My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3083: Not convinced! Shenwu, cut!

Xu Wang’s face is rarely more solemn--

There is no doubt that he just took a look! Thinking that Su Jin had released Aotian Divine Will, he thought that this Heavenly Bone was a great time. He really did not expect that this was the true power of Aotian Divine Will!

A stone axe seemed to be dragging Ye Di slowly up, and the stone axe was shaking! It seems to have spiritual wisdom, affected by the words of the emperor!

At this moment, Su Jin seemed to have changed a momentum, the pressure was so great that he wanted to suppress dozens of big worlds around him! In the sky of those great worlds, thundering light continued, the stars trembled, and the earth trembled under our feet more violently than when the "Eternal Life Palace" came!

"Heaven, Heavenly Slash--" The Palace Master of the Skyship tremblingly muttered to himself.

Just now, my own Void Sky Bone fell silent after trembling, and "The Origin of the Void Truth and Divine Will" was compressed to the depths of the Sky Bone. This means... my own Sky Bone was suppressed by that stone axe!

This made Palace Master Tianchuan very sad, and could not accept it at all!

Everyone, including the Palace Master of the Heavenly Ship, thought that Yedi’s bones were not as good as hers! This reversal is more ruthless than killing her! !

Because the scene is too clear, countless eyes are paying attention to this battle! But at that moment, more than one person saw the situation behind Su Jin!

The humanoid woodcarving "Shang Zun Waste Tool" seemed to have opened his eyes!

"I... am I... am I wrong?" Someone tremblingly said in Baozhen's big world.

"The woodcarving opens his eyes, what does it mean? Yedi seems to have changed a person, controlling the plane of Senluo! At this time, he is too strong, burning longevity, refining life force, he did everything!"

"Ye Di is too cruel, how can I be able to give up my life in such a desperate situation?"

"Be ruthless to others, and even more ruthless to yourself. It's a pity that he can't defeat the invincible Xu Wang by doing everything he can! In this day, no one who can meet Xu Wang in battle has yet been born!"


In the battlefield, Su Jin still raised his axe! He has never boiled like this before, and now his heart is full of branches, which are transformed by his Buddha's Bodhi Heavenly Heart!

Su Jin was affected by the boiling power and felt no pain at all, and the Buddha King Tianxin, appealing to the rhyme of the Buddha, the branches that he pulled out started to bear flowers and bones, and the branches were firmly entwined with the Supreme Lord. Huang Qi' body!

In the south of the beast forest, the old monk Kongshi sighed and sat down cross-

When Bodhi was enlightened in the realm of Samadhi, the old monk of empty consciousness could only sigh. He had been wondering about Su Jin's way of cultivation, and at this moment he finally came to a sense.

Yedi uses life and death to prove Buddhism!


At this time, Su Jin's eyebrows were filled with endless vicissitudes of life, and the words "Sword Embryo" and "Swastika" appeared one by one! Xu Wang was shocked, this night emperor has the appearance of being in heaven!

"I only have the power of this blow! You win, and I die! This may be the result! But I still have to say a word to you now!" Su Jin seems to have turned into a nine-day war god, and now he thinks he is qualified to match Xu Looking forward to a battle!

"Let's talk--" Xu Wangyin sneered, and was quietly accumulating energy, paying close attention to Su Jin.

"I! Don't accept everything!" Su Jin glared at Xu Wang with angrily eyes, shouting loudly!

Xu Wang was shocked, what's going on! When Su Jin shouted this sentence, it seemed to have an accent, and that voice was obviously not from Ye Di!

It's that ‘supreme waste tool’! Xu Wang gritted his teeth secretly and paid great attention to it in his heart. He can be sure that this Supreme Desolate Tool comes from the "Shentian", but he does not know who the treasure is, and the owner of this Supreme Desolate Tool is definitely not someone he can offend!

Su Jin held up the'Aotian Divine Martial', and the Supreme Desolate Tool was not known how it was affected, and it stared like the night emperor, and on the Void, there was actually one that was tens of thousands of times larger than the'Tian Slash' Axe!

Not good! The visitors who watched the game from afar were greatly shocked. When Su Jin was fighting with a mortal heart, he unexpectedly opened his eyes to the woodcarving! Actually repeating what Ye Di said!

This is pushing to the limit!

Yingke is very fortunate to be away from the battlefield, and now he is almost certain that Aotian's divine will is not inferior to the "Void Origins of Truth and Divine Will" of Palace Master Tianchuan!

"Emperor Ye must die!! Otherwise, how can we get revenge!" King Suan was still fleeing in a hurry, but even if he escaped, he closely followed the situation of the battle and was deeply shocked by the limits of Ye Emperor!

The old lion camel took away the lion camel patriarch and looked at the battlefield from a distance, shocked to death! At this moment, they have completely lost the confidence to look for the Little Lion! If the night emperor is alive, the lion and camel clan can only choose to cultivate another inheritor, even knowing that this will consume countless hours!

The silence, the atmosphere that was suppressed to make it difficult to breathe, was everywhere around all spectators!

Xu Wang's face was dignified, and a lively world imprinted pattern began to step under his feet. In this world pattern, divine color and auspicious light were everywhere, and among them, a real **** was evolved, not transformed by his divine power!

This is the biggest difference between the late creation and the ordinary creation!

The magnificent Sunluo plane, the blue ink streamer is becoming less and less, although Su Jin holds the'Aotian Shenwu' in his hand, but it seems to be hanging on the handle of an axe, even if it is him, it takes a lot of effort to move the'sky. cut'!

"Come on, let the horse come!" Xu Wang's divine power boiled to the extreme, and his original world map under his feet seemed to be running. The entire original world was blessing him, and his aura was not lost to Ye Di! !

Su Jin gritted his teeth and held the axe handle with his left hand!

Good weight--

Su Jin had an inspiration in his heart, and he separated a wisp of Aotian divine will, wrapped in his hands, which made it feel a lot easier! Immediately, he ran the "Dead Man Sutra" again, letting this once-famous "Nine Deadly Skills" give him an increase, and he can now reach the fourth round of "Nine Deadly Skills"!

The last blow is now! !


Su Jin screamed, the sound of the'humanoid woodcarving' followed like a shadow, and the voice should be even more bizarre! It's also a heart-stirring word'fix'!

When I said that, there was a fascinating charm of ‘Shen Shenshu’ in the void, which suddenly appeared from Xu Wang!

This makes him hard to defend!


Xu Wang cried out "not good" secretly. Now Su Jin has the blessing of the "Supreme Waste Tool", plus the power of burning life, refining life, and all the methods, the power of this ‘soul-fixing technique’ is even more terrifying!

One breath, two breaths--

Xu Wang felt that his original world was frozen, and his various methods, including the majestic divine power in his body, all stagnated! Every breathing time is as long as an era!

Su Jin carried the sky full of blue ink thunder, and let out a ferocious roar, while Aotian Shenwu burst out with supreme divine light, and struck Xu Wang heavily!

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