My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3071: Raise a fist to ask Qingtian


All the spectators stared stupidly, and did not believe what they saw!

What level of evil is Ye Di? You know that this is a pattern used by a strong creator. This pattern is actually like paper in front of him, and was torn by him?

"In the future, don't show off this kind of broken picture. You are not ashamed. I am very embarrassed to see it, understand?" Su Jin's dark eyes looked at the Palace Lord of the Skyship with cold eyes, his tone of voice was indistinct. Clear joy and anger.

Palace Master Tianchuan hasn't recovered yet!

Why? Why can a little Ye Di shatter her means! This night emperor, even King Suan is sure to defeat easily, it is impossible for him to become so powerful!

Could it be that he deliberately hid himself, and came to attend the appointment with the certainty of destroying the Su clan? Even confident enough to be able to kill King Suan?

"Your strength makes me a little puzzled--" The Palace Master of the Skyship tried to figure it out, and he responded coldly when he encountered this situation for the first time in his life.

"If you don’t use "Void Origin, Truth and Divine Will", with your wounded body, I will not be surprised to behead you. Maybe you still look down on me now, but I will never give you any chance to regret !" Su Jin's temperament has changed. Every time he becomes the ghost queen, he will become colder and more cruel.

"Damn!" Palace Master Tianchuan was instantly angered.

Because Su Jin just said this to him just now, so she can bear it if the other party returns intact?

There was almost no room for consideration, the Palace Master of Heavenly Ship lifted up his steps and rushed directly into the chains of vertical and horizontal voids, placing her finger in front of her lips, and gently biting, the blood of the gods swam out like a snake!

If you observe carefully, you will find that Palace Master Tianchuan’s lips are moving, silently muttering silent nerves, and the blood flowing out of her body seems to be alive all over her body!

"Take the origin as a guide, and sacrifice by the blood of the gods! Transform my ten thousand years of blood spirit battle body!" The voice of the palace lord of the skyship is extremely sacred, and her haughty sound waves echo endlessly, quite amazing!

The **** spirit body of the Palace Master of the Skyship was almost the same in appearance, except for the **** appearance, and from around her deity, **** spirit bodies kept standing up.

However, for a few breaths, on the chains in the void, all the blood and spirit bodies of the Palace Lord of Heavenly Ship stood!

"Do you use the origin of creation? It is indeed amazing." Su Jin looked at the dense blood shadows and thought for a while. This feeling of being surrounded is very bad. More importantly, these blood spirit combat bodies are the origin of creation. ——

"You don't use the sky bones, and I don't need it!" The palace master of the sky boat used the realm to suppress people. If the sky bones are used again, they will not be ashamed and thrown at the grandma's house?

"Okay, let's see who did it first--" Su Jin slowly closed his dark pupils, his clothes were fluttering slightly, and a trace of imperceptible Taoism surrounded him.

The Palace Master of the Heavenly Ship suddenly pointed, and the blood spirit battle bodies standing on the chains all flew up and rushed towards the closed night emperor!

Seeing the scene of the blood and spirit fighting bodies flying around, the corner of the Palace Master's mouth was slightly smiling, she really didn't believe it! The one who is strong in his own dignified creation will not even be able to clean up a night emperor? ! These blood-spirit combat bodies can gather together when they are strong, and they can condense infinitely when they are weak, but no matter how weak they are, it is also a ray of her origin, and can instantly kill the demon lords and others.

Fight? What did Ye Di fight against himself!

Palace Master Tianchuan’s own realm far surpasses that of Ye Emperor. On Heaven Bone, he thinks he is better than Ye Emperor’s Heaven Bone! The old lion camel who had just possessed the sage and sage did not dare to compete with her and retreated! Who on earth gave him the courage of Ye Di!

"He is going to lose. This disaster began with Yedi, and finally Yedi!" The spectators, now dare not even blink their eyes, and refused to miss the moment of witnessing the fall of Yedi.

"The strong guy asks for the bones of the sky from the emperor, can you just give it, or you don't want to listen, now it's okay, you have to confess your life."

"The Supreme Wilderness Tool is still behind Yedi, should he use the Supreme Wilderness Tool? No, so many blood spirit combat bodies can only resist one side even if they use the Supreme Wilderness Tool, what will he do? ?"

"Close your eyes and wait for death, haven't you seen that he has given up?"

"Palace Master Tianchuan, after this battle, he will be famous all over the world, and he will have two superb bones. Tsk tsk, two pieces, it is really unimaginable!"


Nervous, nervous, looking forward! Most of the monks who are still in the Forest of Heaven, all the horse fleas move, no one cares about the life and death of a loser, the palace owner of the Heavenly Ship will win the final victory in this deadly battle!

At this moment, Liuyuan Tiansheng suddenly changed his face. He looked suspiciously and looked at the ground——

"The ground is shaking, have you noticed." Liu Yuan Tiansheng glanced at Sect Master Xing and the others.

"Are you shaking?" Sect Master Xing looked surprised and perceived it carefully, but it was okay if he didn't perceive it, his face turned green after perceiving!

The ground of the Forest of Heaven was indeed shaking, and it was still the kind of frequency shaking, too slight, and did not even attract the attention of a powerful person like Sect Master Star!

"Not only the forest of the sky, the entire animal forest, billions of miles of void around, and hundreds of big worlds are trembling slightly--" Liuyuan Tiansheng rushed to the limit sky with the creation primordial spirit, and descended to the Ekuxuyuan, feeling The results are indeed shaking!

The smile of the Palace Master of Heavenly Boat stopped abruptly after a moment of shock! All of her blood spirit combat bodies suddenly couldn't get close to Ye Di! What is the reason!

The vast majority of cultivators in the Forest of Heaven didn't realize something was wrong until after a dozen breaths!


The earth and the void under your feet are trembling visibly!

In the eyes of spectators, the blood-colored battle bodies in the sky seemed to be suppressed inexplicably. Those blood-spirit battle bodies seemed to be very tortured and could not advance or retreat at all. The void on the entire battlefield seemed to be controlled by an invisible hand. !

"Which power? Can you show up!" Seeing that the situation is wrong, the yinke glanced around and shouted directly, but his shouting was not answered!

"Except for a few old guys, there is no strong person who can exhibit this kind of power, and the other party is suppressing me!" The palace owner of Heavenly Ship was suppressed because of the original blood spirit battle body, and began to be affected by it. The expression was hard to hide in a panic, and he didn't know who was secretly making trouble.

"Suppress you?" Yinike was startled.

"Yes, this kind of coercion, I have only felt it on Shentian's envoy, but that divine envoy will never appear here!" Palace Master Tianchuan gritted his silver teeth, his forehead began to grow densely. Xi Khan, she was very unconvinced. If Ye Di was helped by a strong person, then this fight would also lose its meaning!

From beginning to end! No one suspected that this was Yedi's method! Even the Palace Master of Heavenly Ship, surely believed that someone was helping him!

Su Jin's eyes slowly opened, staring at the prominent human'guillotine', and endless sadness began to flow around him. He ignored those still struggling blood and spirit combat bodies and the dark eyes of the ghost king. I felt a warm blood and tears!

"Nine heavens and ten places of longevity hall, the other shore reincarnation disappears. The blood on the guillotine was once stained all over the heavens! On the way of the catastrophe reincarnation, the soul queue has never disappeared for hundreds of millions of miles! The guillotine is no longer the power of yesterday! No ghost in the year! You... have also been buried!"

Su Jin slowly clenched his fist, raised his fist and asked Qingtian: "Come here~~~The Palace of Longevity!!"

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