My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3090: Step on the coffin


The entire double-eared Danhuang Cauldron was trembling constantly, and Liu Yun saw that she couldn't take Su Jin away like this, so she directly forced a drop of divine blood from her fingers, and went directly to the Danhuang Cauldron to blur the original Dao map!

The Dan Phoenix Cauldron seemed to have been infused with strong power, and its size soared six times as much. The dazzling golden phoenix seemed to have come from nine days and fell on that piece of Taoism!

"Yes, not yet--" Liu Yun was stunned. Her Pill Phoenix cauldron and the soul of the soul had miraculous effects, but this time, she even used the origin and still treated the young man in the state of the soul. useless!

"What's the situation?" A monk from the same team was stunned.

"Liu Yun's Pill Phoenix Cauldron, any primordial spirit has to retreat when he sees it. It was once even borrowed from the frontier to suppress the evil demon primordial spirit. How could it be invalid for this person?"

"Could it be Sister Liu Yun, who has lost too much?"

"Impossible, Liu Yun did not damage the origin before, and the power of the origin has nothing to do with the loss of his own divine power. How could this happen—"

Di Qiubai, who was seriously injured, was a little mad. Now his body is broken and he can only hold the soul, but he can't hold on for long. If he doesn't ask for help again, he will be consumed and killed here!

Su Jin snorted, he wanted the Dan Phoenix Cauldron to have an effect on him, but as long as his primordial spirit was not broken up, his primordial spirit belonged to the fragments of the soul, and now his soul fragments are being exalted. Protected by the waste tool, this soul is destined not to be taken away!

"Who are you, why can you restrain my Dan Phoenix Cauldron?" Liu Yun seemed to be discouraged, already knowing that the Dan Phoenix Cauldron could not be used to control this young soul.

"My name is Su Jin, what is your name, Miss Sister——" Su Jin said with a smile on his face.

"She is my sister Liu Yun." Ling Xia took Liu Yun's arm and stared at Su Jin, a little hostile.

"You know, what is the background of Di Qiubai who was murdered by you? He is the **** son of the Taikoo Palace. No matter where you flee, the Taikoo Palace can find it." Liu Yun said in a conversation.

Su Jin had a good feeling for this girl named Liu Yun. Although her words were threatening, they were not too strong, and her voice was soft, as if she wouldn't speak too loudly.

"Is the **** child so bad? A soul can hurt you like this--" Su Jin looked at that Di Qiubai, "but you are a little bit interesting. If I recover from my soul and return to the flesh, I can live with me. World War I."

Di Qiubai was already extremely injured. When Su Jin spoke like this, he almost died out of anger. He gritted his teeth tightly, enduring the pain that didn't belong to him, and said angrily: "You took my bronze coffin. By chance, you will be wiped out by my Taikoo Palace afterwards! The one that doesn't stay!"

Su Jin slowly tilted his head and looked up and down, but his expression was extremely indifferent. He smiled and said, "The world's strange treasures, those who can get it, how come this bronze coffin is yours?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Let's work together to lower the Panic Thunder! Just kill him!" A monk suggested directly.


"Kill him to avenge Brother Di!"

Rumble, the dark **** rainy world, beating the drum clank, one of the monks actually photographed a giant drum, when the drum head was blasted, the thunder caused by the drum even swallowed the continent!

There is a circular halo around Su Jin, which seems to have affected nine kinds of Taoist rhymes, and gradually it is like a compass, going forward or backward, and the road begins to turn.

A trace of the heavenly scriptures rises between the heaven and the earth, bathing in the rain of blood with the Buddhist scriptures! And more importantly, on the nine compasses, a black word ‘death’ floated out!

Desolate thunder, appeared around Su Jin! But without a single Dao Yun, the entire continent seemed to be Su Jin’s dojo!

"Leave me quickly!" The tree spirit king saw his scalp numb, and he knew Su Jin's extraordinaryness. It is now entangled by the blood spirit general, and it has fallen into a dangerous disadvantage, and can't take care of those juniors!

"No! It's the "Dead Man Sutra"! He actually owns the "Dead Man Sutra"!"

Someone was frightened and pale with fright. They didn't want to keep their hands wherever they were willing to stay any longer. They even used some extremely rare expendable divine treasures to blast through a road surrounded by armored soldiers!

"Get off, don't show off the broken tripod." Su Jinduan sat in the middle of the compass on the Nine-Colored Avenue, and gently brushed his hand, the'double-eared Danhuang Ding' was directly shocked!

Liu Yun's delicate body trembled fiercely. The origin she used on the'Pill Phoenix Cauldron' was shattered. Fortunately, it was only a very small origin, otherwise she would also be injured by Su Jin's handy power. !

