My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3055: circus

The unmatched Buddhism is not to say that it is the old monk of the empty sense, even the super powers such as the "Guanmiao" and the "Era Temple" in the rear, there are people who are terrified and can't help but want to retreat.

boom! The countless Buddha faces began to fall apart before they even touched the word ‘卍’! The **** storms of the evil Buddha are all bursting, and the void is swept away. The void is like a long river, unable to gather, and even more storms of endless space spew out!

Some people don’t believe what they see--

Some people began to examine the perception of the ‘Great Way’.

It turns out that Buddhism can not only cross people, it can also be so powerful!

Su Jin's figure swayed and he could no longer support the ‘Wheel of Heaven’s Secret’. He silently wiped off the Buddha’s blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth and looked at the old monk of Kongshi.

The golden body of the old monk of Kongshi, who is known as the ‘unbreakable dharma’, is cracking at this moment. The whole gold body is mottled, and several cracks even spread to the waist!

"Fortunately today, I have been taught by the Buddha..." The old monk of Kongshi slowly buffered Su Jin and bowed, completely letting go.

Not to mention, the "Thousand World Clothes" turned into the dust and smoke of the years, and now the Thousand World Golden Body has also been broken. The legend, the old monk of Kongshi said with a lot of emotion, he knew that time is running out, as long as the power of the golden body is dispersed, he When he was sitting down, at this moment, what fame and fortune, what might be powerful, no longer has anything to do with him.

"If you don't cut you, one is the suffering of reciting my Buddhism, and the other is that you can still practice the Buddha to save you. Go to the place where you first shaved and have a look. In the next life, your summit will come soon—" Su Jin has a hand Behind him, said lightly.

"I won't cultivate the next life anymore. Before leaving, Wang Yedi can solve another old Na's doubts." Said the old monk Kongshi.


"Who are you, who am I, who are they--" The old monk of Kongshi seemed to be asking a very inconspicuous question.

"It's nothing more than Yunyun," Su Jin responded.

The old monk of Kongshi was not disappointed with this reply, but just nodded, "Heaven's reincarnation, this day is about to change, everyone... take care."

Dragging the broken golden body, the old monk of Kongshi seemed to have a very deep understanding of himself, he went south, although that was not the direction of home——

Many people are sorry. When the old monk of Kongshi walked away, the whole body of Buddha's splendor was dissipating, and the heavens would lose one more Buddhist power——

The entire Tianzhi Forest was extremely quiet at this moment. Su Jin looked at the south where the old monk had left, his lips were constantly moving, as if to say something more, but the Buddha's words were silent and no one knew.

After a while, Su Jin turned around and looked at the direction of Chaos Tiandao!

"My little friend, I never break my promise. Before you and the Su clan have a victory or defeat, no one here dared to move you half a point." Liuyuan Tiansheng appeared opposite Su Jin and immediately nodded.

"If I die in battle, you will have a lot of trouble for the Divine Sect of the Ages--" Su Jin glanced at Liuyuan Tiansheng.

"It's okay, someone will cure my great-granddaughter's disease, so I don't have to bother Ye Di." Liu Yuan Tiansheng smiled confidently.

"Look at this king, how prestigious your Six Yuan Tiansheng is." Su Jin walked to the direction of Chaos Tiandao, surprised, Guan Miao, Era Temple, and some hidden powerhouses all let go. There is no intention to attack.

In fact, now I don’t know how many people are gritting their teeth and hate their teeth!

The reason why I didn't act rashly was because there were tigers and wolves all around, and I didn't want to be cannon fodder, letting others take advantage of it, and the other was because of the six yuan Tiansheng! This is an old rascal! Not to mention the high level of cultivation, the people I know are also extremely powerful. I once pulled dozens of creation powers and wiped out all the creatures in a demon realm. No one knows if this old rogue will do that. After all, no matter which bulk is present, this factor cannot be ignored!

Su Jin walked all the way to the end of the Forest of Heaven. He stopped when he saw the eighteen nine-color flyovers, found a place to sit down and began to recover.

He knows that all the people behind are following, the Suan Clan fights, if he dies, the sky bone will be deprived! He did not forget where these people came from!

However, Su Jin didn't know that at this time, the Immortal Valley was completely messed up!

Not long ago, Fenqin Tianhe didn't understand the situation in the valley after the shocking **** array was set up, and the method of the formation echoed in the valley. When the Requiem and the others reacted, Yun Feiyao was no longer visible!

Also, in the south of the beast forest, the old monk of Kongshi was not as good as a mortal when he returned to his body, and fell on the way to a dense forest. But when the Buddha talked about fate, he faintly saw a pink-eyed fox when he was confused. The woman came up, and the other party collected the rainwater on the leaves to rescue him.

After the old monk from Kongshi thanked him, he only heard the sound of the Buddha encircling his ears. With the sound of the Buddha, the golden Buddha characters appeared on the ground! The fox girl who was directly scared hid directly behind the tree.

"The magical lotus..." The old monk of Kongshi was very unhappy. This was the method that Ye Emperor taught him, and it was used for him to recast the golden body, and he still faintly felt that this method could save him! As long as he makes up for the golden body of thousands of times, he can make a breakthrough 90% of the time based on his previous perception! Become the Buddha of Creation!

Ye Di!

The old monk of Kongshi is already extremely ashamed-


The powerhouses such as Liuyuan Tiansheng, Lion Camel Patriarch, and Sect Master Xing all looked at Su Jin from a distance. The figure sitting cross-legged was about to face the 狻猊 clan soon. No matter the outcome of this battle, it would be shocking!

But suddenly, Sect Master Xing was overjoyed!

"Feiyao! Feiyao sent a message to me, she really is fine!" Sect Master Xing almost jumped up excitedly.

The lion camel clenched his teeth, his fists rattled, and asked in a loud voice, "Emperor Ye! My old lion is coming. This is your last chance. Where are you hiding the inheritors of my clan!"

When the little princess Xingzong got the news, the head of the lion camel was naturally uncomfortable, but now because of the Six Yuan Heavenly Sage, he couldn't make a move, so he just dared to ask questions.

Of course, he didn't believe what Yedi said earlier, he chopped up and fed the dog, who would dare to treat the lion and camel inheritors like this?

"I remember, I didn't kill it--" Su Jin was recovering, and the voice came over.

"Then where is it? Yedi! As long as it is still alive, let's talk about everything! As long as you tell me where it is, your grievances with my lion camel tribe will naturally be wiped out!" The lion camel chief was excited, no dead! The Lioness is not dead!

"Congratulations." Sect Master Xing congratulated the Chief Lion and Camel.

"Yeah, your little princess is fine, it's all a happy event!" The chief lion camel blushed.

But then, Su Jin's words made the atmosphere of the whole scene weird!

Su Jin said indifferently: "After I took your little lion away, I happened to pass by a **** city, and I ran into a circus outside the city gate and let me sell it--"

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