My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3089: Appear to fight for the coffin!

Liu Yun's face turned pale--

Fiance Di Qiubai is now being photographed, there seems to be a blood hole below the waist, and his legs are almost broken!

Liu Yun was panicked. Except for Ling Xia and Di Qiubai, anyone could have an accident, but only these two could not! Di Qiubai inherited the blood of the Primordial First Dragon's ancestor, which is the most important existence of the Primordial Palace, and the Primordial Palace is famous for protecting shortcomings!

"Who triggered the curse of immortality, who!" Liu Yun seemed a little at a loss at this moment. She should have said her doubts a long time ago. Just now, her'Binaural Pill Phoenix Cauldron' slowed down in absorbing the soul, so she Suspect that someone did it deliberately!

"Big Brother Qiubai--" Ling Xia's face was dazed, and she was shocked by the sudden change when she looked at the figure that fell heavily to the ground.

However, General Blood Spirit is still erupting! The curse of immortality brought by the bronze coffin can make it come back to life every time it dies, and it will double its power!

These coffins are going to die!

"What should I do! This time Qiu Bai and his entourage came from the palace, and if something happens to him now, the Taikoo palace will surely anger us!" Liu Yun panicked, and directly drove the tripod, and shot it. General Xiang Xueling!


The heavy muffled sound knocked out a blossoming phoenix spirit divine flower, this'double-eared pill phoenix cauldron' was unable to shake the general blood spirit, but was firmly grasped by it with one hand! Even Liu Yun can't take it back!

"Grandpa Lingwang! Help!" Seeing this situation, Ling Xia hesitated and screamed, covering her ears!

With an extremely strong pressure gushing out, the Tree Spirit King appeared a little old and appeared from the void. It looked good. The **** son of the Primordial Palace was seriously injured and was bombarded by the blood spirit general. The part is so serious that it is a little cruel and inhuman!

"You are in trouble!" The tree spirit king looked at Ling Xia and Liu Yun with a numb scalp. He was extremely regretful in his heart, why didn't he take her home a long time ago!

"Grandpa Lingwang, don't care about our business--" Ling Xia still yelled cutely, with a relaxed tone.

The tree spirit king resisted the anger, it was rooted in the void, and countless tree roots began to spread from the void, even if it stretched towards the blood spirit general!

The blood spirit general, his pupil was scarlet, and the divine sword in his hand repeatedly cleaved a chaotic sword light, and the countless old roots of the tree spirit king were able to do well in those sword shadows, and they were constantly cutting!

"The second seal of the curse of immortality! You are really going to find trouble!" The tree spirit king looked at the heart, and the blood spirit general condensed a round of blood red battle figure behind it, a strange weapon. , Also condensed from the battle map, and its fierce aura made it too surprised.

The Blood Spirit General, the Tree Spirit King thought he could not handle it anymore, and the most urgent task now was to get rid of all these juniors! It was most worried about Di Qiubai's situation. After a glimpse of it, he could still stagger to his feet, and immediately felt a little settled.

"Come on, Grandpa Lingwang, you must be able to do it! Kill this young lady!" Ling Xia pouted, seemingly disgusted with General Blood Spirit, yelling again and again.

The Tree Spirit King was almost not scared to death--

If the General Bleeding Spirit has another immortal seal, don't even think about leaving this old tree! Must be smashed and burnt by the general blood spirit!

"Nine Dan Phoenix Sacrifice!" Liu Yun closed her eyes and displayed a mysterious handprint with both hands. The'double-eared Dan Phoenix cauldron' sprayed out the fragrance of medicine like the sky in an instant, and took this opportunity to shake the General Blood Spirit away. !

The entire Danding tripod floated over 20 million iron-boned soldiers, and wisps of pill fire fell, and suddenly a million iron-boned soldiers were swept to death!

"Let's go quickly--" Liu Yun drove the Danding and blasted through **** roads, trying to bypass the bronze coffin and take Di Qiubai away.

It's a bit powerful. Although others are invited, they all think that the strongest person in this trip is Di Qiubai, and the power that Liu Yun is currently exhibiting is not inferior to her fiance!

When everyone saw Di Qiubai, they all gasped!

Di Qiubai's divine body has been taking all kinds of magical medicines since he was born. It can be said that this body is extremely important to him, and now... this divine son of the Primordial Palace is horrible.