Su Jin used the Vulcan Way to burn the "Spirit-Binding Skynet" on the bronze coffin, and then tied it up with fire-colored chains. After doing all this, he quietly recited the "Killing Heart Sutra" and cried secretly. The words'killing martial arts'!

Above this continent, a black and red tornado vortex is condensing crazily! Accompanied by the shocking thunder and lightning, Su Jin only felt that he was being sucked up into the air by the vortex. His face sank immediately, and he used the power of the primordial spirit to pull up the ‘bronze standing coffin’ tied with five flowers! Then step on the giant coffin and rush to the whirlpool above the sky!

Without ten breaths, Su Jin's soul completely disappeared in this desert!

Liu Yun and the others just happened to be out of the General’s Ancient Land, and they saw the shocking scene of Su Jin walking away from the coffin——

"This person's name is Su Jin, is it from the Su family of the Shengshi Dynasty? Shouldn't it, there is no evildoer named Su Jin in the Shengshi Dynasty in the heavens." Ling Xia was puzzled and shook her head.

"No matter where he comes from! My Primordial Palace is bound to chase to the end!" Di Qiubai roared with resentment on his face.


The space inside the Supreme Being

The violent black and red thunder seems to want to split this space! The horrible movement even caused the tremor of the entire woodcarving! Killing Wu Zun screamed, yelling that it is too difficult for himself!

He looks like a child every day, but Su Jin just said his name silently and turned him into a big yellow dog, and he still doesn't know what happened! Originally thought that he could pick up Su Jin's soul without much effort, but he had spent most of his energy before he brought in Su Jin's soul!


A bronze coffin was erected, and it fell heavily to the ground, causing smoke and dust everywhere! Killing Wu Zun first glanced at Su Jin's humanoid soul, then looked at the bronze coffin at his feet, stunned.

No wonder it's so hard to pick up! My eldest brother who bowed to worship took a coffin and entered the waste tool space!

It's miserable, is it worth it? Killing Wu Zun doesn't know how many years it will take to recover the strength he just lost!

"Big brother, you are too fierce. For this coffin, you almost exhausted me!" Killing Wu Zun complained, his body bounced and turned into a child again. When he approached the bronze coffin, his eyes gradually changed. Up.

"Don't touch the coffin." Su Jin clicked in response, and then strode to the fine blue sand. These are all his soul fragments. Now there is almost no need to kill the martial arts, he also knows how to gather the souls!

The power of the body of the soul began to rotate slowly, and Su Jin could feel every fragment of the soul began to rise from the ground, and his soul also closed his eyes and began to recreate the soul!

"Oh, this bronze coffin, could it be--" Killing Wu Zun wanted to touch, but suddenly his hairs stood upright, he took three steps backwards, and looked carefully at it in surprise.

"Do you know the origin of this bronze coffin?" Su Jin's soul was already stained with tens of thousands of fragments! Took the time to ask.

"A rare treasure in the wild, this bronze coffin is from the ancient land of the generals. Big brother is really amazing. This is going to be posted!" Killing Wuzun swallowed his mouth vigorously.

"Is there anything to say about this coffin? I don't think it's hard to get it." Su Jin said casually.

It's not difficult!

Killing Wu Zun's immature face seemed to be frightened, "Isn't this coffin going with you on purpose!"

"Someone pulled the bronze coffin out, I just took it along the way." Su Jin thought for a while, and suddenly, his thoughts were wrong. According to the murderous martial arts character, this bronze coffin would definitely not be easily obtained!

"It's easy to pull the coffin. As long as the strength can suppress General Blood Spirit, this coffin can be easily pulled out. I have sneaked and killed General Blood Spirit no less than 30 times. In the end, I was almost killed by General Blood Spirit. , Suppress it temporarily, otherwise it will be impossible to escape the end of the fall!" Killing Wu Zun said with emotion.

"Then after you suppressed General Blood Spirit, why didn't you pull the coffin?" Su Jin asked a very serious question.

"I think! But General Blood Spirit has been beheaded thirty times, the power of the curse is beyond my ability to bear, and I know that even if this coffin is pulled out, it will be difficult to keep it!" Killing Wu Zun said again.

"What do you mean?"

"This coffin to evil has been pulled out thousands of times in the long years, but every time it will mysteriously disappear and return to the ancient land of the general." The killing **** Wuzun said mysteriously.

Su Jin was surprised--

Killing Wu Zun saw Su Jin's surprise, and said solemnly: "So, if it doesn't take the initiative to turn into nothingness and reappear in the General Ancient Land in a while, there is only one possibility! This coffin is deliberately following you. of!"

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