My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3060: Take the bone

According to common sense, Yun Feiyao and Ying Chengsha Shanzhen have only met in a day, and the emotional breakdown is really hard to understand, but from another perspective, it may be able to explain——

It can only be said that Su Jin's ultimate goal at that time was Yun Feiyao and the little lion man, so the impression that Master Shanzhen gave to the little princess of Xingzong far exceeded the feeling that Su Jin gave her!

After all, Yun Feiyao regarded ‘Shanzhen Master’ as his true friend at the time, and Su Jin’s unfolding Buddhist temperament at the time was not comparable to ordinary gods and Buddhas.

"Ye Di is cunning by nature, and he still wants to confuse you at this time, haven't you seen it yet?!" Sect Master Xing used the avenue to tremble in his daughter's ear, trying to wake her up.

And Yun Feiyao turned a deaf ear, as if he hadn't heard--

The lion camel chief said indifferently: "It seems that Sect Master Xing’s jewel in the palm is even more miserable than the inheritors of my clan. This is the roots of the devil, miserable!

"Hmph, what about my daughter, don't worry about Patriarch Lion Camel! But after this matter, Patriarch Lion Camel would you like me to send a message to my father and ask him to help figure out which circus is the inheritor of the nobility?" Sect Master Xing Asked coldly.

Patriarch Lion and Camel suddenly clenched his fists, no longer angrily contacting Sect Master Xing.

Chaos Tiandao.

The more and more King Su's fought, the more energetic he was, and the five-fingered gods that seemed to catch the sky descended, each one could cover a figure of Su Jin!

Ten, fifty, five hundred!

The scene is amazing, and even the master of the shadow stream who is watching the battle from a distance is surprised by the degree of Su Jin's control of "Three Thousand Shadows". This speed is too smooth, but it is a pity that he is facing the King Suan!

"King Susu and Yedi are fighting wits and courage. This originally thought to be very fierce battle has become a battle of attrition! Who do you think is the upper hand?" In the Temple of Era, a monk sighed.

"King Sui, after all, he has a high realm, and a five-finger **** can't waste much power when he uses it. But Yedi seems to have only one way. I want to know if he runs out of three thousand incarnations, How many more methods are there to counter the suffocating clan?"

"Yes, I think so too. If you know that Ye Di faces more than one Suan King, he also has to face the entire Suan clan. In this way, even if the loss is a lot, King Suan will have the confidence to hold Ye Di. Stay in Chaos Island forever!"

"No matter who wins, this is a wonderful battle! What a pity, if Ye Di grows for another thousand years, within this thousand realms, I am afraid it will be difficult to have an opponent!"



So far, a total of 653 five-fingered gods have descended. King Su's face is stubborn, and his five fingers suddenly gripped. These six hundred and fifty-three are five-fingered gods, and they burst into pieces in an instant!

The five-finger divine prison that trapped the shadow incarnation of the "Shanzhen Mage" was also annihilated by a powerful divine power.

"Senior Tiansheng——" When Liuyuan Tiansheng watched the battle carefully, a silver bell-like sound came from his ear.

"Your Skyship Palace is far away in the unreachable unmanned star field. This trip is also for the bones of heaven?" Liu Yuan Tiansheng asked curiously.

"My Immortal Lord needs this piece of Heavenly Bone Proof. This is also one of the tests." There was a girl with beautiful hair and accessories, smiling and talking with the Heavenly Sage.

"Shentian's test, but I think you are afraid it will be a free visit this time--" Liuyuan Tiansheng smiled and shook his head in response.

"That's not necessarily. Our Tianchuan Palace has brought a treasure that can be exchanged for the bones of the sky. That treasure is irresistible even to King Suan." The girl chuckled, her expression quite confident.

"King Suan...The Suan clan..." Liu Yuan Tiansheng looked at the girl with a weird face.

"Does the predecessor think that... King Su's clan's strength is hard to beat the emperor of the night?" The girl in Tianchuan Palace was startled, her eyes a little unbelievable.

"No accident, Ye Di has a 70% chance of winning." Liu Yuan Tiansheng did not hesitate to his own opinion.

