My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3069: Confrontation!

The air seems to be hot and dry--

The little beast forest, the little chaotic sky island, unexpectedly appeared the owner of two sky bones! Moreover, the words of the Palace Master of the Skyship were enough to shock the world!

"This elder sister of Tianchuan Palace, since your palace owner already has a top-quality celestial bone, why do you want to find the piece on the night emperor?" The monk in Youguan Miaozhong licked his face and moved to the Tianchuan Palace. Beside, smiling face asked.

"Our palace lord has taken the test of the gods and heavens. It is not enough to have a top-quality celestial bone. This is not a big secret, but you usually don't pay attention to our Tianchuan Palace."


The test of the gods and the heavens, it is not enough to have a top-quality bone!

Many people were stunned, only feeling numb on their faces, and couldn't imagine the difficulty of the test.

"The palace lord of the sky boat is really confident, the giant thunder top used the method of stealing the source of the law to perform the forbidden law. Although it is a sweet trick, the palace lord like the creation realm, possessing the best celestial bones, is really strong--" Guan Miaozhong The man sighed.

"The Yedi Sky Bone is the Aotian Divine Will, and the Heaven Bone possessed by the Palace Lord of the Heavenly Boat is the Void Origin Truth Divine Will. Of these two divine wills, I don't know which one is more powerful." A monk was watching from a distance, eager to know, this No one in it has seen the night emperor perform it.

"Of course it is the origin of the void, the truth and the divine intent are more powerful, just listen to it -"

"The old lion camel was probably miscalculated. Its strongest counterattack method was exposed to the forbidden law prematurely. Now, how does it counter the Heavenly Bone Might of the Heavenly Ship Palace Lord?"


The heat of discussion has only increased! In the Forest of Heaven, Liuyuan Tiansheng already understood everything, and said with a solemn expression: "No wonder the Palace Master of Heavenly Ship wants the Heavenly Bone of Ye Di so much."

"Grandpa, who doesn't want Tiangu--" Shi Lingji smiled with Liuyuan Tiansheng's arm.

"Different! Her celestial bone is the "Void Origin Truth and Divine Will", this divine will, I am afraid that it can be in line with the Ootian divine will, which is an achievement that has never been achieved in the past. Once obtained, although she is a creation, But in terms of combat power and sentiment, it is no longer comparable to the level of me and the old lion camel." Liu Yuan Tiansheng's face was full of anxiety, I don't know if this is good or bad.

"Oh, I heard that when Ye Di had a grudge with King Suan, he used the Aotian Divine Will once, and as a result, even King Susu couldn't be killed. The quality gap between the bones of this day is too great." Shi Lingji is very unhappy. Su Jin said while sighing.

"Little girl, you can't look at the gap between the sky bones! The gap between the sky bones can only be distinguished in the same realm. However, the Aotian divine intent of the night emperor should be worse than the "Void Origin Truth divine intent"." Liuyuan Tiangu Nodded and expressed his opinion.

just now--

The old lion camel has been transformed into an old man again, how can this fight? Not to mention that it was just in the state of the deity, even if it were three deities, in front of the strong creation with the best celestial bones, it was not enough!

It's a pity that the coffin board just consumed a lot of strength, otherwise it still has the confidence to use it to counter the heavenly bones of the palace owner of the skyship!

"I'm unlucky when I meet you!" The old lion camel gritted his teeth, holding back his anger.

"Hmph, count you as acquaintance, otherwise this palace will sacrifice the heavenly bone divine intent, and it can directly obliterate you on the spot." The palace master of the sky boat condensed indifferent eyes and pointed at the divine creation soil in the distance, "let him out— —"

"The hero is old~~~"

Su Jin flipped his hands and put away the Buddha's ruler, looked up at the divine soil turning into a trace of supernatural power, and said with a chuckle: "You look at the old hero Sui Su, who is very good. You have to get back your dignity if you die. Is it?"

"Shaoyin and yang weird ironic old man!" The old lion camel stared at Su Jin fiercely, "You little evil animal is still alive and dead. Do you know what these people are from? They can make you instantly with a flick of their fingers. Extinct!"

"The old hero doesn't want the bones of heaven?" Su Jin said with optimism when he saw the clarity around him.

The entire ‘Chaotic Sky Island’ has disappeared, and the Suan clan is almost annihilated! Look at that King Su's face now, with ashen face and blank eyes. Isn't this what Su Jin would like to see! Although from now on will be his most dangerous moment, but since his previous use of Kunpeng technique, all the way to here, it can no longer be described by blood!

"The old man still needs a fart! I want to watch you being stripped of your bones and dying in pain! This is the fate of your inducing catastrophe!" The old lion turned away angrily and walked far. It wants to watch the death of Ye Di!

"Everyone listen carefully, it's not that the king doesn't give it, but you old lion and camel don't want it, don't spread rumors at that time, and tarnish the reputation of this king for not keeping promises!" Su Jin shouted.


Hearing Su Jin's words, it was not only the old lion camel, the lion camel patriarch, and those sects who suffered heavy losses!

Who could think of this scene when he came? In the end, if you work for people for nothing, you won't be able to get a penny!

"Ye Di, hand over the sky bones." The palace master of the sky boat was calm, but when she thought that she would have another top-quality sky bone soon, this kind of calmness could no longer be concealed. By this time, she could not be excited. All nonsense!

"Sister Palace Master, I seem to have said that I want to hand over the Sky Bone--" Su Jin smiled, and then said: "But you didn't seem to be able to hand over the Sky Bone conditions. You don't have the whole clan. After all is destroyed, King Sushou is still alive, and none of the members of the Demon Alliance has died. Are you..."

"Do you think you deserve to talk about the conditions now?" Palace Master Tianchuan asked with cold eyes.

"Hahaha—" Su Jin chuckled lightly. "This king has just said that in terms of credibility, you are a young man and you are not deceived. If you did not meet the conditions for exchanging the bones, then someone will naturally do—"

"No one dares! It seems that talking to your little slipper is a waste of tongue! If you don't cross the bones, then we will peel it personally!" Yinyike stepped onto the shoulders of the Leiding giant, and the giant dragged the big trip towards Su directly. gold!

"Just now, I heard that you want to compare the celestial bones with this king, and want to see whose divine will is more powerful? I agreed." Su Jin ignored the guest and looked at the master of the Tianchuan Palace.

In response, the guest stopped, and said to the master of the Tianchuan Palace: "Don't have branches!"

"It's okay, he will definitely die." The Palace Master of the Skyship raised his hand and said to Su Jin: "Use your Aotian Divine Will, I hope you don't let this palace down!"

"I know I will die, but this sky bone is hot, I think it will be difficult for you to get it--" Su Jin's tone turned cold, "The king, the emperor, swear here! Now with you, the Lord of the Heavenly Ship, and the Miyike , Leiding giants never stop dying! If I fall and turn into dust, those who have the destiny of the sky will win it!!"

The voice of Ye Di spread throughout the Forest of Heaven!

His words are not unmoving!

He will fight against the three creations with one person, and one of them is the palace owner of the Heavenly Ship with the best celestial bones! Moreover, this will also be the first collision between "Aotian Divine Will" and "Void Origin Truth Divine Will"!

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