My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3100: Zhu Qiang, now!

The monstrous sound, wave after wave! Go straight to Xiaohan!

It’s not someone else who displays the "Supreme Waste Tool"! It is Yedi!

Not long ago, monks from all circles had seen this human-shaped wooden sculpture in the mirrored scene!

At that time, the Yedi stepped on the shoulders of the woodcarving and fought against the palace lord of the sky ship! Xu Wang is seriously injured!

Now the combination of "The Dead Man's Scripture" and a shocking killing script form a dark blood **** figure, which is unstoppable in the hands of the emperor!

Ye Di, why is it so hard to kill!

After he defeated a few strong men in the chaotic island, he should have died in the hands of the palace master of the skyship and the **** of war Xu Wang, but now he has appeared again! Although it did not appear in Taoism, as soon as the "Dead Man Sutra" came out, no one knew who was taking over the wood carving!

Do not envy the fairy valley.

Feng Qingtian, Qiu Da Kui, Yao'er and other women, all clenched their little hands. This is a moment for them to witness the power of the Ye Emperor. When they were in Chaos Tiandao, only Feng Qingtian followed, and the rest were all taken by the valley. Sleepy, unable to visit!

Su Jin’s wood-carved pupils suddenly turned into breathtaking blood colors. With a move of his wings, he directly swept the bodies of the two stone gods with the blood **** wings——

"You--" Fen Jiang and Zhu Hai's eyes widened, looking hard at the back of the stretched wings in front of them. When they lowered their heads to look at themselves, a neat wound was causing them to lose consciousness, lose their vision, and fall into Eternal darkness!

"It's a pity! Boss! Next time, you will be gentle. The real gods are all made by living sacrifices. If I take these two stone gods back, shave their heads and then carve Buddha lotus on the stone gods. , Can be made into a pair of scary Buddha treasures!" Killing Wu Zun complained.

"I think you are like a living treasure, and the dead are also yours—" Su Jin said lightly.

"That tower is too ugly, and there are more holes. I patched it up. It is estimated that it will not be repaired for 30,000 years. No matter, let's go to the deity's pocket!" Killing Wu Zun benefited. The look of dissatisfaction made foreign enemies look dumbfounded.

Now that the two important powers, Fenjiang and Zhuhai, have fallen tragically before leaving the teacher, the key to this is that the emperor of the night has not even appeared!

Killing Wuzun's eyes are cunning, on the shoulders of the woodcarving, he sticks his waist and bulges his cheeks, spit out a circle of wonderful Dao Yun power——

I saw Fenjiang and Zhuhai’s stone divine bodies, which had been cut in half, were gradually becoming smaller, and they were dipped together by the thick murderous aura, and the two-color divine pagoda, which had broken through a big hole, was also rising rapidly. Variety!

In the end, the murderous Wuzun carried the **** tower, holding a small stone **** in each hand, causing the foreign enemy to have a feeling of collapse.

This is really a little devil, still a little devil with the means to reach the sky!

Su Jin's body of a waste weapon, turned around at this moment, quietly looking at Si Ye Void!

At the moment when Fenjiang and Zhuhai died, the ancestors of the Five Elements had no hope of seeing the broken formation, and even abandoned the "Tianhen Divine Banner" and disappeared in a hurry!

"Broken the flagpole, come over to the deity. After the deity casts the temple, use you as a dust duster—" Killing Wuzun stuffed the broken tower into the waste tool space, and then raised his small hand to lift the'Tianhen God' The flag's shrunk and photographed in front of him, only to see him look at it three times, and he nodded with satisfaction, and put it away as well.

Su Jin held his breath, turned his blood wing away, and landed heavily on the empty wasteland!

He knew that just beating Fenjiang and boiling the sea was just a fluke! These two people were too afraid of death, and were not willing to explode the Primordial Elementary Realm, otherwise, even if his body is not broken, it will definitely be broken!

Moreover, before Su Jin smashed the two-color **** tower out of a hole, no one saw that the two people's original restriction on the tower was swept to pieces by the six fingers he turned into a **** hand, otherwise it was replaced. He was not so easy to kill any power in the later stage of creation--

After all, this waste body is not as good as his own physical and divine body! Because I can't achieve the degree of freedom as an arm's finger!

just now--

The real danger has just arrived. Only relying on humanoid woodcarvings can only confuse the general strong. Now Su Jin’s own physical body has been regarded as a situation in the heavens. As long as some real strong think about it, it will Figured it out.

