My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3054: Such a strong Buddhist way!

Qian Shiyi is still in constant damage--

For the old monk of Kongshi, this is no longer piercing his heart, but as if a knife is cutting his heart! No matter how good the world’s divine treasure, but a divine object like Qian Shiyi, if it is destroyed, there will be no second one!


stop it!

The old monk of Kongshi was snarling at Su Jin like crazy. He regretted it. Even his personal face was far less precious than the "Thousand World Clothes". If he knew in advance, he would be so embarrassed, so he would bow his head. promise!

This Qian Shiyi is his life-like existence!

Ruined, all ruined! The old monk Kongshi was anxious, and soon his complexion became dull and froze on the spot! In the sky, that Qianshiyi turned into a little dust, and it is slowly falling down——


A large mouthful of blood mist sprayed out of the old monk's mouth. When he reacted, the scene just now seemed like a dream. His glare, like a bell, murderous! If his eyes could kill people, Su Jin would have died millions of times in his eyes!

"Good! Good!" The old monk of Kongshi laughed dumbfounded. "The old man of the Hall of Merit and Virtue is fighting forever, and he will kill you here!!!"

Su Jin was shocked--

Su Jin didn’t want to know what Qianshiyi was. He only recognized that it was a Buddha’s clothing. Who knew this old monk of Kongshi should pay so much attention to it, and at this moment, the surrounding of Kongshi’s old monk quickly filled with scarlet blood. , On the forehead of the Buddha's face in the sky, the flame representing merit is rapidly turning the fire of work barriers, and a shocking evil spirit is rising from the old bald donkey!

"Evil Buddha?" Su Jin frowned and said to himself.

Liuyuan Tiansheng saw such a scene, his face began to become ugly. He didn’t know much about Buddha cultivation, but only the old monk of Kongshi was the only one who had made friends. If this old Buddha is alive, there will be much use in the future. In his place, I never thought that this Buddhist and Taoist competition actually forced him to an evil road!

The old monk of Kongshi burst out a powerful evil light all over his body. He seemed to insist on not asking for the Buddha and proving the way of the Buddha. He just lifted the arm of the Thousand Ages Buddha on the right side fiercely.

Those countless Buddha faces, with evil light in their eyes, each Buddha face opened its huge mouth, and the infinite evil force of karma sprayed into the sky and quickly gathered together!

The change was too fast, a vast expanse of scarlet blood light in the sky swept into a **** storm, covering the sky and the sun, and the field of vision in the forest of heaven began to deteriorate, as if bathing in a sea of ​​red ink!

"A piece of torn clothes, if it's gone, it's gone. What the **** does this old bald donkey want to do?" Someone complained, feeling the breath of murder——

"It's the **** night emperor who ruined Qianshiyi, and what does it mean to wrap us around? Let's go! Even we have to bear the anger of this old bald donkey!"

"The old monk of Kongshi exploded with all his strength, fighting the blow of the mortal heart, Ye Di is absolutely difficult to stop, this is over, I feel that the old monk of Kongshi only needs a thought, and we have to be cut!"

"This is the way of the evil Buddha, abandon the merit body, fall into the **** of karma, and fall into the evil way!"


Su Jin's expression was calm. He did not sit and wait for death. He scored with his hands, and behind his back, a shocking wheel appeared.

The Secret Wheel!

After manifesting the Heavenly Secret Wheel, Su Jin's figure suddenly retreated, as if he had been sucked in the center of the Heavenly Secret Wheel!

Then Su Jin's hands clasped together again, and the boundless light of Buddha burst out from his body, instantly lighting up the entire Secret Wheel!


The entire golden gleaming Secret Wheel, centered on Su Jin, began to spin like a windmill. If someone observes carefully at this moment, he will find that there will be a Buddhist ‘swastika’ in his divine pupil that is spinning wildly!

Liuyuan Tiansheng shook his heart, staring at a pair of watery eyes, as if he was a little unbelievable after seeing this scene!

"This night emperor has such a strong Buddhist way." The indifferent Shi Lingji said lightly behind the Six Yuan Tiansheng.

"Strong is a good thing. When he wipes you out of my body, my avenue will be completed. From then on, there will be no obstacles to cultivation." Another voice appeared from Shi Lingji.

"Cultivating my purgatory way, we can truly integrate into one, and will not distract the demon from the deity. Why don't you want it!"

"Grandpa won't agree! And I can't endure the daily pain of splitting muscles and bones! Please disappear quickly, I am not interested in Purgatory——"

Many people have seen the weird side of Shi Lingji's body. This is a person who actually made dialogues in different tones. The straight teachers who watched were hairy and shuddered!

At this time, not only Liuyuan Tiansheng was surprised, most of the people who watched the Miao were well-dressed, and now they were also astonished by Ye Di. Ye Di’s Buddhist teachings were far more powerful than everyone on the scene thought!

In the Forest of Heaven, even if you look up at this moment, you will find a stunning Buddha wheel, standing under the sky. At the center of the Buddha wheel, Yedi’s eyes are firm, and the entire fast-rotating Buddha wheel is faintly condensing. Come out a huge golden'swastika'!







Amidst the emptiness, there is a very solemn Buddha sound, word by word, the most sacred Buddha sound is loud and deafening!

The old monk from the empty space is like the divine enlightenment. This is the Buddhist "Six-Character Mantra"! And he knows it all too well! It's just what adventure did Ye Di get, why is the Buddhist Tao of reciting "Six-Character Mantra" different?

and many more!

The old monk of Kongshi suddenly felt cold, staring at the center of the golden "Wheel of Secrets", because after the reciting of the "Six-Character Mantra", the night emperor's "Nine Treasure Glazed Vatican Life and Death Buddha King Body" Above, there seems to be a weird vine entwined——

"Zheng Bodhi, it turns out that you have already attained the Dao Bodhi!" The old monk of Kongshi screamed miserably. He knew that he was really too late to talk about Buddhism.

No wonder, Ye Di said that he was unworthy before, that was really unworthy! !

But so what? ?

The old monk of Kongshi turned a stern face, and when he turned his merits into the fire of karma, it already meant that he was no longer a Buddha! ! What if the night emperor proves the Dao Bodhi? The once-strongest Buddhist Scripture has been stripped away from Buddhism Avenue. The old Buddhist monk knows that if he didn’t practice Buddhism in the first place, he would have surpassed the Six Yuan Tiansheng and reached a higher level. Up! Hateful!

Su Jin’s face is solemn, the entire wheel of the secret of heaven, the nine paths are in the same flow, converging into the Buddha King’s Avenue, and the mysterious “swastika” in the god’s pupils has already revealed the great Buddha's power in the Snake Man City not long ago. With this blow, he wonders if he can compare with the evil method that the old monk of Kongshi is currently using, but he does not want to leave regrets!


An incomparable golden "swastika" is slowly peeled away from the wheel of the secret. The erected giant "swastika" rotates very slowly and slowly, as if a windmill can see the trajectory of rotation, moving towards The old monk from the empty sense bumped into it-

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