My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3109: The people who are waiting are here!

The powerful coercion, when the power of the Hundreds of Creation approaches the bronze coffin, it seems to condense into a physical state that can be seen by the naked eye!

The bronze coffin was affected and began to tremble in the coercion. Su Jin was still calm, confining the two heaven-defying scriptures of heaven and earth, constantly compressing the space, and now...the area confined by scriptures is only more than two thousand miles!

"It's useless to wave the flag--" Killing Wuzun severely shattered the white flag, "Boss, you quickly urge the bronze coffin to kill them!"

"Not yet time." Su Jin could see that the ancient emperor Yuanshe and his gang of creations were very cautious, and could not help but slowly approach the murderous martial arts.

"It's not in time, but you can't do it at all! This erected coffin can be smashed and bumped at best, where is there any power!" Murder Wuzun wailed.

"Really? Then you look at—"

As soon as Su Jin's voice fell, the primordial spirit's fingers moved a little further away.

Killing Wu Zun was suddenly affected by an astonishing breath. He looked at it intently and said in surprise: "Why did I forget this! The boss is really a **** and man!"

Not far away, a mysterious figure in a broken armor was condensing faintly! This is the blood spirit general who guards the coffin in the ancient land of generals!

"Yes, the curse and seal of the **** coffin is in my control. This coffin is quite magical, even I can't figure it out, but where this coffin is, the reason why the blood spirit general will be cursed is recondensed near the bronze coffin. "The corner of Su Jin's mouth raised, "I just released the half-cursed power of this coffin, and then I can summon General Blood Spirit."

After that, Su Jin raised his hand, and General Blood Spirit was thrown into the group of creations by him instantly!


General Blood Spirit was instantly blown up! Many creations feel no effort at all! Just a thought, the person thrown by Ye Di was wiped out!

"It turns out that Ye Di is so rubbish, we were all scared by him just now—"

"No! What is this thrown here? Alive again!"

"Then kill again!"

Bang bang bang bang bang-

Groups of divine light extinguished the blood spirit general and died twelve times in an instant!

"Roar!" General Blood Spirit carried Qi Boom of the hundreds of creations, and even grabbed to his side, and cut off the arm of one of the creations with a sword!

"How come! This man is a little weird! Every time he dies, he gains greater strength!"

"There is a powerful curse on this man, as long as he dies once, a curse seal will be unlocked! Be careful, everyone, you can't kill him again!"

"Bang--" General Blood Spirit burst to pieces and recondensed, his arms swept away from the crowd, and he swept away more than ten creation powers!

The blood spirit general in the raging roar roared sharply, a trace of blood shining out from his body, turning into a black iron armor!

The ancient emperor Yuan She's eyes were cold, and he said indifferently: "Dare to make trouble with low-end methods? Look at my Qing Yuan Jing!"

The ancient emperor raised his hand, like a small vortex condensed on his right palm, and then a magic mirror came out! That mirror light shrouded all the iron armor in the mirror light!

Bah Bah Bah, the iron armor soldiers that the General Blood Spirit turned into with the blood spirit, all turned into a trace of the power of the red soul, and disappeared! And that ‘Qing Yuan Mirror’ swirled on the head of General Blood Spirit, almost trying to suppress him!

"The ancient emperor can't! I remember! This person can't be killed indiscriminately!" There was an ugly face of a strong creation, and he just reminded that the brilliance of the'Qing Yuan Jing' shattered the general blood spirit again!

"Who is he? How can he not die!"

"He comes from the wilderness! He is the general of General Gudi! Guarding this bronze divine coffin!!"


"The Tianhuang closest to the gods! General Gudi!"


As a group of creations looked surprised, Murder Wuzun also secretly called a pity, and said lightly: "I have been seen through the boss, this level of blood spirit generals, far can not compete with the hundreds of creations——"

Su Jin's face was calm, and he pointed at General Blood Spirit, "Broken—"

General Blood Spirit turned his head and glanced at Su Jin with an extremely weird expression, but he seemed unable to resist Su Jin's words, his body swelled like a ball, and exploded a large area!

