My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3099: He is Yedi!

The killing intent swept across hundreds of thousands of miles. Outside the horrible years, all the killing intent that grew up in the sky was permeated. At this time, it seemed that the master had come!

Fenjiang and Zhuhai are like enemies!

That pair of blood wings, the pressure on people is so great, the top of the wing tip is stained with the sky, and hundreds of war thunders are drawn down. This piece of land with only the sound of wind, lightning smashes the night, and the human-shaped woodcarving, it is Like a pair of huge wings, it is already standing proudly in the void!

"Your Excellency, my two brothers have no intention of offending!" Fen Jiang said with a black face as if there was a huge rock in his heart, "Here is a corpse of God with bones in it, if you stop, everything is easy to say when you split the bones!"

"Oh? Really?" The voice of the wood carving made people listen a little strange.

"Sixty-three worlds, there are more than a hundred creations. Although your Excellency is strong, it is impossible to protect this valley with your own strength! Both of me dare to guarantee that if you stand outside the formation, you will get a bone of heaven!" Fen Jiang Zaidao.

"There is only one sky bone, are you going to break it?" Su Jin said lightly.

"The bones of the sky can be solved, and the ancestors of the five elements can do it!" Fen Jiang nodded.

"Let's do it, I just cultivated the Supreme Divine Technique, and I want to try the two of you—" With the pupil of wood carving, Su Jin glanced at the standing Fenjiang Zhuhai, his tone didn't mean anything to discuss.

The two of Fenjiang Zhuhai looked at each other and saw that the mysterious wood carving refused to compromise. Fen Jiang immediately said: "Then it's no wonder that the old man is so persuasive! Second brother, kill him!"

The two stepped heavily on their feet, both of their hands held up their respective towers, and a circular void was immediately cleared around!

The two brothers, as if they were evolving along the road, moved their bodies along the road, and then shouted at the same time: "Black and White Pagoda! Fusion!"


The two sacred towers slammed into each other, there was no amazing sound, but the fluctuation of the divine power was unimaginable! These two towers of black and white merged into one, and they were so heavy that both Fenjiang and Zhuhai seemed to be struggling!

"What a dazzling tower! Is this a fusion technique, or what means?" Someone from the outside world was surprised.

"It is a miracle that there are these two people in the world of Thousand Chances! It is a miracle that the two of them have very strange tempers, and when they rarely meet an enemy together, even if the gods and heavens had messengers to pick up the two at the beginning, they were in a state of incompatible state. , I only wish one person to enter the heavens."

"This Sovereign Wild Tool looks even more extraordinary. Not only can you open your eyes, you can also speak, the blood wings of murderous aura, from our point of view, it feels suffocating--"

"So what! Fenjiang Zhuhai teamed up and swept the strong! The two were ranked fifth in the world of Thousand Chances, because no one wanted to rank lower than the other! If the two worked together to perform such magical skills, It is estimated that the first person in the Thousand Chance world will have to be crushed alive!"

"It's too strong! Will this Supreme Waste Tool be shattered?"


Everyone looked at it with excitement. Even if the sky is slim, seeing this level of confrontation is a worthwhile trip!


The black and white divine tower gradually became unparalleled height, raised its head high, and countless how many layers were stacked. This divine tower trembled slightly, and the void was actually torn apart from both sides!

"Get up!" Fen Jiang roared, and the black divine light all over his body affected the trails, and like Zhuhai, he jointly manipulated this two-color tower!

Woke up! The black and white tower of the gods, as if a piece of land hundreds of miles wide has been opened, the tower base rises, and a weird wind tunnel buzzes under the tower base, as if it can swallow everything!

Boom! ! The rising black-and-white sacred tower slammed towards Su Jin's body town! The void is being swept to pieces, an invisible wave of power swept the boundless void abyss!

With a thought to Su Jin, the blood-colored wings seemed to be his own arms, shaking slightly, and the whole person appeared in another position!

Boom boom boom boom!

The black and white towers of the gods connected the towers and continued to suppress Su Jin, but his speed was too fast, the speed was hard to find with the naked eye! If you look at it from a slower angle, you can see Su Jin transforming into a blood-winged light and shadow, flying horizontally under the bottom of the towers, easily dodge every time!

"That's it?" Su Jin stopped the waste tool body, two **** arms condensed by murderous aura, raised in front of the woodcarving body, and his **** formed thousands of black and red'scriptures' in an instant. ! Respectively belong to "Dead Man Sutra" and "Dead Man Sutra"!

The red ring was covered with a black ring, and it turned into a circular **** map. You must know that this is just a **** map intertwined with two breaths!

"Ten Thousand Pagodas! The town of Eternal Era!" Fenjiang boiled the sea and burst into laughter. A black and white phantom of the sacred pagoda flew out from the black and white real pagoda like icebergs!


Su Jin manipulated the huge dark blood **** figure in front of him, and launched it with a lift! Countless phantoms of Taoist towers were instantly swept to pieces by the huge red and black **** map!

"So strong!" Zhu Hai was shocked.

"Not good! Guardian Tower!"

The void fragments were all swallowed by Su Jin's dark blood **** map, that terrifying **** map, like a roulette that smashed everything, crashed into the black and white **** tower!

Can't stop it! Fen Jiang only felt that his body had been suppressed by murderous intent. The pressure brought by this dark blood **** map was unprecedented! The murderous aura around, even if it is a hundred times stronger than the graves of some sentient beings!

boom! The dark blood **** figure shook the black and white **** tower!


The two brothers, Fenjiang and Zhuhai, directly took a breath of blood! However, before they could react, Su Jin used the body of the waste weapon and the blood-colored wings to directly turn into a rainbow light and rush towards the black and white tower!

A loud noise like the sky happened at that moment! The sound waves that are enough to pierce the eardrums are endless! Just now, this wood carving, urging the divine wings... really collided with the black and white divine tower!

After the loud noise subsided, everyone was in an uproar one after another!

"The two-color sacred towers were originally the gods of the Fenjiang boiled the sea, but they belonged to their innate! After the tower was combined into one, there is a supernatural power, but now... now it has been knocked out of a shocking hole! "When someone started talking, they only felt their teeth trembling, incredulous!

"The hole, how could this level of sacred treasure be damaged! How powerful is this wood carving, it can actually break the original sacred treasure of the Fenjiang boiled sea and the natural stone man!"

"Once these two great abilities have been to the Sea of ​​Buddha in my realm! They said they wanted to capture hundreds of millions of creatures and use their power to nourish their tower realm. This shouldn't be broken so easily!"

"Not good! The two adults of Fenjiang Zhuhai in the'Thousand Chance Realm' have suffered a lot of origin! The current Shi Shendao Yun is leaving the body! They have no combat power! They need to leave and recast the origin!"

"Why is this!"

"Do you see the layers of darkness in the Dark Blood God's picture! Look carefully! Those are all densely packed scriptures with the word'death'. This is the "Dead Man"! Shock the heavens! Not long ago, the "Dead Man Sutra" appeared on Yedi! This sutra can destroy all bloodlines!" Someone shouted loudly.

"He is Ye Emperor!"

"He is Ye Emperor!"

"He is Ye Emperor!"

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