My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3072: Hall of Eternal Life

Dian Dian Dian~~~

The extremely domineering voice is still reverberating for a long time. These words that are so breathless are like a heavy hammer hitting the hearts of countless people! Everyone looked dumbfounded and stared at Ye Di in surprise. It turned out that Ye Di didn't have anyone to help him. He relied on himself!

how come!

How is it possible!

The Palace Master of Heavenly Ship screamed unbelief in his heart, the trembling just now came from the Ye Emperor! The night emperor who still didn't use the sky bone!

The wind is frantic, the blood-red chains in the sky are as magnificent as thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, and the emperor's body is carrying the "Supreme Waste Tool", making a fist to show the sky! He does not surrender, no matter who he faces, he will fight to the last minute, even if the blood of the gods is burned!

The void of the battlefield trembles violently, and the Palace Master of Heavenly Ship feels that a catastrophe is imminent. This kind of supernatural power is far more terrifying than the forbidden method used by the Thunder-top giant just now. !

"The Hall of Longevity, it turned out to be the Hall of Longevity!" The Palace Master of the Skyship faintly saw the high sky, and gradually formed a huge phantom. The outline of the phantom is definitely a supreme palace!

There is no magnificent appearance, no magnificent and deep artistic conception. The entire phantom of the "Eternal Life Palace" gives people a simple and unpretentious feeling. Only after a long period of baptism can it have such a strong characteristic!

Rumble~~~ After all the blood spirit battle bodies were condensed in the phantom of the longevity hall, they could no longer withstand the pressure, and they were crushed into pieces with a crash!

These blood-spirit battle bodies are the origin of the palace owner of the skyship. If it is not important to destroy one or two, but they are all shattered by the coercion in an instant, the problem is big. Trembling, his face was as pale as white paper, and the blood at the corners of his mouth couldn't stop pouring out!

Linyike and the Thunderhead Giant were also uncomfortable. The Palace of Eternal Life suppressed the void above their heads. Although it was not as bad as the Palace Lord of the Skyship, under the full resistance, it affected the injuries suffered during the fight with the old lion camel. !

"You did a good job--" The Palace Master of the Skyship stared at Su Jin, and a touch of stars began to surround her delicate body. The "Void Origin, Truth and Divine Will" in her body suddenly burst out from the inside out. !

It was not her intention to be forced out of the sky!

Just like her, a strong creator, threatened not to take the lead in using the bones of the sky, and now he broke his promise and became fat! Although a little embarrassing, she will not despise Ye Di next! !

The **** cultivation in the Forest of Heaven was full of uproar!

"The Hall of Longevity, it is really the Hall of Longevity! My soul is a little uncontrollable, fluttering and flying, and I already want to fly into the hall of dreams!" The expression of a wandering **** was full of hope, with a little pace Just about to move, wanting to be one step closer to that longevity palace.

"Hold Daoxin! The Palace of Longevity is just a legend, it is a place that never returns, you all be sober!"

"Everyone knows that longevity is good! With endless longevity, it may not necessarily lead to longevity! This is the yoke of God, even if it is a creation, there is a disaster of creation. When the deadline comes, the longevity becomes a joke. The Palace of Longevity, all In a place outside the world, there are endless beautiful things in legends, living in them, carefree, no deadline, and truly longevity!"

"Emperor of the Longevity Hall, it turns out that there is a Hall of Longevity——"

"From the beginning of the era, when the heavens were divided, the Hall of Longevity only appeared once! No one has ever entered. It is very likely that the longevity is a rumor. Don't take it seriously!"

"But it seems to be calling me..." There was a girl with a slightly lower level, looking at the hall with blurred eyes, and wanted to go to the sky.

"Quickly tie her up!"


Liu Yuan Tiansheng now showed an extremely rare solemn color on his face, Ye Di has the Palace of Longevity? This was far beyond his expectation. He was somewhat fortunate that he had had a good relationship with Ye Di before, and had not been guilty of gains, and he hadn't even made a single move from the Eternal God Sect during the melee.

"Senior, the palace led by Ye Di is really the Hall of Longevity?" Sect Master Xing wiped a sweat on his forehead, and whispered inquiries about Six Yuan Heavenly Dao.

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Liu Yuan Tiansheng looked at Sect Master Xing seriously and asked.

"I almost brought a catastrophe to the sect!" Sect Master Xing said ashamed: "If the night emperor wins in this battle, you can only make friends, not evil!"

"Hehe, in the opinion of the old man, chaos Tiandao and his party, just say that your Star Sect has gained a lot, so don't be ashamed of Sect Master Xing, in fact, your heart has already blossomed, right?" Liu Yuan Tiansheng patted Sect Master Pai Xing On the shoulders, laughed.

"Senior's meaning, juniors don't understand--" Sect Master Xing looked at Liuyuan Tiansheng very suspiciously.

"Look, Ye Di asked if your little princess had any sisters and would like to come to propose marriage. Isn't this the biggest gain?" Liu Yuan Tiansheng glanced at Yun Feiyao as he said, and said: "From my point of view, If Ye Di survives, you let him go to your Star Sect in 18 years. During this time, you can also reproduce a few female dolls with your lady..."

Uh? Sect Master Xing was speechless instantly.

"No need to give birth, I still have a sister." Yun Feiyao puffed her cheeks and turned her face to one side.

"Haha is it? The old man knows your grandfather so well, why don't you know that you still have a sister?" Liu Yuan Tiansheng deliberately teased.

Don't look at Liuyuan Tiansheng and others in a happy mood and talk freely. Now some people have regrets and desire to die! For example, the old lion camel and lion camel patriarch, these two are currently depressed and scratching their scalp! King Suan was unwilling. His clan left a few seedlings, which looked like an extinct clan. With the advent of the Palace of Longevity, he naturally knew that the general trend of the Suan clan was gone, and it was still the kind that was difficult to revenge. !


The sky full of You Hui, cruising around the Hall of Longevity, the Palace Master of the Heavenly Boat is still somewhat comforted, she can see that with the current strength of the Ye Emperor, the Hall of Longevity cannot be fully manifested, and can only maintain this palace. Phantom outline!

If this is the case, Palace Master Tianchuan has the confidence to use "The Origin of Void Truth and Divine Will" to defeat the Ye Emperor! !

"Extremely kill Ye Di to avoid future troubles!" Standing on the shoulders of Leiding Giant, Min Yike began to walk against the great pressure of the phantom of the Eternal Palace.

The Palace Master of the Heavenly Ship acquiesced to the actions of Yin Yi Ke. She had been seriously injured before, but now she was injured more and more. After the palace of Longevity, she could not predict the consequences.

"Two adults, I used the giant soul to ignite the original thunder sky, and I can use the forbidden method again. It has the power of 70% of the forbidden method just now." The voice of the giant thundertop was astonishing as thunderously.

"That's great!" The Palace Master of the Skyship revealed unexpected joy, and felt a little calm.

"I and I will work together to counter the coercion of the Hall of Eternal Life! You cast the "Void Origin Truth and Divine Will" at a speed and cut off the head of Ye Di! That sky bone has assimilated his skull!" Yin Yike urged, killing intent in his tone pressing.

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