My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3062: Old 狻猊

King Suan is quite aggrieved now——

Frustrated to the point that they were about to explode, this wonderful person said that he had hurt his person, but the entire Sushen clan is now being massacred and killed and injured more than thousands! It regrets a bit, and regrets that it shouldn't be swayed out in the name of "Tiangu", because Yedi can deal with it alone!

"I don't care which force you are. Anyone who moves my bones will die! They are all the mortal enemies of my Sushou clan!" King Sushou simply offended all of them, and directly grabbed the young man in Rupao.

"Great view and wishful treasure mirror!" The young man in Confucian robes raised his right arm impressively, and directly used mysticism to call out the original divine mirror. This mirror is bordered by blue petals, and it seems that a world has evolved in the mirror. The world seems to be undergoing the baptism of stormy waves, with a strong breath.


The beast claws of King Suan were caught directly on the "Great View Wishful Mirror", but apart from a trace of water, it did not break this divine treasure!

Whoosh, the two mysterious monks with their bodies hidden in gray robes, unexpectedly faster than the other forces, approached King Suan directly, and the next moment, King Suan roared to the sky!


Who stabbed it in the back?

King Suan was stained with animal blood, and he had two full length wounds, turning blood inside and out!

I don’t know how many years, King Suan has even forgotten what pain is, but now because of its recklessness, all forces have attacked it. Although its demon body is powerful, but which power is coming, which is simple? !

"You **** bastards!" King Sushang realized that the situation was not good, but despite this, he did not give up the meaning of'Tian Bone' at all, but switched from offensive to defensive. It only needs to guard around the light prison **** array. It can last a lot of time!

"The Suan clan has exhausted its anger." Liuyuan Tiansheng sighed and shook his head constantly.

"As long as you get the Sky Bone, everything is worth it." Sect Master Xing said lightly.

"Tian Bone chooses people, the higher the level of Tian Bone, the requirements of choosing the owner are beyond ordinary people's imagination. Although the gods are good, they can't be used by themselves, but they are waste materials." Liu Yuan Tiansheng said lightly.

"If the predecessor had just made the first move, Tian Bone would be readily available. From the perspective of the younger generation, the light prison of the'Emperor Heaven and Divine Silence Map' should be easily broken by the predecessor." Sect Master Xing looked at Liuyuan Heavenly Dao.

Liuyuan Tiansheng didn’t answer this question directly, but shook his head--

In his opinion, the power of possessing such a sacred treasure as "Emperor Heaven and Divine Jitu" definitely surpasses the Era Temple, Guanmiao and his ilk. Sure enough, the master is still in the dark. The Blood Beast Ancestor Gate is an excellent example. No matter how many friends he knows, there are always things that he can't provoke——

The current situation of King Sushang is extremely embarrassing!

The King Suan just turned offensive to defensive, but it was temporarily effective, but because of this, it incurred more attacks. The first thing was the bombardment of thousands of powerful wandering gods. Those magical methods were mottled and difficult to distinguish. , It spurts blood again and again, trying to fight back but has no alternative!

"You are deceiving too much!" Wang Su's huge eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. As soon as he finished speaking, the young man in Confucian robes took a picture of his forehead with a magic mirror. "The Mirror" actually wants to include it in the mirror world!

"Give up, King Sushou!" The Rupao youth said lightly.

"Good! Good! Good!" Wang Suan shouted three ‘good’ words on his face, and now his forehead was smashed, blood ran out of his face, and an angry smile! Has reached the point of desperate!

The young man in Confucian robes was secretly frightened, hesitated for a moment, observed King Su's trembling body, and asked: "Do you want to—"

"Die, you have to die! The Sushou clan listens to the order!" King Susu continued to roar like crazy, "Eighteen demon elders, all go out! Thirty-five demon gods guard the passage of the South Gate flyover! 800! Jin Wu Suan guards the western sky! Six thousand I, Suan demon king, Zhenbei..."

The people in the Temple of Era heard the roar of King Sushou, turned around and left, where they could take care of the bones of the sky!

This King Suan is crazy!

That's crazy!

"For the sake of the Suan God Race, return to the heavens!" King Suan was excited and couldn't control himself, roaring in all directions.

"For the Suan Protoss! Return to the heavens!" Many Suan who received the order responded excitedly.

"Sacrifice! Please ancestors!" King Suan's roar echoed in every Suan's ear.

The beasts of the Susu clan that King Susu arranged just now, almost without even thinking about it, every Susu body is burning with surging beast fire. After these blood veins burned, they suddenly formed a road of **** fire from the four directions of the south, east, north and west. At the very center of this void, that is, over the place where King Suan was, the four roads of fire gathered together, and suddenly a world-shattering beast roared across the wild!

Although Sect Master Xing did not participate in the battle, when he saw this scene, he was shocked to take three steps back, and said in disbelief: "This King Suan is so ruthless, he used the method of offering sacrifices to his descendants!"

"It's not good, that old 狻猊 is about to stand up." The cultivator of the Emperor Shenzong also looked at him tremblingly, his tone revealing panic.

Sacrifice Suan's bloodline and use abundant Suan's divine power to infuse the old Suan's body, which can restore the opponent to the peak in a short time! This trick is too ruthless. For a rare protoss like Susu, losing a Susu sometimes attracts great hatred. After countless years of reproduction, the current Susu clan is only tens of thousands, which shows how precious this family is. .

But now--

King Suan really did everything, including Lao Su! If this battle is not victorious, thousands of Susu sacrifices in vain, and the old Susu will also turn into dust after the divine power is exhausted! This is an unbearable burden for the Sushou clan!

"Senior, I have something to say!" The cultivators of the Era Temple, all regretful, looked at the old 狻猊 that gradually manifested in the sky, and quickly subdued.

This old Susu is bigger than King Susu's body, and it is more majestic, but the two long beards under the nose are white, while King Susu's is golden.

"You slaughter my clan, you deserve a thousand deaths! Today, leave it all!" Lao Suan is now receiving the flames of blood in the four directions, and has already reached the peak again, whether it is temperament or divine body, it seems to have reached a very high level. The situation.

"What are they afraid of? An old guy who is about to enter the soil, let's attack together, and simply do it!" An old traveller, holding a'corrupted Nine Dragons fan', directly directed a fan at Lao Sui, suddenly Nine stinking gray dragons rose to the sky--


The sound of shouting and killing suddenly shook the sky, the old saury eyes were stern, his forelimbs stomped in the void, a wave of domineering and extraordinary divine power instantly spread among the crowd!


At that moment, no one shouted, and time seemed to freeze, and under the eighteen nine-color sky bridges, there was a gray-blue mist floating gently, in which there were pairs of sharp eyes, observing what is happening now. !

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