"Di Qiubai is about to get married in a year, and now he is so injured, how can he continue the blood of Shilong to the Primordial Palace?" A monk quietly transmitted the voice and asked others.

"Will Shenshen Sect still let Liu Yun marry Di Qiubai? Isn't this for sister Liu Yun to stay alive?"

"Maybe it can be repaired?"

"Damn! How do you fix it?"

"Abandon this divine body made of immeasurable treasures, he can exchange for a physical body, but the Primordial Palace will definitely not do this! Then their Primordial First Dragon bloodline will be lost!"

"After we went back, we were all kept behind closed doors and asked the elders to explain the situation to the Taikoo Palace. We are not to blame at all!"


Di Qiubai's face was bloodless, and he almost fainted. It was so dangerous that two monks stepped forward to assist him before he fell down again, and Liu Yun is now fully supporting the Danhuang Cauldron, and there is no time to help!

"Bronze coffin--" Di Qiubai was shivering, his voice was very small, and he raised his finger at the huge divine coffin on the ground, and he still wouldn't give up!

"Grandpa Lingwang can't hold on for long!" Ling Xia saw that the Tree Spirit King was roaring and was beaten back by the Blood Spirit General. They couldn't get close to the divine coffin!

"Use Skynet, hurry up!" Di Qiubai roared with all his strength.

Liu Yun's eyes condensed, and then she saw dozens of ‘Spirit Bound Skynet’s thrown on the bronze coffin. Everyone showed their powers, and they were dragging the coffin away from the battlefield quickly!

But something very strange happened!

A cluster of stars ejected straight down from high altitude! It fell directly on the bronze coffin!

Puffs of white smoke began to rise! But soon, it was like being splashed with cold water, and disappeared!

On the bronze coffin stood a body of soul! It was a youth-like primordial spirit, his face was indifferent, and his body was surrounded by a halo of primordial spirit!

"It's you!" Di Qiubai hated it, his eyes were red, staring at the body of the soul standing on the coffin! It was this guy who caused him to end like this, it was him!

How could Di Qiubai not hate it!

My own divine body can no longer be measured by value. It can be said that the Primordial Palace does not hesitate to use its vitality to look for the best magic medicine everywhere at the cost of decline, all to train him! Now he dare not think about what to do when he returns home!

The tree spirit king is now too busy to take care of himself. After dodge the sword of the general blood spirit, looking at the body of the soul on the coffin, he is also holding a fire in his heart!

"You are about to be tempered to death by the curse on the coffin body, it is hateful, your humble ant caused a terrible disaster, you died, but it hurt other people!" The tree spirit king trembled with anger. , Angrily sprayed Su Jin.

"I will be tempered to death by this curse? You are afraid that you have never seen God's curse——" Su Jin looked at the Tree Spirit King, curled his lips and said.

God curse!

Many people took a closer look at the place on the bronze coffin where Su Jin was in contact with the soul, where there is white smoke! This person really suppressed the curse on the coffin!

When Su Jin was in the Baijiehui, he was contaminated with God's curse! Therefore, he is not afraid of this curse at all now!

"Hurry up and kill him! No, grab him and use your Pill Phoenix Cauldron! Catch him to the soul!" Di Qiubai was still using resentful eyes, so Liu Yun was also surprised at this glance. She had never seen this side of Di Qiubai!

"Dan Phoenix Ding! Go--" Liu Yunqing yelled, and the heavy double-eared Ding Phoenix Ding suddenly pointed the mouth of the Ding at Su Jin and blasted towards Su Jin!

Su Jin didn't care, his soul body suddenly put his hands together!

boom! A ring of Buddha gradually rippled out, circled outside the aura of the soul! In the ring of the Buddha, the Buddhist scriptures are flying up and down, making people dizzy and fascinating!

However, Su Jin felt that this seemed not enough. The body of the soul was still the soul in the final analysis. After all, he was fragile. He directly circled the other eight auras one by one, layer by layer, with nine colors!

If you look at Su Jin at this time from a high altitude, you will find an extremely amazing scene! The nine halos, like a giant colored compass, are extremely beautiful!

And Liu Yun's'Binaural Pill Phoenix Ding' is unpredictable! After the extremely strong medicinal scent filled, the entire Dingkou was also shot on Su Jin's soul at close range!

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