My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3084: Storm is coming! !

A horrible rainbow of sparks and lightning, like a catastrophe that is eternally isolated!

Su Jin only felt the power in his body emptied instantly!

His Aotian Shenwu, the axe blade has reached Xu Wang! At that moment, it was as if this stone axe was carrying itself to rush, and the "Supreme Waste Tool" on its back, I don't know where it came from. This shadowy giant axe seemed to be in harmony with my own heaven and earth. One!

This is only a tenth of a second!

No matter how capable Ren Xuwang is, it is impossible to break free from the power of the'concentration technique'!

A loud sound stunned the spectators completely!

Xu Wang only felt severe pain all over his body. Although the power of concentration technique disappeared, when he lowered his head with blood on his face and looked at the stone axe stuck in his chest, a unique crisis was already breeding in his heart!

The supreme creation divine body, cracked! Xu Wang's own divine body had invited hundreds of great powers to sacrifice for him, and even more so that the treasures of the gods in the heavens imposed an incomparably mysterious law forbidden, but now he is still cut!

From the chest up to the collarbone, down to the sea of ​​qi, the injuries that came out were shocking!

"My supreme body, you can't kill me! Give me death--" Xu Wang was shocked, and just wanted to raise his hand to obliterate Su Jin, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

The stone axe gradually turned into a bit of starlight, and was taken back by the Ye Emperor. Xu Wang wanted to recover his injuries for the first time, but he found that he couldn't do it!

"Dao hurt!"

Xu Wang roared sternly, he almost didn't even think about it. When he patted the back of the ‘Blue Sky Hu’, the divine bird suddenly panicked and shook out the divine feathers. A feather bridge was erected on the spot!


Xu Wang is desperate now, Qing Tianhu grabbed the Palace Master of the Skyship, and went directly to the end of Yuqiao, disappearing!


Su Jin even coughed very weakly. At this moment, there was only endless darkness before his eyes, but in the darkness, he vaguely saw a red light spot!

That is Donghuang Bell! Su Jin raised his hand and staggered in the air to fall, the Eastern Emperor Bell floated on his waist again, and he fell into the void suddenly!

"Ye Di! Ye Di!"

Feng Qingtian yelled in a panic. She wrapped the body of Yedi with the Hunyuan purple silk, and was led to the vicinity of the "Unenviable Immortal Valley" along with herself! !

Although people have disappeared, in dozens of worlds, it seems that the whole world has been silenced. Every monk looks at the empty battlefield. People retreat, but the sun and thunder in the battlefield are still intertwined!

That shocking axe will become the most unforgettable nightmare in every monk's heart!

"At the end of Xu Wang, why didn't he care about confirming that the Emperor Ye had fallen, and chose to leave in a panic! Also, he used the blue sky whale to build a bridge of feathers, and he should have gone to the gods!" There is a person in the world of Baoli. Crazy God Town, the town is full of black and oppressive heads at the moment, and there is more communication.

"Xu Wang was slashed by an axe. It was a terrible scar on the road. If he were to change to an ordinary creation, he would fall on the spot! He had already judged that the night emperor could not live, so he wanted to return to the heavens first, heal the road wounds, and delay I'm afraid that Dao injury will spread all over his body, and will eventually fall apart!"

"Just now, the God of War Xu Wang felt that if it took a while, the injury would directly kill him! Otherwise, why would he not even do it!"

"The Palace Master of the Heavenly Boat had this opportunity. Although he did not obtain the Heavenly Bone of the Ye Emperor, he also entered the Heaven of God. It is only the Ye Emperor. I wonder if there is any possibility of alive!"

"Ye Di shocked the sky with an axe. He did everything. It would be too unreasonable if he could survive. No one would be able to save him! And his bones will once again cause a catastrophe greater than the Chaos Island!"

"I received the above news that the elders are already thoroughly investigating the traces of the Ye Emperor. The Ye Emperor is afraid that he has fallen. The Sky Bone, our Blood Origin Sect is bound to win."

Dozens of big worlds all moved when they heard the sound. Everyone knew the strength of the Heavenly Bone of the Emperor. This Heavenly Bone gave almost every force an idea!

The sky is hazy.

A purple light appeared on the horizon, and three hours later, the purple sun would not be strong, and would be completely covered by the thick blood tide. Feng Qingtian held Su Jin and looked at the vast area of ​​100,000 miles with anxious heart.

"I know I shouldn't be here, but I can't think of anyone other than Ape King and them who can help you!" Feng Qingtian muttered to herself, she can't feel Ye Di's breathing now, not even her heartbeat. , And his weight is very light now, so light that it is frightening.

Feng Qingtian passed the sound into the valley. She knew that there was a divine formation set up by Fenqin Tianhe, and she did not dare to enter it hastily.

A crane boom came from the north, Feng Qingtian's expression was happy, and he saw a huge sky crane descending rapidly——

The three great powers, the Golden Ancient Ape King, the Blood Mark White Tiger and the Big Ear Sanzang, have also arrived!

