My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3082: Desperately!

Sovereign waste tool, pressing the golden dragon back!

As soon as the incomparable and prominent golden dragon appeared, the ‘Blue Sky Hu’ under the seat of the God of War Xu Wang immediately exploded, which was obviously caused by fright! !

Ye Di furiously transformed the Golden Dragon, is he going to smash the barrier enchantment of God of War Xu Wang with the attitude of the Golden Dragon?

Seeing this scene, almost everyone had such thoughts. Some people were trembling. Just now everyone was admiring Xu Wang and looked down upon Ye Di! But now, Ye Di's huge golden dragon posture shocked the monks in the world!

The terrifying Longwei is causing Zhou Tian's shock, Su Jin's huge golden dragon six claws, instantly grabbed it! Directly grasp Xu Wang's divine power barrier enchantment! !


The entire dazzling enchantment of Shenhua, between the sky and the earth, but in front of the six claws covering the sky, still lost the divine power!

The enchantment was shattered!

Countless people are stunned! The world of Baozheng, Ancestral Cave World, Wanxu Realm, and other big worlds are neatly quiet!

"Ye Di, turn the dragon into a rage! I tore through the divine power barrier of the God of War Xu Wang!" There was a cultivator in the Void Realm. When he spoke, he felt a little trembling, and his voice was lowered a lot.

"Broken, really torn, Ye Di may not be so unbearable, Xu Wang is certainly strong, but he somewhat despised Ye Di!"

"It's not unreasonable that the Yedi once became famous. Just now, the God of War Xu Wang kept humiliating him. If he is incompetent and unable to break the barrier, then his Yedi will be a shocking joke and will be laughed at by countless people!"

"It's too overbearing to turn the dragon into a rage. If this is shot on a strong creation, I'm afraid it can be killed!"


The monks everywhere discussed it, and no one cared, but at this time, the South of the Beast Forest, Liuyuan Tiansheng and others were shocked again!

Yun Feiyao flushed, and she was very concerned about Ye Di’s situation just now. Although the war **** Xu Wang was rude and humiliated in every way, but Ye Di’s bombardment broke the barrier of divine power, which really relieved people!

"Come on, Ye Di -" Yun Feiyao murmured secretly. She glanced at her father and found that his father was also dull, as if she couldn't bear the effect in her heart.

"Grandpa, if Ye Di replaces you at this moment, are you sure to deal with Xu Wang?" Shi Lingji asked curiously.

Liuyuan Tiansheng was agitated, and when he heard Shi Lingji's words, his face suddenly blacked out. He found that it was hard to explain now, because the disciples of the Emperor Shenzong were all staring at him!

"If the old man fights against Xu Wang, God of War..."

Liu Yuan Tiansheng thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "The old man will show this legendary figure a shocking back for the first time."


The disciples of the Eternal Gods Sect flashed by surprise at all! All fell! How shameless the ancestors were crazy outside, they finally saw this time, and they can even say that they escaped so fresh and refined!

Talk about trouble and talk about trouble, the battlefield still has to be seen! Everyone is paying attention to the huge golden dragon!

Xu Wang finally no longer calmed down, his face was getting a little gloomy. What he just saw was really not that his divine power barrier was not strong enough, but that the golden dragon that Ye Di transformed into was very strange!

The six claws seemed to contain the power to cover the sky, not to mention the divine power barrier, even if the power of the divine power barrier was increased ten times, the same result would happen, and it would be torn apart!

"I suddenly found that you have become interesting--" Xu Wang said lightly, staring at the giant golden dragon carrying the treasure on his back. And the ‘Blue Sky Hu’ under his seat also seemed to be very nervous, obviously as if he was approaching an enemy, hissing warning sound at the golden dragon.

Xu Wang looked indifferent, raised his left hand, opened a colored glaze watercolor umbrella, and stepped away from Qing Tianhu's back!

God of War Xu Wang, it's time to shoot!

He held the umbrella in his left hand, and there was an extra jade bone fan on his right hand. There was no ink on this bone fan, but as he raised the fan towards Su Jin, a sea of ​​icy screaming out of thin air rose into the sky!


The golden dragon that Su Jin transformed into, even if it was carrying the ‘Upper Sovereign Desolate Tool’ on its back, seemed unstoppable in front of the ice sea that solidified the sky at that instant!

So simple?

The lord of the Tianchuan Palace smiled like a flower, and Xu Wang, the **** of war, really did not make a name for himself! The treasure fan he is holding is probably from Shentian, so I have to say it is too powerful, just slap it out and it will freeze Ye Di!

"I said, your strength is nothing--" Xu Wang walked onto the sea of ​​ice formed in the void, and looked at the golden dragon road condescendingly!

Pieces of Jinhua gradually dissipated, Su Jin's figure emerged from the ice, and the ‘human-shaped wood carving’ seemed to have lost its charm at this time and returned to its original height.

Suddenly, the entire sea of ​​ice shook!

Xu Wang looked intently, he saw an ancient clock!

Donghuang Bell? Xu Wang is a little unsure!

But as the sky and the earth were dimmed and once seemed to be returning to the ancient times, ten terrifying suns appeared in the sky! In those ten rounds of the sun, every round was filled with the violent Golden Crow essence, and the ice sea was melting at a crazy speed!

Su Jin slowly raised his head, circled the road halo, flying from his feet to his waist! He used Vulcan Avenue to condense the chains, and tied the "Shang Zun Waste Tool" behind him, as if no one else started talking to himself!

"The world thinks that you are inferior to others and that you have insulted the four words'extreme bones'! Although you and I are like fireflies in his eyes, the fire of you and me can not only start a prairie fire, but also burn the sky! "

Su Jin's skin began to wither, and countless life-saving lives began to be refined by him, and the great life technique that penetrated the limbs and corpses was also dying!

"Have you been desperate--" Xu Wang squinted, his face very calm.

"It's time for you to show it for the first time. Although you are the **** of heavenly bones, in my heart, you can be on top of any heavenly bones! This time, let us, the fireflies, work together to prove to the world that even No matter how small fireflies are, they can glow and heat!"

Su Jin's face began to age, he drained every bit of lifespan strength, and his hair was as white as snow!


Xu Wang's figure disappeared suddenly, and he returned directly to the side of "Qing Tian Hu"! Above Su Jin, thousands of thunders descended from the ‘Siluo Plane’!

Su Jin raised his right hand, his face was unprecedentedly grim! He seemed to be bathed in the thunder light of the sun, and his whole body was rendered by thunder and lightning, extremely gorgeous!

He raised his right hand, slowly condensing a stone axe! !

Palace Master Tianchuan only felt that the "Void Sky Bone" in his back suddenly became hot, and the entire "Void Sky Bone" was trembling!

Yes! The celestial bones belonging to the palace lord of the skyship are trembling!

"The **** axe condensed with the Aotian's divine will!" The palace master of the sky boat was extremely ugly. This method was unheard of!

"This axe... its name is Aotian Shenwu... Tianzhang!" Su Jin slowly floated up while bathing in Thunder, and countless blue ink streamers were crazily rushing over the stone axe!

Heaven cut, out!

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