My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3053: Qian Shiyi

The power of the old monk of Kongshi, Liuyuan Tiansheng is very clear--

Although Liuyuantian Sage is a powerful creation, it is not comparable to the old monk of Kongshi, but there is a very easy saying among the monks, that is,'It is difficult for a demon to transform a person into a Buddha, and it is difficult for a Buddha to cultivate.' He is already very close to the creation, and he is really cruel to fight. Who dares to underestimate him?

Now the emperor has provoke the old monk of Kongshi, and in the eyes of many people, he is already completely dead. As for the difference of the golden body, how can the golden body of the emperor be compared with the immortal golden body?

"Is this anxious? You are so eager for quick success and quick profit, and greedy is still important, so why don't you return to vulgarity earlier -" Su Jin stretched his brows and laughed.

"You are going to mess with my Buddha heart!" The old monk of Kongshi looked at Su Jin coldly. He wanted to see the scene where this junior was shaken into powder by himself, and he also believed that this scene was not far away!

"I said that you haven't broken the real Buddha realm. That realm is an artistic realm, a sentiment, and not the distinction of'Tianzun' and'creation' in your eyes." Su Jin said.

"When I die, I still talk about Buddhist principles to Lao Na. In my eyes, the winner is the truth!" Kongshi old monk said coldly.

Su Jin looked at the old monk of Kongshi with some sympathy. This old monk was extremely stupid, and he didn't want to explain more. One thing the other party said was correct. All things, the winner is king!

Kingly way, crush all truth!

At this moment, countless people's eyes focused on Su Jin, and now the old monk of Kongshi in the rage had already resorted to the strongest means! He used the power of the supreme merit and the supreme karma, combined with the thousand-life golden body, to destroy the emperor! Everyone wanted to know why Ye Di was so calm, did he really think that the old monk of Kongshi was a paper tiger that would only scare people?


Su Jin sighed lightly, and the lightning mark on the center of his eyebrows slowly opened, and wisps of burning golden light, as the wisdom Buddha pupil opened, shined in the world!

Buddhism, the Buddha pupil opened up by Buddhism?

Liu Yuan Tiansheng was surprised and inexplicable, and the night emperor gave him too many surprises, at least in the current competition with the Kongshi old monk, he has not fallen behind!


The dazzling golden light of Buddha's Taoism is everywhere in the Forest of Heaven, but the rumbling sound does not know where it came from!

"His eyebrows!" In the Era Temple on the northern edge of the battlefield, a mysterious strong man slowly spoke to remind others who were uncertain.

"This emperor is really a master of the world. He is right. Buddha cultivation should increase his own strength as the understanding of the Dharma increases. If the Buddha realm cannot keep up, even if there is more Buddha power, I am afraid it will be monotonous. Extremely, full of flaws." In the area of ​​gleaming silver light, many figures were talking head-to-head, and each of them showed a word'view' on their chest robes.

This is the person from "Guan Miao"!

"The Buddha opened three eyes, and there was a cloud of impenetrable Buddha suspended on the vertical pupils. From that cloud of Buddha, Buddha Ting was born, and it was ear-splitting." "Wonderful" this force walked out from the rear, tut amazed.

"The golden body of the old monk of Kongshi has not opened up the Buddha's vertical pupil, so you can see it immediately!" Someone said with some uncertainty.


Su Jin clasped his hands together, his temperament was aloof, and suddenly there was a golden light floating down in the surrounding space. When each golden light fell, it stopped slowly or quickly fell into the deep blue sand ridge, but afterwards After a few breaths, golden grains began to bloom!

Each lotus root turned into a golden light, as if taking the void as its home, began to sprout, while the lotus branches started from the golden seedlings, swaying slowly and growing, and soon, the lotus buds and golden colored glaze bloomed It's full!

"What kind of Buddhism are you!" The old monk of Kongshi's face changed drastically, his eyes seemed to be incredible.

"I perceive Buddhism through life and death. The Buddha body is not afraid of karma and no merit. In my eyes, one flower and one world, rooting is the beginning, rooting is the end, you cultivate good and evil, karma provokes the body, even if you have cultivated thousands of times, it is useless. !" Su Jin said calmly.

"Nonsense! The good is the hall of virtue, the evil is the **** of Maha, and the Buddha does not touch the karma, how can you overcome the people to be good! Which evil Buddha do you cultivate!" The old monk of Kongshi couldn't help but yelled in anger.

"What I cultivated... is the wheel of life and death, the way of the Buddha!"

As soon as Su Jin's voice fell, the marks of the six Buddhist beads gleamed from his left and right hands.

"Impossible! That Buddha king, went the wrong way! Long ago disappeared in the heavens!" The old monk Kongshi seemed to be frightened, and continued to speak, as if he could not hear the six words of the Buddha King of Life and Death. A word is average.

Su Jin needs to explain to him?

None of the golden Buddha lotus in the sky has withered, and even some lotus roots are constantly intertwined and connected together! Su Jin slowly raised his head and looked towards the sky with the wisdom Buddha pupil——

Rumble~~~ On top of the buddha lotus flowers, golden buddha clouds began to rise. These buddha clouds continued to rise, as if they were climbing the peak, all gathered in the sky!

These Buddha clouds are like the Buddha cloud floating above Su Jin's brow and wisdom Buddha pupil! It is just a Buddha cloud magnified countless times!


The golden Buddha Ting, surging surging, brazenly hacked at the old monk of Kongshi!

The golden body of the old monk of Kongshi suddenly trembled. Fortunately, his Buddha power was amazing. His power of condensing the merits and karma of a thousand generations blocked most of the power of this Buddha Ting!

"This is just...just a Buddha Ting." The old monk of Kongshi felt bad in his heart, but he was very, very unwilling. If he was defeated by a junior Buddha in full view, he might as well stretch his head to let him go. The opponent beheaded to death!

In other words, the old monk of Kongshi cannot afford to lose, let alone lose this person!

The old monk of Kongshi gritted his teeth fiercely and got up directly from the state of sitting cross-legged. He took off the patched Buddhist clothing on his body and threw it directly toward the cloud of Buddha in the sky!

"Buddha clothing Baina!" The old monk of Kongshi gave a heavy drink suddenly.

Don’t look at the broken clothes of this Buddha. In fact, the material is extraordinary. This is the beginning of his shaved in the first life and passed on to him by the master. That is to say, since then, he has been wearing this clothes, and he has cultivated this clothes into a thousand-life clothes. ', there is no power!

Sure enough, the old monk of Kongshi secretly rejoiced in his heart. When Qianshiyi unfolded, it was enough to cover the sky. Covering the clouds with Buddha clothing would naturally resolve this weird Buddha!

Of course, although his idea is good, the reality seems to have given him a hard ear!

Qian Shiyi looked like it was holding the cloud of Buddha, but the power of Buddha Ting has not diminished, and the frequency of falling on Qian Shiyi has also increased several times!


not good!

Qian Shiyi is missing!

Turned into the "Thousand World Clothes" that covered the Buddha's cloud, it was cut open by a bolt of thunder in the Buddha's cloud. Then, the old monk of Kongshi almost wanted to cry without tears. His Qianshiyi was split open. The big holes started one after another, and if this continues, it will be destroyed sooner or later!

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