My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3057: Hall of Eternal Life, Ye Emperor!

Not long after--

Su Jin felt that he had recovered 80% of his strength, and the sword wound on his chest had been no problem. He stood up gently, leaving Yun Feiyao with a handsome profile.

"Going back to your father, if I disappear on those bridges forever, then I didn't say anything just now." Su Jin stepped forward, wearing that blood-stained golden robe, and stepped onto the nine-color sky bridge. The middle one of the eight!

In Yun Feiyao's godless eyes, there seemed to be a touch of brilliance. She suddenly turned her head, looking at the lonely figure from her back, there was a faint feeling in her heart that she couldn't explain her way.

Sect Master Xing's expression is ugly now--

Six Yuan Tiansheng, Eternal God Sect, Guanmiao, and almost all the forces are watching his jokes, and his daughter is still staring at Ye Di!


I hate iron but not steel!

Just now Yun Feiyao didn't do anything, nothing! Sect Master Xing, as the father, is now embarrassing in public, and his increasingly gloomy face is already hot. Facing this situation, he has no choice but to watch Yun Feiyao come silently.

"As soon as this matter is over, immediately follow me back!" Sect Master Xing said to Yun Feiyao calmly.

In a trance, Yun Feiyao was still in a trance, as if she was struggling, she just dealt with it without saying more.

"Senior, in your opinion, what is the odds of King Su's chance of winning?" A young man in Confucian robes walked out of'Guanmiao' and asked to Liuyuan Tiansheng.

"At least 30%." Liuyuan Tiansheng replied.

"Thirty percent?"

The audience was shocked. The odds of winning of 30% might not be a big deal in normal times, but if Ye Di picks the whole clan, he can still have a 30% chance of winning. This one is too ridiculous!

The Confucian robe youth smiled and nodded, "Senior's words are slightly conservative. My family is more optimistic about Ye Di than Senior. Of course, this is under all fair conditions."

"Fairness? Unless the ancestral spirit is scattered and the ancestral spirit is blessed on King Su, the night emperor’s chances of winning will be higher. Lao Su is no longer in previous years, even if it is as strong as it, it will be worth it. However, with the devastation of the years, it is very difficult for its body to move at once." Liuyuan Tiansheng hummed lightly.

Many unidentified forces were shocked to hear this news and were overjoyed--

The Suan clan fought against the Ye Emperor. No matter who wins, Tian Bone’s ownership is still difficult to say. If Ye Emperor wins, his vitality will be greatly injured. What will he do to resist their attack?

On the contrary, if Suan wins a big victory, it is absolutely impossible for the coming forces to return empty-handed. The old Susu is so weak that he thinks he must give up the bones of heaven—

After all, but most people feel that Ye Di is impossible to win. This is simply the difficulty of purgatory level. Although King Sui is not as strong as the strength of Lao Su, it cannot be won by Ye Di, let alone That said, the Sushou clan is not just a strong one!

"Ye Di, hold the trump card in hand." The young man in Confucian robe Guan Miao nodded and said bluntly.

"Tian bones, I have lived for these years, and I have seen no less than ten sky bones, but those sky bones are of too low grade, just like the difference between ordinary stone and **** jade. I really want to see what the little guy really wants to that Ootian. How much have you comprehended." Liu Yuan Tiansheng looked forward to something.

On the nine-color flyover——

The wind is a little bit cold, this sky bridge is a connecting formation channel, and it is mysterious. Su Jin saw Fenqin Tianhe set up an array for not envy the immortal valley yesterday, but the person who set up the'nine-color sky bridge' here seems It was stronger than Fenqin Tianhe in formation cultivation.

The dense nine-color halo was slowly being blown away by the wind, and the halo spreading by the eighteen sky bridges even lit up the sea of ​​clouds, walking into it, as if being in a divine realm.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

On the not-distant chaotic island, when Su Jin stepped on, a drum sounded! The sound of drums seemed to affect everyone's blood, and the blood flowed straight into the forehead, making everyone excited!

The many forces that followed the Ye Emperor's face were all dignified. This was the battle drum of the Sui clan. This drum has been sounded five times in history, and each time is the occasion of the survival of the race! Now that the drum is sounded by one person, it is enough to show how much the Suan Clan attaches great importance to Yedi!

"If the night emperor does not die in this battle, he can stand shoulder to shoulder with those juniors of Shentian." Liuyuan Tiansheng said solemnly.


Sect Master Xing was shocked, and Yun Feiyao, who was worried, could not help but ask casually, "What is Shentian?"

Even the little princess of the Xingzong Sect has never heard of "God Heaven", but a master at the level of Liu Yuan Tiansheng will naturally not be foolish.

"An extremely ethereal existence, few people have heard of it. I have seen it. I just heard the legend. Even if the existence of God within the day, even if heirs are born, those heirs are born gods. Of course, this cannot be verified because the heavens are too big. Now, our Star Sect, including the thousands of worlds around this beast forest, is nothing but a grain of dust in the heavens." Sect Master Star said.

The master of the Star Sect had never expected Liu Yuan Tiansheng to have such a high evaluation of Ye Di!

O God, how could a cunning man like Ye Di be worthy of the misty and unparalleled land of legends!

The Leitian war drum was still beating, and it sounded like a beating in my heart, not to mention Su Jin, even people from forces such as'Guanmiao' and'Eternal God Sect' have inexplicably raised their fighting spirit!

With Su Jin's pace, the Chaos Island is near!

This is not so much an island as it is a world! This chaotic island is too big, only a small part of the area can be seen for the first time, and if you look at it from any direction, you can see the enveloping auspicious clouds hanging in the sky, the island is even more beautiful, far from a barren beast I'm comparable.

The whole Sushou clan lined up troops and showed their heads above the colorful clouds. These Sushou, their heads resemble lions, and some of them had dozens of bulges above their heads, with extraordinary momentum.


King Suan was on the island of heaven, kicking the void away with one foot, and the terrifying aura instantly swept all the wind and clouds, he finally waited until Ye Di came! And looking at the appearance of the emperor, the loss is already great!

"Ye Di, you are so brave, you dare to go to the appointment alone!" Wang Suan shouted wildly!

"From now on, I hope you will use a loud voice and add the three words'Eternal Palace' before calling out the king's name!" Su Jin's eyebrows flew up, raising her voice as she spoke!

Eternal Palace, Ye Emperor!

Judging from his aura alone, Su Jin did not lose half of the King Su Jin, he was full of arrogance, but it was a pity that many of the Su Jin clan powerhouses now cast sympathetic eyes on him.

"There is no going back! Today Chaos Tiandao is your Yedi's burial ground. My Suan clan, I invited Da Neng two days ago to come here to strip my bones." Suan Wang laughed.

To peel the bone is to peel away the sky bone from Su Jin!

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