My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3044: Go to the meeting alone!

Regarding the fight between the Xingzong and other forces last night, Su Jin himself had no time to consider the cause of the Little Lion, but he still needed to pay attention.

Su Jin snapped his fingers lightly--

The Requiem Whisperer's petite figure suddenly shook. Seeing the white mirror lake goddess, she naturally understood something in her heart. Ye Di must have sent her to investigate.

"There was no winner last night." The goddess Bai Jinghu opened her mouth lightly, and the news that came with it was very surprising.

"How could it--" The Requiem Whisperer was a little unbelievable, and even shouted impossibly in his heart!

Two forces, one camp is the Star Sect, the Lion Camel Protoss, the Sky Alliance, and even the Six Yuan Heavenly Sage of the Eternal God Sect. Those are powerful creations, and the Shadow Palace only has only one evil sea god, this kind of strength The gap is hard to make up.

"It seems that on a whim, I touched a big fish and continued." Su Jin squinted and smiled.

"The shadow lord broke out of the coffin, and his strength has reached the edge of the creation realm. He was originally at a great disadvantage, but after calling out the'Shadow School Book', he destroyed the book and swallowed all the heavenly spirit and the ancestor Yuanling. Now, the shadow master is already a strong creation realm." The goddess Bai Jinghu said.

The Requiem Whisperer has been stunned--

The Lord of Shadow Stream had successfully promoted to the power of creation. Sure enough, Sect Master Xing was naturally not in his eyes. At that time, there was only one creature of Six Yuan Tiansheng, and it might really be impossible to tell the winner.

"Sect Master Xing, Patriarch Lion and Camel was severely injured. Later, the Six Yuan Heavenly Sage took action and hit the shadow lord severely. The shadow lord used the third divine method of the Shadow School Book of Heaven to cut through the old monk of Kongshi’s'Golden Glass and Jade Buddha Body'. Become famous in World War I." The goddess Bai Jinghu said solemnly.

Originally, the lord of the shadow stream was regarded as a hero in the beast forest, but looking at the surrounding thousands of realms, he was equivalent to a landlord. Very few people knew about it. However, under this battle, all the people who came to Chaos Tiandao were all Knowing that a super strong man named Lord of Shadow Stream was born.

"Sixty-six, this is simply the history of a strong man." Su Jin squinted his eyes and said: "Later, I guess, like a grandson, King Sushou came to meet the movie master and reconcile the contradictions."

"Not only that, but there is one more thing that you would never think of—" said the goddess of Baijing Lake.

"What's unexpected? Isn't it because the movie owner admitted that he did the previous killings." Su Jin said lightly.

"How do you know!" The goddess of Baijing Lake was taken aback.

"I blamed him on the matter. Since he couldn't explain it, he simply took it by himself. Anyway, the movie master thinks he is very powerful now, and he doesn't care." Su Jin smiled.

The Requiem Whisperer felt a little uncomfortable in his heart--

If the shadow lord came yesterday, she would be the strong creation, she must have directly opposed Yedi, and now that the old lord is offended, the old lord is far stronger than her, and she has become the strong creation!

"The blood tide on the Chaotian Island is going to disperse, and the communication of the old King Suo has worked. This trip is very dangerous. It is better to get out of the beast forest and stop attending the appointment." said the goddess of Baijing Lake.

"What are you afraid of? It's just the creation realm. This king has the means to cut the creation." Su Jin stretched out and stood up.

He saw that Buxian Immortal Valley was getting lively, Yao'er, Xiaotongtian, Qiu Dakui, and Feng Zifei were all there. To be honest, they never returned and did not return to Linlangshen. What is the result.

Although it was a short sentence, the Requiem Whisperer felt that when Ye Di said that he had the ability to cut creations, his tone revealed an unimaginable confidence——

how is this possible? Yedi can cut creations is a foolish dream! The Requiem Whisperer was calm and powerless, and now she has no way to go. After all, yesterday in front of the real shadow master, she was directly against the water, or the kind of backwater that left no room for it!

Do not envy the fairy valley, on the sacred mountain to the north——

Su Jin watched Zihua illuminate the top of the mountain. There was a broken-winged pine on the top of the mountain. Feng Qingtian was dressed in plain clothes. She has not worn a crown since she resigned as the queen. Although she lost three points of nobility, she added another kind of extremely precious. The beauty of temperament.

"Ye Di, when will you go back?" Qiu Da Kui couldn't help asking.

"When the grievances are over, we will leave." Su Jin said indifferently, "Besides, this will be the residence of my Eternal Palace in the future, and it will be no different from my home. How about going back and saying--"

"The Hundred Realms Meeting is over. We don't know what kind of rankings we got. It's good for you. Once you became famous in the beast forest, my father is still waiting for us." Qiu Dakui is depressed. Tao.

"What happened to the old father-in-law waiting for his son-in-law, what's the matter?" Su Jin Meiyu asked back.

Okui immediately puffed up her cheeks. Because of her hot temper, she couldn't help but make a big red face. She immediately turned her head and said: "You are necrotic, huh!"

"During this time, although we did not follow you, we met an old tree demon in the beast forest and heard of your deeds." Little Tongtian said slowly.

"Brother, go to Chaos Tiandao, are you really sure?" Yao'er said worriedly.

"Of course—" Su Jin straightened his waist, "Of course I'm not sure—"

Everyone: "..."

Su Jin drove everyone away, and on the sacred mountain to the north, Lone Goose and Cangshan Snow also appeared on it, and it seemed that they had a good chat with Feng Qingtian.

He didn't want to be disturbed, because Chao Tiandao's appointment was less than a day away.

A quarter of an hour later, Su Jin's figure disappeared in the Immortal Valley of Buxian. He walked all the way north to the void, until he reached the void guarded by the Golden Ape King and Fenqin Tianhe.

"Uncle Wang——" Su Jin greeted the Golden Ancient Ape King.

"When will you set off to Chaotian Island?" asked the Golden Ape King.

"Tentatively tomorrow morning." Su Jin nodded.

"Our holy ape clan, all come out of the nest and accompany you to the appointment." The golden ancient ape king said with a rather solemn expression.

"No, I am enough." Su Jin's tone was very calm.

"Little guy, are you crazy?" The huge body of Mount Baimei trembled when Su Jin said this.

"If I can't do it alone, no matter how many people I bring, I will just die—" Su Jin shook his head and said, "I need your help on this trip—"

"What's busy?" Daer Sanzang asked.

"Do you have anyone who is proficient in the forbidden gods, or someone who knows it, help me set up a world-shattering **** formation for the Immortal Valley of Buxian." Su Jin looked at the blood-stained white tiger, and then at the Big Ear Sanzang Dao.

Fenqin Tianhe said: "That's simple, my formation attainments are considered the highest among us, so let's not as good as a few of us condensed souls, set up a quadrangular array of beasts in Immortal Valley, even if it's a creation. It is difficult for the strong to enter."

"Yes!" Xuewen Baihu directly agreed.

"Please." Su Jin took Fenqin Tianhe and walked directly towards the Immortal Valley of Buxian. On the way, he also specifically said: "The way to get out of the battle at that time, I will inform the people in Valley after the Chaos Tiandao group is over."

"Are you really going to the meeting alone?" Fen Qin Tianhe's pleasant voice contained a trace of incomprehension.

That's right!

Go to the meeting alone!

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