My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3061: Shaking melee

Tens of thousands of 狻猊 suddenly roared in unison, sending out an intent to shake the sky, and the whole family was dispatched!

There were also many people from Jiyuan Temple. Although Yedi had killed some by mistake before, their backbone was not injured!

"Listen! Everyone! Under the guise of Tiangu, the Sui clan claims to have a share of those who have seen it, but they are actually using us to deal with the Ye Emperor! Not long ago, the Ye Emperor launched a large-scale killing. Tiangu'!" As the people from the Era Temple rushed into the battlefield, someone shouted: "The Tiangu chooses people, everyone fights by their ability!"

Guanmiao, the Heavenly Ship Palace, and even the blood beast ancestors hidden in the void abyss are all a little eager to try. Now everyone knows that King Su's appetite is too big, and he wants to monopolize it!

No one wants to come here empty-handed!



The people of the Eternal God Sect have long been unable to restrain it. If it were not for the sound transmission of the Six Yuan Tiansheng, the disciples were not allowed to act rashly, for fear that they would rush forward and fight for the bones!

The lion camel patriarch's face was blood red, "Lion camel clan, follow me to kill!"

Now that the night emperor is dead, although it was not the lion camel patriarch who cut it off with his own hands, it is still a happy one. The old lion has arrived and is watching the battle in the dark. What does the lion camel protoss have any concerns? After a while, I won the sky bone, presented it to the old lion, and then found the little lion man. This trip is naturally worthwhile!

Chaos Tiandao is beginning to be chaotic. Whether it is a powerful travel **** or a small and medium power, the number of people is more than expected. The entire chaotic Tiandao is full of human shadows!

"What kind of light prison is this! I can't even tear it!" King Suan is the closest, and he is also the deity. The strength of his arms is not small, but it is this seemingly simple light prison. But it is separated tightly outside!

"Emperor God Jitu! You are--" Several people in the Era Temple also rushed over. One of the white-robed elders, with wide-eyed eyes, directly saw the clues of this picture, with a surprised tone.

Chi Chi -

Tens of thousands of scumbags opened their mouths to gather the power of the beast's fire and spray towards the sky.

It is raining, and it is raining blood! Every force knows that only if you squeeze your head and get close to the bone, you will have the best chance. The bone is worth your life!

"Don't go--" A solemn female voice came from Yun Feiyao's ear.

She had never heard this voice before, and of course she knew she didn't know it, but she didn't know who was reminding her!

"Oh, I want to cast a formation, come to my Xingzong great power." Sect Master Xing thought for a while, knowing that he was in a hurry, he deliberately looked at Liuyuan Tiansheng, and his voice was a little loud.

"You don't need to test me. In this situation, the people of your Xingzong are going to die, even if your father is here, you dare not enter." Liuyuan Tiansheng said lightly.

"Senior Tiansheng is a powerful creation, the bones are in front of you that day, no dispute, the juniors don't believe it." Sect Master Xing shook his head and said.

"You idiots, you have not considered a terrible fact at all. Do you want to know that Yi Ye Di's enchanting IQ will die so easily?" Liu Yuan Tiansheng stroked his beard and glanced at Sect Master Xing.

Sect Master Xing suddenly shrank in his heart--

The whole body was shocked! He had just been blinded by greed, and he didn't even doubt the authenticity of that celestial bone! And everyone in the room is very sure that Ye Di is dead! But... But if you think carefully, you are afraid, what if the night emperor is not dead?

"I understand what the predecessors meant, but the bones of the day are full of spirits, how could it be fake?" Sect Master Xing's voice was trembling.

"If I were the night emperor, and just throw a piece of bone, you would break your head and grab it? Are you a dog? In vain, as the lord of a sect, you don't even have the slightest suspicion." Liuyuan Tiansheng was out of anger. Tao.

"Senior, please tell me a little more--" Sect Master Xing still doesn't believe it. He is still a little anxious. Currently, the people who fight for bones are extraordinary. As long as the bones of heaven fall into the hands of others, it will be very difficult to take them away.

"Stupid!" Liu Yuan Tiansheng believed in himself: "You didn't do enough homework when you came. You don't even know how to die when you go in."

"What homework?"

"Not long ago, Yedi perfected one of his own'one-of-a-kind arts'. That magical technique was the talented magical technique of the ancient violent ape tribe, called'ape strike technique', and the golden holy ape tribe in the beast forest here It was a bloodline from the violent ape clan that year. Because of the bloodline variation, the ape strike technique is divided into'one attack and one defense', two talented magic methods. And the perfection of the night emperor is to combine the'golden pile of heaven' "Ape Strike Technique" combines two into one."

Liu Yuan Tiansheng continued: "Based on the situation just now, how could Ye Di not resort to this method at a critical moment?"

Upon hearing this, Sect Master Xing suddenly let out a cold sweat——

"Senior mean... Yedi is still alive?" Sect Master Xing asked in a very low voice.

"I don't know! What if he miscalculates? I think he can resist King Suan. He is alive, and now it is only a possibility, and the possibility is still very high." Liuyuan Tiansheng thought for a while, "Also, he has implications. Don’t you think it’s strange that Ootian’s divine will of the heavenly bones hadn’t been used that day.”

"Could it be not long after he first gained the bones, he hasn't found the essentials yet?"

"Fart! This is the homework I'm talking about! A few days ago, he just used the Aotian Divine Will in the Beast Forest and Snake Man City, you said he can't? Your brain was kicked by a donkey?" Liu Yuan Tiansheng glared at him. Tao.

"Father, just... just now someone sent me a voice message to remind me that I should not go to war, it is a woman's voice. I don't know." Yun Feiyao wiped away tears, his face lightened a lot.

"Yes, if I guess it's correct, it should be the Queen of the Snake Human Race that the sound transmission will give you. She appeared with Ye Di before." Liu Yuan Tiansheng nodded.


Sect Master Star’s forehead began to sweat, or the kind that couldn’t be wiped off. In this way, Ye Di is really a chicken thief. Now whether it is the powerful force invited by King Sui, or the strong who has heard the news, they are all fighting in chaos. ! And if in the end, if Ye Di is still alive, this joke... will really spread!

If we say that there is only one person who is most convinced that Yedi is still alive.

That's right! It's Feng Qingtian!

Feng Qingtian is far more familiar with the Tiangu than anyone else. Although the blood bone that is being bound by the Light Prison Divine Formation in the battlefield contains ample Aotian Divine Will, she knows one thing. Before choosing the Lord, Aotian's divine will will not be released at all! That was one of the reasons why she chose to donate bones to Ye Di at that time!

If the emperor of the night died, the Tiangu would be an unowned thing, so how could there be such a powerful divine intent?

"Do you dare to cut my bloodline?!" An elder of the Suan tribe was so angry that he spurted blood. It saw several Suan heads cut into pieces by a blood-drinking knife, and questioned angrily. A youth.

It's not just this monk. Now as long as it is a human, it will kill when it encounters Suan. Of course, there are countless monks who died at the hands of the Suan clan!

"Go away!" King Sushang patted the claws of the beast, and directly patted several ‘Guanmiao’ monks.

And the young man in Confucian robe, I don't know what kind of divine body, is actually in a mysterious mood. This mood is very like "not in the five elements", but it seems to be much more advanced than "not in the five elements"!

"King Suan! Do you dare to hurt my people who'see the Miao'?" The Confucian robe young man opened his eyes in a mysterious mood, his eyes turned out to be white eyes! !

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