My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3068: A coffin board

The so-called forbidden technique is created by the creator who once opened up the realm of creation. As long as the source of the forbidden law appears, whoever reaches this state can create the forbidden technique, but the strengths and weaknesses are different.

It's a pity that the source of the forbidden law is too rare. Many creations have spent their entire lives and it is difficult to find one. These people are really crazy, and they have used the forbidden law for the sake of Tiangu!

The old lion camel glanced at Yinyike, Palace Master of Heavenly Boat and the mysterious Thor--

Who has the source of the forbidden law?

Who of these three will impose a ban!

Hearing the words of the guest, the palace lord of the skyship, who was covered by the star gauze, had clear eyes and said: "Old camel, once the forbidden law comes out, it is up to you to survive and die. You have to think clearly, let or not let !"

"No... let it!" The old lion camel was determined not to yield, but he was more careful in his behavior. Forbidden laws also have strengths and weaknesses. It only hopes that it will not be too scary.

"Lei Ding Giant, turn this sky into coke!" Without thinking about it, Yin Yi guest directly turned his face and said to the giant in the black cloud cover.


The old lion camel's nerves suddenly tightened. It looked at the sky-like giant figure, only feeling flustered inside, knowing that the source of the forbidden law came from this person.

boom! The giant bent down, and immediately a thundering tripod with lightning intertwined on his shoulders was thrown by it. It looked like an extremely perfect bodybuilder. His back foot suddenly kicked, like a mountain-like fist hitting the floating giant. Ding Shang!

The world is silent! A huge sound that was enough to make people deaf swept through everything, and the entire sky above the chaotic island turned into a world of thunder!

"Amo of Thunder explains the Thunder Prison!" The thunderous giant's sonorous azole sound, as if extremely cold, and as if calling out a number of gates of the source of truth, and the four shining gates were reflected on the four sides of the giant tripod——

The lines on the surface of the tripod seem to be alive, and there are many gods on it, such as the monkey throwing peaches, the green demon worshiping the moon, and the dragon gate!

"Retreat!" Liuyuan Tiansheng had an ugly face, and a roll of robe sleeves swept away all the disciples of the Eternal God Sect.

The Da Mingsi of Jiyuan Temple was unwilling, but seeing this situation, he had to gritted his teeth and retreated!

Guan Miao... retire!

Sect Master Xing pulled Yun Feiyao back to the Forest of Heaven!

Sky Forest has become a lively area again!

"This chaotic island is over, the forbidden law is lowered, and no one can live. Look at that King Suan, he only took the last dozens of Xiaosu, it's too desperate!" Someone said.

"Turning the entire sky above the chaotic island into a thunder pond, how powerful is this creation forbidden method? What is the origin of that thundertop giant!"

"King Susu is very unwilling. He originally thought that Ye Di would definitely die, but he didn't expect Ye Di to laugh until now, but he has nothing to do with Ye Di!"

"Even if the old lion camel’s creation was blessed by the world of creation, the emperor could not survive the forbidden law! Unless the old lion camel had a life-saving artifact—"

"Don't forget, Ye Di is now in charge of the'Shang Zun Huang Qi'!"

"What's the use? The Demon Alliance had also controlled the Upper Sovereign Waste Tool before, but was almost killed by the old 狻猊 Heaven Swallowing Technique. This creation forbidden method is many times more powerful than that of the Sky Swallowing Technique! It will be erased instantly!"

As everyone talked about it, the head of the lion camel had blood red, and he exclaimed, "Old, ancestor--"

Lao Suan fell before him. Is it also the day of the great funeral of the Lion and Camel Protoss? No, no! The lion camel patriarch was terrified, the ancestor must not die! Its expiration is far from coming, and it can protect the lion and camel protoss in the eternal era!

At this moment in Chaos Tiandao, it simply seems to have changed! Because of the giant cauldron above, the thunder light dazzled. If this thunder pond lowers the forbidden law, the island of heaven will probably sink too!

