My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3051: You dare to compete!


The old monk of Kongshi knows his tongue. From the perspective of the Buddhist family, he thinks that Yedi’s hands are stained with blood, which is naturally a big evil. But from the perspective of monks, Yedi is not wrong at all. A world where the weak can eat the strong.

The strong live, the weak die!

"Unexpectedly, Ye Di is still a eloquent person. Lao Na is so proficient in Buddhism. It is not as good as you and me. If Lao Na is defeated, turn his head and leave, never stepping into this place forever! How about?" The old monk of Kongshi didn't get angry and asked slowly.

"You... don't deserve--" Su Jin responded.

The old monk of Kongshi suddenly vomited a little golden light in his eyes. The emperor of the night is really a big tone. Not to mention it, it is here that he is second in terms of Buddhism and Taoism, and no one dares to recognize the first! Don't say it's a Buddha, even a clay figurine is going to be angry now, he actually said he was unworthy!

"Can you really dispel my inner demon?" Shi Lingji poked her head behind Liuyuan Tiansheng and asked calmly.

Su Jin glanced at her, only to feel that this woman’s heart demon was a little weird. I remember that when I saw her before, she was not the temperament she is now. She is like a person with several personalities. Shi Lingji now has a little bit of charm and the most. But it is cold, the kind that is cold to the bones--

"No time, maybe in the future..." Su Jin sneered.

Liuyuan Tiansheng heard this, and there was a strange color in his pupils. It seems that Yedi is still very confident, confident that he can heal his great-granddaughter!

But how is this possible?

Strong as the old monk of empty consciousness, they are helpless against her mind demon, saying that they are unsolvable mind demon, empty consciousness is not good, and Ye Di can do it? Isn't this nonsense?

"Everyone sells me a lot of face, and before King Suan comes, let me talk to Ye Di?" Although Liu Yuan Tiansheng is old, his voice is still loud and loud and spread all over the world.

Who would dare not give the face of Liuyuan Tiansheng?

Even the lion camel patriarch, who is now raging into the sky, has to suppress his arrogance and can only suppress the pressure of anger, not dare to say no.

"Grandpa, it's my own business, I make the decision by myself--" Shi Lingji exuded an icy-white chill, trying to walk towards Su Jin, but then was stopped by Liu Yuan Tiansheng.

"Ye Di, how about making a deal?" Liu Yuan Tiansheng asked.

"Deal?" Su Jin squinted, exclaiming inwardly.

"Yes, as long as you cure my great-granddaughter, I will protect the female doll below, and protect your relatives in the mountains. You have to believe that I can do it. After all, the old man is still somewhat popular—" Liu Yuan Tiansheng's tone was very calm.

this is……

Direct threat?

Use Feng Qingtian as a threat, and use the people in the Immortal Valley as a threat to use as capital to trade with yourself!

"You are crazy! If Ye Di procrastinates, you will not dare to take risks, then who can move him here?" Kongshi old monk said with an ugly face.

"The life of my great-granddaughter is more important than the bones of the sky! More important than anything in the world!" Liu Yuan Tiansheng was a little angry, "If you are really capable, why haven't you cured it?"

"I--" The old monk of Kongshi suddenly darkened his face, and his angry body trembled.

"Calm down, everyone, there are still some trivial things in my Star Sect. Hope Ye Di can give you an answer." Sect Master Xing wiped a cold sweat on his forehead with his hand, walked out and looked at Su Jin and said: "Ye Di, our Star Sect Although it is because of your bones, we have never had a conflict from beginning to end. We still hope to tell the whereabouts of the little girl. I promise in the name of Xingzong. As long as I see her safe and sound, I will set off immediately and take her back to the school. Participate in Tiangu!"

"Wait—" Su Jin's expression was strange, and he slowly said to Sect Master Xing: "I found out, do you guys use these bullshits? As the saying goes, people die like a lamp, and since I came, I didn't plan to live. Leave! Who cares about your life and death?"

That's it!

Sect Master Xing had a bitter face. He didn't expect that Ye Di was really stubborn, but he was a stubborn character. Talking about it, making troubles, the truth is one after another. Don’t talk about other things, others say There's really a three-pointed truth--

"What does Ye Di want?" Sect Master Xing asked.

"You want to take my celestial bones, let me go! This king's trip is to destroy the Sushou clan, no matter what the king does or not, he should not do things with me. You intervene!" Su Jin said proudly.

"I make a guarantee--" Liuyuan Tiansheng said coldly: "As long as you Ye Di can prove that there is a Dharma stronger than the empty consciousness, I will guarantee that you will not be disturbed by them before the battle with the Suan Clan!"

"Need your guarantee?" Su Jin smiled contemptuously.

"Little guy, don't be too much, this is my biggest concession." Liu Yuan Tiansheng said with an unhappy expression.

"Slow! Senior Heavenly Sage is saying everything, but I also need an answer!" The lion camel patriarch couldn't help it, and roared: "My old lion is coming soon, you Ye Di quickly say, after all What happened to my inheritor?!"

"Of course it was chopped into mashed meat and fed to the dog, what else?" Su Jin raised his eyebrows and sprayed back directly.

"You are looking for death!!" The lion camel patriarch was furious, and instantly revealed the origin of the lion camel, turned into a giant lion camel, and rushed over.

"Get off!" Su Jin took a step left, pushing one palm forward.

Suddenly, a giant blood palm condensed by divine power, burning with magic fire, directly met the lion camel!

Boom~~~ With a great muffled sound, the longevity of the lion camel tribe was shaken back hundreds of miles by the clutch!

Many monks who were watching from afar were immediately moved, and I really didn't expect that after the emperor Ye had performed such a strong blow before, he would be able to repel the lion camel power!

"Enough, it doesn't matter when your old lion comes, now only the little friend Ye Di proves that Dharma is better than empty knowledge, he will be safe before the battle with the 狻猊 clan." Liu Yuan Tiansheng took a deep look at the lion. The head of the camel is very threatening.

The old monk of Kongshi is full of fighting spirit now, Liuyuan Tiansheng is in front of so many people, running against him with weak Dharma. This is simply more uncomfortable than a slap on him, and he also needs a Dharma competition to prove himself! !

"You dare to compete!" The old monk of Kongshi was eager to breathe fire, and stood a few steps again, staring at Su Jin, and asking loudly!

"Why don't you dare?!" Su Jin also aroused fire.

"Okay! My Kongshi, practicing the Thousand Ages of Buddhism, there are countless incense sticks, you can't even compare to you if you don't believe me!" The anger of the old monk of Kongshi erupted completely, and he could barely say, sitting cross-legged in the void, strong. From the moment he sat down, Fo Guang directly rendered the sky and covered the animal forest!

The difference is that Su Jin's face is calm, and he walks directly in the direction where the Kongshi old monk sat down——

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