My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3052: Big Chiba Palm vs Aquarius Handprint

If it weren't for Ye Di's fierce fame, who would dare to believe that the opponent who competed with him at this moment could be the old monk of Kongshi?

This emptiness didn’t say anything just now. He cultivated the Thousand-Life Buddha and cast the body into a'thousand-world golden body' long ago, and many powerful people said that this golden body is unbreakable!

Now Kong Shi sits cross-legged, Ye Di is walking towards the old monk with dazzling golden light, his heart is the same as his expression at this time, calm!

"I admit that your Buddhism and Taoism cultivation is very strong, stronger than any master I have ever seen——" Su Jin did not stop, looked at the old monk indifferently, and continued: "Buddha strength is certainly true. It is important, but the realm of Buddha cultivation is the most important thing. You rely on the power of the Buddha, but the mind of the Buddha state has deviated too far, so... you are really a bit tricky when you compete with me."

After speaking, Su Jin, who was walking, also slowly burst into golden light!

This kind of golden light seems to be similar to the color of Buddha power displayed by the old monk of Kongshi, but if someone observes carefully, you will find that the Buddha light emitted from the night emperor seems to be purer and more natural, and it does not violate the harmony. sense.

"Wow--" The cultivator in the Forest of Heaven was crowded at the moment, almost all of them were excited.

The old monk of Kongshi, condensed the golden body, his ‘golden body for a thousand generations’!

And Yedi actually exhibited a golden body of Buddhism and Taoism. Even if it is not a person of Buddhism and Taoism, this golden body can feel an exceptionally different Buddhist charm——

I saw two golden Buddhas in one day. You must know that Buddha cultivation can cast a golden body, even in the heavens. Now I see two of them at once, which is almost 10 million lottery tickets with two dollars. So lucky!

The monks of the Eternal God Sect are all peeking at each other!

Liu Yuan Tiansheng’s expression was moved. He obviously did not expect Su Jin to be able to condense the golden body. Before he saw Su Jin’s shadow incarnation'Shenzhen', he thought it was he who mimicked it with weird means, but he didn't go there at all. A real Buddhist and Taoist master thinks about it, who knows that his true body is really amazing in Buddhist and Taoism!

After Su Jin displayed his true Buddhism and Taoism strength, the old monk of Kongshi couldn't help but sink. He felt far more real than others. The Buddha's prestige displayed by the emperor of the night made him feel pressure!

That's right!


Su Jin has just walked, but has taken a few steps, but every further step, the old monk of Kongshi feels like he is in the stormy sea. Even if he is confident of his own'thousand-life golden body', he can't help but put his contempt. heart of!

"Ye Di, be careful! This palm is my Mahayana palm print, the'Great Chiba Buddha Palm'!" The old monk Kongshi decided to preemptively, his hands suddenly changed, pinching the complex and complicated golden thread Buddhist scriptures, his handprints Almost to the point where people can't see the traces, the seal is successful in a blink of an eye!

Pieces of golden buddha leaves resembling maple leaves swept up from the surroundings of the old monk of Kongshi. These golden buddha leaves track mysteriously, and each leaf contains extremely strong Buddha charm. In the end tens of millions of buddha leaves seem to be A storm was rolled up around the old monk of Kongshi, and a huge mottled Buddha palm was condensed on top of his head!

If the purple sun in the sky now counts as the scorching sun, then the Buddha's prestige contained in this Buddha's palm seems to be able to shatter a star! This breath is amazing! Many people can't resist the Buddha's prestige of the old monk of Kongshi. They are constantly resisting in place, but under the influence of Buddha's prestige, even if their body does not move, they are still moving and retreating!

"You want to compare with me, then what do you compare with me? It depends on your ability to condense a golden body! If that is the case, you will definitely die today!" When the old monk of Kongshi was showing his power, his confidence suddenly burst.

Su Jin shook his head lightly and said lightly: "Since you are better than the Buddha seal, then I am not good to bully you, this seal, you are optimistic!"

After all, Su Jin is no longer showing off. With his current understanding of Buddhism and Taoism, there is a unique mysticism in performing any Buddhism. The handprints used by the old Buddhist monk reminded him of a Buddhist technique he had learned. !

Then Su Jin didn't have too many complicated concealments at all, he stopped directly, made a few seals with his hands, and moved up to the sky, and then a gorgeous golden light bottle appeared.

"This--" Liu Yuan Tiansheng looked a little worried. From the bottom of his heart, he hoped that Ye Di would win. After all, he wanted him, and so far, he feels hopeful!

"Look at me smashing your Buddha bottle!" The old monk from Kongshi sighed solemnly. On top of his head was a giant palm made of Buddha leaves, carrying an unparalleled bang, and squeezed it toward the mysterious Buddha bottle!

The giant palm composed of tens of millions of buddha leaves, as if embracing each other, boldly photographed on the treasure bottle!

There was no sound, no waves, the whole world seemed to stop moving at that moment! !

The old monk of Kongshi was filled with shock and sluggishness. He couldn't believe it, and slowly glanced at his hand. The "Big Chiba Buddha Palm" was shot on the Buddha bottle, and it was like a clod of soil, and it collapsed directly. Become a golden glow!

There is no expected effect, there is no sound of this blow, you know, even if it is a fart, it still sounds! ! There is not even a sound in my handprint!

"It's impossible! We are competing against the Dharma! What kind of monster method did you use!" The old monk Kongshi's face was red with liver, and he was extremely excited, and roared at Su Jin.

"You use the big Chiba Buddha palm, and I use the Aquarius Handprint. This is only a defense. If you attack and transform into the Aquarius Buddha Hand, your superior Buddha seal is not enough to see." Su Jin lightly nodded, as if to this. The defensive power of Aquarius Mahamudra is quite satisfactory.

"Your Buddha power is not as good as mine. You said you didn't use other magic arts, who would believe it?" Kongshi old monk was not convinced.

"Is it okay to have an old face? With your vision of emptiness and power, would you not be able to see that this king's large handprint belongs to the authentic Buddhism?" Su Jin asked back.

"I--" The old monk of Kongshi was so angry that he was still very unconvinced, and immediately said: "I haven't lost yet!"

Seeing that Su Jin acquiesced, the old monk of Kongshi placed his hands on his knees, and he exploded the power of the'thousand-world golden body' with all his strength, and the golden halo of the Buddha's Dao layer upon layer of his head even spread to the outer starry sky!

"A thousand generations of incense, a thousand generations of karma, all gather in my body!" The old monk of Kongshi broke out completely, and even used karma to strengthen himself, and his incense was reflected in the deep Buddha ring!

One, one thousand, ten thousand...The dense golden Buddha faces began to condense. These Buddha faces seemed to be outlined by gold threads. Each golden Buddha face seemed to appeal to the mottled vicissitudes of life. A flame condensed between the eyebrows of a Buddha's face, half gold and half red. This is probably the incense and karma that the old monk of Kongshi said!

In the end, the number of Buddha faces is not clear at all! At least hundreds of millions of dollars, a terrifying degree is rare in the world!

Su Jin's brows gradually became serious--

Liuyuantian Sage's heart jumped fiercely, and he looked at Su Jin very worried. After all, there are only a handful of people who can push the Kongshi old monk to this level!

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