Many people who heard the words of Liu Yuantian were shocked, including Sect Master Xing and Patriarch Lion and Camel——

Even the young man in Confucian robes in'Guan Miao' looked at Liu Yuan Tian Sheng in doubt, wondering where his confidence in saying this came from.

In a blink of an eye, there are already 1,800 five-fingered prisons, and King Suan's aura has dropped sharply. This kind of consumption method, let alone him, even if it is a strong creation, it will be unpalatable!

Su Jin has reached the pinnacle by using the shadow incarnation method. He will not give King Suan any chance. No one knows whether the shadow incarnation or his deity rushed to kill the king from the nine-color sky bridge! Therefore, King Suan can only go all out every time and use the Five Fingers to the extreme——

In this way, Su Jin only used the price of a shadow incarnation to exchange the consumption of King Suan!

"You are endless!" King Sushang was furious, but there was no special way.


In an instant, a full three hundred shadow incarnations rushed over from the Nine-Colored Overpass. King Su's heart tightened, but he said with joy: "Good morning!"

Almost involuntarily, King Sushang's right foot shook violently, and the gods all over his body burst out, and his whole body was swelling in the film gods!

"King Suan is about to manifest the demon body, this is the strongest state of its battle, it seems that the battle is about to end, there are not many shadow incarnations available for the emperor." Someone sighed.

"This time the Suan clan used the sky bones to build momentum, saying that whoever killed the Ye Emperor could win the sky bones, but with the preparations of the Suan King, I am afraid that they will kill the night emperor by himself and leave the sky bones in Suan. One family."

"No one thought that so many people were killed and injured, we didn't even touch the bottom of Yedi's clothes, Tiangu, I'm afraid there is no shadow--"



Su Jin released almost all of the shadow incarnations, which was the ultimate of Three Thousand Shadow Illusion.

"All to be broken to me! Perish!" King Sushang was burning with a powerful beast fire, and his divine power surged out, with the potential to destroy the ancients.

High in the sky, there are more than a thousand shadow incarnations, the scene is not unattractive, and the size of King Suan is even more impressive! This is the ultimate demon sovereign, only one step away can break the shackles and enter the dreaming realm of creation!

The Sushou clan, tens of thousands of beasts, are all cheering for their king! Everyone can see that Yedi is so poor in his skills, compared with King Sui's aura at this time, the gap is not big!




The divine power that erupted from King Su's body, spread from the demon body of the deity, and spread to all sides. The divine power was like the essence, sweeping away. It believed that as long as Su Jin’s deity chose to risk hiding in these shadow incarnations, it could also be instantaneous. Crush the opponent!

Rumble rumbling~~~ The bright wave of divine power swept through the endless void, and the more than a thousand shadow incarnations were instantly destroyed, and none of them could maintain their shape.

Quiet, suffocating quiet!

Is Ye Di dead?

Every minute, it seemed as if it had been through an epoch that was so difficult. Many people stared at the shattered void to see if the sky bones floated——

Ok? King Sushang's eyes were fiery, and he immediately saw a piece of ‘blue blood bone’, which contained an extremely vast divine will!

"Tian Bone!" King Susu stretched out his horrifying beast claws, and wanted to capture the bone, but at that moment, his face changed suddenly!

There were more than a dozen phantom shadows, manifesting in the void, and as someone unfolded a scroll containing the ‘Divine Silence Thunder’, in an instant, the silent thunder and lightning turned into a light prison **** array! Actually trapped the cyan blood bone!

"Don't you dare!" Wang Sui was about to split, and regardless of other things, he directly killed a dozen mysterious powerhouses who suddenly came!

Yun Feiyao's face was stagnant, her eyes looked everywhere--

Feng Qingtian had the same expression as Yun Feiyao.

Ye Di, is he still dead after all? This result is unacceptable!

"King Sui! My Era Temple, I am here to help you!" The people of the Era Temple immediately mobilized and slew to the center of the battlefield!

"Go! I don't need to..." King Susu was furious, and said furiously: "The Sushou clan listens to orders, and those who enter the battlefield will all be killed!!"

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