My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3058: Ingeniously respond to the enemy

Tiangu, the Sui clan is bound to win!

In the tone of King Sui just now, anyone can hear that King Sui is very confident, and even confident that he had hired the bone-scrapers early! The reason why many people sympathize with Ye Di is naturally because there is no choice, and now it is difficult to look back!

"The chaotic island, after this king leaves, will become a deadly field, and the nine-color sky bridge will be eclipsed!" Su Jin took his steps, and as his momentum climbed, the whole person began to rise from under his feet. Black halo!

Ghost King!


The inky black halo representing the king of ghosts, constantly overflowing with the powerful aura of catastrophe, the black halo escaping, gradually turned into a black giant roaring to the heavens, and among the dragons in the sky, there was a dragon eager to drink the blood of God. 'Guillotine', manifested in the black dragon coiling!

"The **** Sage Dao Sect is really unbearable! The king at a loss also promised them a great promise--" Wang Suan glanced at the guillotine coldly, then looked at Su Jin, his mouth seemed to be disdainful.

"Your clan, are you ready for death?" Su Jin's dark pupils seemed to have a special temperament, which made people shudder.

"The righteous ways of the heavens are all proud of descending evil spirits. The righteous ways of all heavens are here today. You dare to turn into the ghost king rejected by the ten thousand realms, but I am a little surprised!" King Suan sneered.

"Tao, it's just the way you walk under your feet, what is right, what is evil? It's just a disguise of every cultivator! You are full of high-sounding and self-righteous, then why are you greedy for my bones?" Su Jin is also gloomy Asked rhetorically.

King Sui:...


Su Jin suddenly laughed, the kind of laughter looking up to the sky, he pointed to the south!

"The old monk of Kongshi, the golden body of thousands of times was broken by me, and I just dragged the remnant body, almost wanted to be separated from the world, in his hands, more than thousands of evil spirits? But now, the generation who takes care of him is only one and a half people. Transformed fox demon! What do you call the right way, who dares to stand up and swear in front of this king, that no blood has ever been stained on his hands?"

Su Jin rushed into the crown with an anger, and said, "It's all a bunch of hypocrites!"

Su Jin's voice echoed all around--

The entire island of chaos is in a silent state!

"Devils are bad, but who can guarantee that there are no good ones? These horned guys want to strip human bones, but at the same time they pride themselves on being righteous." Guan Miao, the young man in Confucian robes nodded, did not hide his voice. The sighs in the tone made people all touched.

"So what? It's inherently cruel, whether it's a god, a human, or a demon." Liuyuan Tiansheng said indifferently: "God sprinkles the creatures and allows them to multiply, but it also brings suffering. The so-called greed is nothing. It’s just to survive."

"Senior is right." The Rupao youth smiled.

"Are you a disciple of Master Guan Miao?" Liu Yuan Tiansheng glanced at the young man in Rupao.

"Master ordered me to say hello to the predecessors." The young man in Rupao nodded.

"Master Guan Miao has produced a great apprentice, yes, yes." Liu Yuan Tiansheng is not easy to praise people, but the demeanor and cultivation of this young man are all evils, and the key is that many evils do not have the key. This is already incredible.

King Sushang now admits that he is completely at a disadvantage in terms of dialogue, and he can't tell Su Jin's set of principles. Of course, he doesn't need to argue!

"Ye Di, no matter how much you quibble, it won't help. From the moment you set foot on the chaotic island, your life is up to me! I can't help you!"

King Suan raised his hands and lowered his hands, moving forward, and suddenly a domineering long-handled axe manifested in his hands, and it continued: "This treasure is the treasure of my Suan clan! It is the ninth generation Suan. It is made from a hind leg bone of the ancestor, and it is called the giant axe. It used to drink the blood of a hundred demon gods in ancient times! Yedi! Let's move!"

Su Jin watched a trace of blood mist, escaping from the giant axe, even if it was far away, he could feel the murderous murderous approach approaching, this **** axe cannot be underestimated!

Immediately, Su Jin stepped heavily on his feet, shattering a void, and his entire popularity skyrocketed, and he punched out--

That arm, a punch, seemed to strike a wind and moon, I saw countless small figures, all seemed to be condensed in the Bahuang Liuhe, each figure was punching, and the punching methods were different!

"Remember this punch, it's called Epoch...Tianquan!" Su Jin's aura is infinitely high, this punch seems to be long and ethereal, as if it has evolved from an extremely remote era, spanning many years. era!

King Su Jin was surprised secretly. It didn't know Su Jin's past experience, but this punch was just the power of comprehension contained in it, which was beyond the ability of ordinary evildoers.

"Good coming! Don't say it was a punch, even if you turned the era upside down and made me dream of returning to the beginning of the era, my giant axe can split everything!" King Su shook the axe up. Its original sturdy body was also affected by the giant axe, and its whole body rose into the sky!

The dazzling glow of the gods concealed everything, and the axe of King Sushou slashed from above the nine heavens! This is a reckless blow!


Under the shocking prestige, Jiyuan Tianquan directly collided with the giant axe!

Void Split!

King Sushang was proud of his heart, and Jiyuan Tianquan was broken by it with a magic axe. The power of this axe only consumed less than 40% of its power.

It seems that I still overestimated Yedi! King Sui saw with his own eyes, that Ye Emperor seemed to be stunned by his own axe. After breaking that punch, Ye Emperor stood in the void, as if he was waiting for death!

"Give me... die!" King Sushang poured out all the power in the giant axe, and bluntly struck Su Jin!

what? ? ?

Many people are afraid to see the result of this axe, but the sudden exclamation on the scene seems to indicate that things are not simple!

Six Yuan Tiansheng’s forehead was sweating, and the giant axe hit Yedi without a fake, but when it hit, Yedi was shaken away--

"It's Three Thousand Shadow Phantom! A unique school in the Shadow School Book..." Liu Yuan Tiansheng said with shame.

"Yedi is really too smart. The greatest power of the giant axe is not the power of King Susu, but the ancestral power of the ninth generation ancestor king of the Susu clan. In this way, this treasure The lost ancestral strength, I don't know how many years will it take to return to its heyday." The young man in Rupao nodded.

"When did Ye Di use the Shadow School Book? We are staring at him with every pair of eyes. He can't hide it from us!" Someone wondered.

"It's on the nine-color sky bridge." Liu Yuan Tiansheng said with approving eyes.

Everyone suddenly realized.

The nine-color sky bridge was set up by a mysterious and unworldly power back then. It was originally a divine formation, and the surrounding nine-color glow was very rich. The Ye Emperor did have a lot of time to display——

Now, Sect Master Xing and Patriarch Lion and Camel are almost as if they had eaten a fly, and they were very uncomfortable to death. You must know that not long ago, it was Su Jin who used "Three Thousand Shadows" to turn them around! It's better now, and the trick is repeated again, and even King Suan has been tricked into a big move!

"Mouse!! Do you dare to come out!" King Sushou made a ugly appearance in public, dripping water out of his dark complexion, and kept looking around with fierce eyes.

"Donor, what do you have to do?" On the other sky bridge, Su Jin folded his hands together, and the Buddha's light radiating from his body was splendid! His appearance made Yun Feiyao tremble uncontrollably.


Yedi turned into a monk Shanzhen!

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