In the world, a lone wooden sculpture is standing on the ground.

No one was making noise, and the scene was very, very quiet at one time. This is just the word Yedi, how well it can do it!

"Emperor Ye uses his own Dao Fruit to help me solve all my doubts and become my Buddha King. His body has not yet recovered, and all the creations will be on the scene later. He and us, I don't know how long he can resist." Said slowly.

"The humanoid woodcarving is indeed under the control of the Ye Emperor." Fenqin Tianhe nodded and sighed: "His soul must have suffered an unimaginable injury, otherwise it is impossible not to enter the body, the next battle... …It will be difficult."

The blood-stripe white tiger was silent. It wanted to seriously apologize to the Yedi. After all, you see that both the Ape King and the Big Ear Sanzang have got a good chance. It is estimated that all the words it said to the Ape King before were also by the Night Emperor. Listen to -

Ugh! Talking too much is a curse! The blood-stripe white tiger was about to burst into tears in his heart. If it were to break through on its own, then it would be the year of the monkey!

The black gradually faded, even the blood evaporates, the purple sun shines, but the strange atmosphere is still growing——

In the sky, beside a tiny purple cloud, dozens of tyrannical auras run through the sky and the earth, approaching the ‘Not Envy of Immortal Valley’!

There is great power!

Su Jin didn't care, and continued to comprehend the "Dead Man Sutra" and the "Slaying Heaven Sutra". He even separated a strand of Yuanshen and began to set up a coffin around the bronze in the world of the Lord!

This coffin has not yet turned away from the virtual appearance. On the surface, there is a large patina on the body of the coffin——

If it were placed in the past, Su Jin might let this strand of Yuanshen try to enter the'Bronze Standing Coffin', but now that a strong enemy appears, he will not break the Yuanshen at all, to bear unknown risks!

"World of All Nations, Li Longji, the **** of creation, is here!" The foreign enemies who watched the battle suddenly cheered up, and seemed to be more courageous!

"Eastern Divine State, not a real person! This is a Taoist creation——"

"Look! Ten ancient emperors of our Yuanshe Realm have also arrived!"

"Yuanshe Realm actually came to ten creation powers! Is the one in the center the realm master "Yuanshe Ancient Emperor"? This power once opened up a world with the power of one person, and this world is still bigger than the surrounding world. Much prosperous!"

"There are several fairy goddesses on the left, are they the creation goddesses of'Linglong Tian'? One, two, three... seven!" Someone's eyes glowed, looking at the seven creation goddesses, Xianyi Beautiful, he swallowed his saliva immediately: "Yes, yes, this is Linglong Tianxian. When the seven of them once developed from Linglong Tian, ​​they were condensed in the heart of a **** lotus, and they had already sat in the palm of'Linglong Tian' endlessly. Years are coming!"

"These seven fairies are really comparable to those of ordinary women. They are divine creatures and immaculate! The strength of these seven people is not inferior to the two abilities of'Fenjiang' and'Zhuhai' just now!"

"Just the first wave of creation, so many powerful people have come! I think that even if the emperor Ye has the ability to reach the sky, it will be difficult to defend his bones!"


Those who come are all terrifying existences in the prominent world!

Su Jin opened his eyes with the woodcarving pupils, and then closed them——

He doesn't make a move if there are not enough people.

At least without those masters of formations, this ridiculous age formation can still resist for a long time. Only Su Jin and Fenqin Tianhe knew the mystery of this formation!

The higher your cultivation base, the faster your life will flow when you fall into the "desolate age formation"! This is why the ancestors of the Five Elements are eager to break the battle! Even borrowed the "Tianhen Divine Banner"!

"Forty-five!" Liu Yuan Tiansheng's face was very ugly.

"This is far more than that. In my opinion, there are at least more than two hundred creations present today!" The **** white tiger said solemnly.

"Sixty-three realms, there are so many creations?" Daer Sanzang became curious.

"You are so lazy, you nest in the Western Bitter Sea every day, where do you know the changes in the outside world? These sixty-three realms, more than two hundred creations! And this time there is a lot of noise and noise. When I came, I heard that many ancient caves were mysterious Automatically start, this battle, I am afraid that there will be ancient gods appearing——" Although the old monk of Kongshi has an unsightly face, it is not as bad as others.

"I am afraid we will all fall in this battle." The Golden Ancient Ape King raised his head and stared at a piece of treasure in the southwestern sky, his tone slightly heavy.

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