"Is it okay to only have white eyebrows and purple jade bones over there?" Fenqin Tianhe was talking to the Golden Ape King.

"Forget it!" The Golden Ancient Ape King shook the earth in one step, and rushed to where Feng Qingtian was!

"Ye Di he--" Da Er San Zang's face changed wildly. He now sees Ye Di at the first glance, and he feels that he is dead, his longevity is dry, and he can't feel the power of the Dao, as if it is like a piece of dead wood, without the slightest vitality. .

"Don't take off the Supreme Wild Tool behind him!" The Golden Ancient Ape King was very shocked by Su Jin's state. It used the huge yellow pupils and vomiting mysterious light to check Su Jin's situation.

"From a normal situation, the night emperor is dead, but it is possible to turn alive." Fenqin Tianhe took out a sea-colored bead and suspended it above Su's head, the sea-colored bead exuding softness. The brilliance, little by little, fell into Su Jin's body.

No way!

The healing divine light of the sea color pearl dissipated in Yedi's body, which already represented death, like rotten wood, it is difficult to live again!

"The problem lies with this supreme waste tool——" Big Ear Sanzang took a deep breath and slowly said, "Although the Yedi is dead, and the soul collapsed the moment he fell, the fragments of the soul are all Shaped like a desert, there is no possibility of healing anymore, but none of his soul fragments are lost, and all of them have been swept into the humanoid woodcarving."

"His exhausted divine body is not completely damaged! And his heart turned out to be a stone heart!" Fenqin Tianhe looked at it very truthfully.

"That is the Buddha's Tianxin. The Yedi has already proclaimed Bodhi and condensed the Bodhi tree on the other side of the Buddha. Look carefully at his stone heart, there are a few tiny buds that are still alive on the stone heart. "Da Er San Zang said with a flushed face.

Feng Qingtian cried with joy. Although these great abilities can't match the realm of creation, according to her understanding, the golden ape king has almost entered the creation, and there must be a way to revive the night emperor!

"I'll talk about it after entering the valley." The Golden Ancient Ape King stretched out Yellow Orange Orange's right hand, and Feng Qingtian jumped up with Su Jin in his arms.

Do not envy the fairy valley!

Yedi is back! But no one expected to come back this way! The women in red, Cangshanxue and others have long been looking forward to it, but when they saw the tragic situation of Ye Di, they were all moved!

"I have seen all the seniors--" The Haotian Clan Gushan hurriedly saluted, knowing that the huge golden ape king is the transcendent existence of the beast forest with majestic power.

"Quickly find a jade pond, if you can't find a rock, you can replace it! Go!" Fenqin Tianhe saw that the situation was urgent, and it was not time to chat.

Gushan nodded quickly. Although their Haotian clan is not as rich as other clan, they still have a lot of things like jade, such as chiseling out a pool with a piece of immortal stone jade!

The Requiem Whisperer and the Goddess of Baijing Lake looked from a distance. Even though Ye Di is now like this, the two girls still show their admiration sincerely!

The whole'Buxian Immortal Valley' became lively with the return of the emperor. Gushan made a piece of Xianzhi jade that was one meter high and more than ten meters wide into a jade pond and placed it in the cave behind the mountain. in.

Fenqin Tianhe kept holding out many magical medicines, and Feng Qingtian saw an umbrella-shaped magical mushroom in it, so he was born with spiritual eyes! Such quintessence, value cannot be measured with money!

"That's Star Eye Shenzhi. I once ventured into the abyss of the starry sky and picked it at the edge of a star eye. I'm afraid it's even longer than us." Fen Qin Tianhe saw Feng Qingtian's movement and said slowly. .

"This is Blue Sky Chalcedony, let it be used by Ye Di——" Daer Sanzang's face was so painful that he dumped a bottled magic weapon, and a colorful marrow liquid came out of it.

Da Er San Zang didn't dare to look at it, I was afraid that I would regret it! Chalcedony on this day is a rare treasure that is difficult to obtain when rich and powerful. Even the strong creators are flocking to it. It is something he will find hard to find for his future breakthrough!

The golden ancient ape king had a solemn face, and he held out a nearly transparent imaginary lotus treasure in his hand. He breathed out from the cave and sent the Fang lotus treasure in. Then it seemed to feel that it was not enough, and all the treasures were removed. Pour in.

"Ape King!" The Blood Mark White Tiger was anxious, and shouted outside the cave: "You are approaching a breakthrough. These are the magic medicines you need to create. Without their help, the limit will come ahead of time--"

"My time limit is more than a hundred years." The golden ancient ape king turned lonely and sat outside the mountain, still thinking of the scene of Ye Di's shock!


Don’t envy Xiangu, it’s going to change--

Surrounded by dozens of worlds, the great creations, the great realm masters and other existences all began to prepare masters and set off into the animal forest!

There are powerful creators who are proficient in divination, and the night emperor is dead, and there is no threat! And his body is still in the beast forest, these people came to dig the bones in the corpse!

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