"You don't know how to treat me as an old camel!" The old lion camel was so angry, the **** nature that hadn't erupted for a long time, completely poured out at this moment.

It did not disappoint, nor did it disappoint Su Jin!

The old lion camel raised its front paws high, and it took a piece from its own creation world...

A coffin board!

I take the test! Su Jin stared at this piece of treasure tightly. The material of the coffin board is inexplicable, the whole body is red and transparent, and it feels even more extraordinary, and there is a black blood handprint on the front of the coffin board!

Not only that, this treasure is very demon! If you look closely, you will find that the lower side of the coffin board is faintly imprinted on it.

Su Jin's face was pale, and he found that he could not watch for a long time. The phantom was too weird, as if the long-buried corpse was condensed on it. There seemed to be a picture in his mind, a shock of not knowing how many epochs had been lost. The World God Coffin appeared, and the corpse in the coffin faced the lid of the coffin for a long time, imprinting this terrible scene on it——

"Not good!" The Palace Master of Heavenly Ship exclaimed.

"This old fellow possesses a worldless sacred thing!" Yin Yike was frustrated and furious. "Sage! This coffin board once crushed the corpse of a sage!"

"Stop!" The Palace Master of the Heavenly Ship wanted to stop the Thundertop Giant, but it was too late!

The terrifying thunder pool, thunder law riots, once this creation forbidden law is used, it can no longer be controlled. This is an extrajudicial, monstrous forbidden technique!

"Hahahaha, come on! Come on!" The old lion camel yelled like crazy, the scene once seemed to be back in the era of the formation of the heavens, every ray of divine power was chaotic and out of control!


A ray of white thunder light swept everything suddenly. This kind of thunder light made people unable to see things for a short time. No one knew what to do. The eighteen nine-color sky bridges were instantly swept to pieces, and the entire chaotic sky island seemed to be annihilated. There is not even a block of soil the size of a palm!

"I thought it was so powerful! This Thunderhead giant does not have the origin of the forbidden law itself, but it is only used by this magical giant cauldron, which belongs to the origin of the stealing law!" The old lion camel kept coughing up blood, his eyes were still crazy. The forbidden law just came, if it weren't for this sage's coffin board, it would have evaporated from the chaotic island! Fortunately, it had the last laugh!

The Palace Lord of the Skyship, the Miyike, and even the Giant Thundertop were all hit hard! The forbidden law was lowered, and the role of that coffin board was seen by all three of them! Most of the power of the forbidden law was blocked, and the sputtering power of the forbidden law directly shook these three powers!

However, after that, the sage’s coffin board also began to dim, and I don’t know how long and how long will it be able to recover——

"The old heroes are great! Now they are chasing after the victory, do nothing and do nothing, kill them all!" Su Jin's voice was relaxed and content, all in a tone of admiration.

"Are you still fighting? I have sages and sages, enough to drag you three to bury you before you die! Think carefully about it, don't make it cheaper for others--" Old Lion Tuo coldly snorted.

These other people are those creative powers that can't bear it.

Palace Master Tianchuan was the least injured among the three. When she heard the words of the old lion camel, she laughed and said: "You have sages and wonders, but the spiritual light on it has collapsed. For a long time No matter how hard it is to help you."

"You and me are both seriously injured! Only the giant can do the forbidden law, and it is also difficult for him to perform it a second time! What are you fighting against me?" Old Lion Camel laughed.

Soon, the old lion camel couldn't laugh anymore——

"I'll kill you old camel with the sky bone, do you think it will work?" The palace master Danmu proudly said: "Ye Di, I know you are listening! You look good to this palace! The sky bone of this palace is 'Void Origin, Truth and Divine Will' is also the best heaven bone! I don't know which is better than your heaven bone!"

Palace Lord of the Skyship! Also have the bones!

The old lion camel was already scared silly--

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