night's battle was." The Requiem Whisperer slowly smiled at this time.

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