My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3059: Quickly collect his magical powers!

Make up!

For Sect Master Xing and Patriarch Lion and Camel, Su Jin's transformation into a Shanzhen Mage was even more cruel than killing others and condemning him. It was so annoying!

Yun Feiyao looked at the sacred handsome monk with extremely complicated eyes. She seemed to understand Su Jin's meaning. After all, she was Shanzhen when she became attached to her. King Suan had just cut a shadow incarnation, this Shanzhen monk, Let him go away with the wind later--

"The Lord of the Shadow Stream! come out for this king!" King Suan was a little frustrated, and shouted at the depths of the chaotic island.

How to fight this?

Three thousand shadow phantoms, there are a full three thousand shadow incarnations, just now King Suan has been deceived by a big means with great chance because of his carelessness! Could it be cut one by one? Then you must not exhaust it!


The Lord of the Shadow Stream walked out of nothingness, and the supreme uniqueness of the Shadow Palace, when he used it, was naturally superb, and the elegant feeling was unconsciously eye-catching.

"Hello, donor, I've met again--" Su Jin looked at the film master, his eyes looked at the left and right sides of the film master, "It's a pity, the sky green manatee did not appear. Last time I was in Nanshan, the king had forgotten. It doesn’t look good to leave a horn on your head. Call it and I will fix it."


Many people were happy when they heard the words. This time Seizing the Heavens Bone and Going Back to Seizing the Heavens Bone, but because the rise of the Ye Emperor is so miraculous, many people have heard of his deeds, and as a sea god, only Tian Qinghai cow is left. A bull horn appeared on Chaos Tiandao. It was indeed a bit unlicensed. Now it is mentioned by Ye Di, which is quite entertaining.

"The joke made by the sea **** is several times stronger than ours, so let's think about it for the better." Sect Master Xing comforted the chief lion and camel.

"It's better to be optimistic about your daughter--" Patriarch Lion and Camel was depressed, thinking that the emperor Ye was too cunning.

Sect Master Xing looked at Yun Feiyao worriedly and found that her eyes were extremely focused, as if she cared about Su Jin's shadow incarnation. As a father, he decided not to let his daughter disappear in front of his eyes, even for a second!

Now, the movie owner and Su Jin looked at each other indifferently.

As a victim, how much pressure did he endure? Now, those people should understand the truth! Everything is caused by the night emperor who is playing tricks and blaming the Shadow Palace.

"I don't know where you learned the Shadow School Book, and even I was very surprised. I didn't expect that besides me, there would be a second person in the world." The Lord of Shadow Stream said lightly, "However, this book is not without flaws. , Especially you as a beginner."

"Really? You mean to say that my deity is in the nine-color flyover, right?" Su Jin asked back.

"No." The Lord of Shadow Stream suddenly smiled mysteriously and said: "Actually, you don't know that as long as the Shadow School is in my hands, I can use this book to erase and take back all the auras of the heavens from you! This is the shadow ancestor power in the book of heaven, and it is also the shackles imposed by the ancestor spirits on every generation of shadow current masters to protect the inheritance!"

Su Jin frowned slightly, "Then you try?"

The atmosphere became more and more tense unknowingly, King Sui was overjoyed, and the Lord of the Shadow Stream knew what he meant. As long as this magical power is taken back from the night emperor, the three thousand shadow illusions will naturally disappear!

"Huh!" The Lord of the Shadow Stream snorted coldly. He compared his hands to the shape of a moon, and directly photographed the "Shadow School Book" that had been prepared long ago. He was afraid of the Night Emperor before, but it does not mean that he is still afraid! He had broken through before, even if there was no King Suan, he was confident to deal with it.

"Quickly collect his magical powers!" King Sushang was excited and urged again and again.

The Lord of Shadow Stream's hair was flying, he closed the Shadow School Book of Heaven, and then he held it with his left hand, holding it high, and pointed the Book of Heaven in Su Jin's direction!

"Come!" The Lord of Shadow Stream gave a soft cry.


Wind from nowhere, blowing a leaf into the ears of the Lord of Shadow Stream——



"Come and close!"

Shouted all the time!

At this moment, the Lord of Shadow Stream's face was red, and he felt as if his face was covered with red pepper, his face was sore! Just now, he made a bold statement in full view, saying that the supernatural powers of Su Jin's "Three Thousand Shadows" can be collected with the heavenly book, but the "Shenzhen Mage" transformed by the shadow incarnation did not have the slightest influence! Didn't even move!

Many spectators are restless!

"Can you do it?" a young disciple of the Era Temple asked in doubt.

"Big cowhide, what kind of **** book, don't talk nonsense if you can't do it, this is still a strong man who just entered creation, is it so shameless to lie now?"

"If you can't do it, go back, really shake Lao Tzu a bit--"

"Hush, this fellow Daoist, no matter how he is a strong creation, he is different from the original, you are not afraid of revenge from the shadow master?" Someone reminded.

"It's just a newcomer to creation, I will tell you, my father, my mother, and my uncle are all creations? This is really a shame. If I am so shameful, just die." There was a man with eight volcano marks on his head. The strong man said angrily.

When everyone heard this, they all couldn't help wiping their foreheads with cold sweat. Although this young man seemed a little rash, it sounds like a scary origin!

The Lord of Shadow Stream panted heavily, his eyes were about to stare out, and he gritted his teeth and said: "What evil method did you use! I hold the heavenly book in my hand, it is impossible not to retrieve the three thousand shadow magic magic, you... what have you done!"

"Have you lost enough? Get out if you lose enough." Su Jin said lightly.

The Lord of Shadow Stream stood in the distance with his teeth gritted, and then, as if holding great courage, he turned and said to King Sui: "There is another way, only to destroy these sky bridges, and Ye Di will naturally appear!"

"Go away!" King Suan's anger is soaring. It really can't stand the brains of the shadow master. This chaotic island of the Suan family has been multiplied for generations. There are a total of four barriers that are indestructible. These eighteen sky bridges are fundamentally indestructible. Can't be measured by value, the movie owner actually suggested that they are ruined!

"King Suan! The last method is to cut off all his shadow avatars until the last deity is cut, but there are some risks, because you don't know which deity he will fight with, so be careful!" Ying The lord of the stream walked away embarrassedly and reminded.

What's this?

King Susu is about to be angry to death, the matter has come to an end, and it can only be like this——

Immediately, King Sui put away the'giant axe', and it stretched out the right hand that turned into a claw, and turned it over directly. This right hand turned into a five-finger prison!

"Come out one king and cut one off, I'll see when you hide it!" King Su's five-finger prison, like a five-finger mountain descended from Nine Heavens, was aimed at Su Jin's shadow incarnation,'Shenzhen Mage'. Go!

At that moment, Master Shanzhen seemed to ignore the celestial prison that was descending from a high altitude, but turned to face Yun Feiyao's direction. The calm and calm sacred face in the smile seemed to appeal to say goodbye——

After being broken, Su Jin will never manifest this incarnation again!

Yun Feiyao squatted down and hugged her head with her hands. He broke down and burst into tears!

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