My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3056: I have returned to vulgarity


The famous inheritor of the Lion and Camel Protoss was sold into the circus? Now more than people from other forces are sweating coldly, and even the Six Yuan Tiansheng’s face is dark. Although he made a promise and shocked the other forces, the old lion of the Lion Camel Protoss is coming, if you learn this news ...

The lion camel patriarch wanted to come forward to fight, but he was still suppressed. Once the old lion at home came, he must wash away the humiliation that Ye Emperor gave to the lion camel protoss!

The wind is getting stronger--

Feng Qingtian, who was following far away, looked unusually uneasy at this time. She used the snake-man secret method to even count the hexagrams for Su Jin. There was no hope in every hexagram, even if the factors of Liuyuan Tiansheng were ignored, Ye The hope of the emperor living out of the chaotic island is very slim.

Previously, Su Jin used the Kunpeng technique, which had consumed a large part of his vitality, and the Buddhist Dao just now made him more internally injured. Now no matter how he recovers, it is impossible to return to his heyday.

The deadlock is unsolvable!

Su Jin is of course more aware of his own situation than others. It was also expected that King Suan did not appear. After all, the other party wanted to consume himself with those people before, so that the balance of victory would lean towards the Suan clan!


Ordinary people think that they have done everything possible, but who would have thought that he still has the biggest hole card yet to show?

"King Sui! Even if I can't get out of the chaotic island, I will make your Sui clan hurt your muscles and bones!" Su Jin's eyes gradually became firm, and finally closed his eyes to observe the state of his body. Now he has nine original powers in his body. , Is continuously running fast along the Great Zhoutian, repairing the wounded meridians, and the strength is recovering little by little.

The whole scene is a bit quiet, but in the quiet there seems to be a faint feeling of before the storm. The atmosphere is too weird. Many people are speculating about King Suan's plan. Is it really necessary to wait until the night Emperor recovers?

Time goes by second by second, as if it is fast, and as if it makes people wait for torment——

"Cracking~~~" Suddenly, a silver pony training, like lightning that opened a crown, tore the void open, Su Jin opened his eyes for the first time!

From sharp to gradually softening eyes——

Su Jin saw an inch of lightning-like supernatural power wrapped around a jade divine sword, and the sword's breath alone could judge this sword to be extraordinary!

And the sword-bearer came from the void and pierced Su Jin!

Hair is like silver wire, eyes are like stars and moon! Although she was indifferent, the indifference could hardly conceal her transcendent and noble temperament. This girl had death in her eyes, and she naturally did not show mercy when she shot!

Su Jin didn't hide, and didn't want to hide, no one knew why he made this choice, and when that sword pierced his chest, his body didn't even feel a little trembling!

"You... why don't you hide--" Yun Feiyao's godless eyes were full of doubts!

How could Yun Feiyao not be puzzled? She actually spent some time in the dark. Even if Ye Di didn't help, she wouldn't be able to escape her sword! What makes people unbelievable is that her sword has successfully injured Ye Di! You must know that even the people of the Holy Heaven Dao Sect have not done it!


Sect Master Xing trembled. The hand that he raised at the first moment was let down weakly. Fortunately, he could see that Ye Di didn't intend to hurt Yun Feiyao, otherwise his own daughter would hang. .

"Hiding can't solve the problem, do you think it is a small evil." Su Jin coughed up three mouthfuls of blood, then raised his head and looked at Yun Feiyao intently.

"Little... scourge?" Yun Feiyao's voice increased a little.

"Women are too beautiful, it's not what the scourge is--" Su Jinqiang endured the pain, tugging at the corner of his mouth and asked.


When is it now, Yedi still has this kind of thought? But this kind of statement is really unique, and even a woman can boast so fresh and refined!

Yun Feiyao stared at Su Jin, holding the sword in her hand, and trembling slightly. She couldn't believe that the handsome and handsome monk was actually turned into by this person, she hated, she was angry, and made her The reason for the outbreak was this person's deception to her!

As the little princess of Xingzong, no one dares to lie to her. Everyone has to flatter her, flatter her, and pet her. She doesn't even have a real friend, and when she meets Shanzhen monk, she really treats him Be a good friend! But in the end, I was humiliated and I was played around by this person!

"Why did you lie to me! Why!" Yun Feiyao asked loudly, hating not to fight.


Sect Master Xing showed embarrassment, rubbing his hands, he noticed that many colleagues are looking at him now, in this case, it is naturally impossible not to be embarrassed, and at the same time, his heart is also very depressed--

"I want to be a relative with you Xingzong." Su Jin chuckled, placing his right hand on the blade of his chest. Fortunately, Yun Feiyao immediately lost the hilt and took two steps backwards before he took it. The sword is drawn.

Climb a relative!

What does it mean?

Yun Feiyao couldn't figure it out, he hadn't experienced it, but Sect Master Xing's face turned black, and the monks of other forces also looked at him with a strange smile.

"Do you still need to climb relatives? My Star Sect can't afford to climb high--" Yun Feiyao said slightly angrily: "Besides, you are still a monk! You, you have something to say!"

"I have returned to vulgarity, look, do you have sisters of school age in your Xingzong's house? I am not very demanding, and I can accept it even when I come to the door --" Su Jin said more calmly.

"No! No! Xingzong is directly related, I'm the only girl! shouldn't be..." Yun Feiyao was silly on the spot, there seemed to be a loud noise in his mind, and then it was blank.

After seeing this scene, Liu Yuan Tiansheng was full of emotion. He specially said Sect Master Star: "Good fellow, your Star Sect is really capable. Ye Di is willing to even come to the door. It seems that your little princess really wants to be treated by him. I abducted it, and it's still the one with a pot and flowers."

Sect Master Xing kept gritting his teeth!

This Ye Di is so despicable!

I have never seen such a shameless existence! This is trying to pull Xingzong into the water. Wasn't it miserable enough that the Lord of the Shadow Stream was pitted by Ye Di? Until now, many forces still believe that the Lord of the Shadow Stream is an out-and-out evil!

"My family Feiyao is not that stupid. I will definitely reject him, definitely!" Sect Master Xing snorted coldly, "I'm afraid Yedi's plan will be lost!"

"Really?" Liuyuan Tiansheng sighed: "I'll tell you one more thing, the old friend of Kongshi is about to break through. Once he becomes the creation Buddha, my great-granddaughter will not need Ye Di, and can heal the heart demon. ."

Sect Master Xing was shocked!

He remembered a detail. The old monk of Kongshi dragged his broken body away. At that time, the emperor said in a silent manner for a long time. He was probably helping Kongshi. This favor, the old monk of Kongshi would not Ignore, that is to say, once the old monk of empty consciousness breaks through, I am afraid that he will return to the chaotic island!

Ye Di really played a good chess game, at least he can live till now, no one dared to move him!

Now... everyone is waiting for Yun Feiyao's statement!

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