"Broken—" Su Jin's calm voice was like a joker. The Blood Spirit General was almost reborn, and as soon as he was a figure, he burst into pieces again.

"Broken and broken..."

The shocking coercion appeared after Su Jin kept shouting!

The eyes that murderous Wu Zun looked at were almost falling off!

General Blood Spirit has now broken through the ‘30th floor’ curse seal, and has directly undergone a shocking transformation! This general was born with a pair of scarlet spiral divine horns, and the broken sword in his hand, like a door panel, shone with bronze and green patterns!

"Boom--" General Blood Spirit disappeared suddenly, appeared behind an old man wearing a robes, stretched out his left hand, and directly scratched the head of the old creation man!

The ancient emperor Yuan She was shocked, the creation divine power of the whole body gathered his hands and directly blessed on the "Qing Yuan Mirror"!

The dazzling Qinghua turned into a circle of patterns, constantly covering the blood spirit general!

General Blood Spirit seemed to be covered with cyan vines, and his steps began to slow down! He wanted to disappear, but after he appeared, the cyan vines entwined all over his body were still there!

"Kill, kill me!" General Blood Spirit began to break free, his voice roared.

"As you wish." Su Jin's primordial body began to thin and become transparent, but he still pointed towards General Blood Spirit!



General Blood Spirit exploded and swept all the vines to pieces. At the same time, as he gathered his figure, he made a big leap and punched the ‘Qingyuan Mirror’!

"You!" The ancient emperor Yuanshe's body trembled fiercely, seeing the Qing Yuan Jing being shaken into powder! Although this Qingyuan mirror is not his original divine treasure, it is very important to him, and it hurts him a bit after the loss!

"Boss, you drove the curse power of this divine coffin to have a great influence on your soul body! This blood spirit general can't help you stop the hundreds of creations!" Killing Wuzun Lian said.

"I know--" Su Jin didn't seem to care when he watched his soul become thinner.

"If your soul is scattered, the hope of resurrection will also be extinguished!" Killing Wu Zun said: "I don't know what else you want to do. According to me, we should have run away long ago!"

"I'm waiting for someone." Su Jin's voice grew colder.

"Waiting for whom? What if the other party won't come?!"

"It will definitely come." Su Jin now has the Buddhist ‘swastika’ to protect the soul, and the blood spirit generals are blocking the hundreds of creations. He can’t help but close his eyes and absorb the power of the lonely soul. Of course, he didn't expect that General Blood Spirit killed the creation, but he still had to make a desperate move!


The golden "swastika" word swirling on the top of the head trembles abruptly during the swirling. Some creation drew a purple divine thunder and struck it. This is a very pure thunder source, but just a thunder source cannot strike it. Broken Su Jin's Buddhist Dao'swastika' seal!

"I'll separate out fifty creations! Directly throw out the gods and suppress the blood spirit general! The rest of the creations, blast the night emperor!" The real man of speech suddenly shouted and took the lead to stand on the side that controls the blood spirit general——

"Break down the Buddha seal on the head of the emperor, and destroy his primordial spirit! Let's come!" There are more than fifty creations standing on the side of the ancient emperor Yuanshe, all kinds of sacred treasures are floating on top Light!

The ancient emperor Yuan She hummed heavily, "I didn't expect that dealing with a Yedi in the state of the soul is so difficult, very good, the rest of the emperors, blessed my golden wheel flying heaven sutra, I became the heaven and earth **** wheel, and cut the Yedi soul. !"

"Okay!" The other nine emperors of Yuanshe Realm seemed to have been prepared for a long time. They only heard the order of the ancient emperor Yuanshe. The emperor circle is in it.

"Boss, what other means is there to use!" Killing Wu Zun could only watch, watching the ancient emperor Yuan She take in the divine power of other emperors, and the whole person began to transform into two divine cutting wheels. This is a gorgeous piece. In front of the golden wheel, any creatures around it seem to be depressed!

Su Jin's soul body, after absorbing the power of the surrounding souls, opened its eyes suddenly, and the divine light burst out in the eyes!


In the sky, a one hundred thousand zhang Tianmen opened unexpectedly. Among them, hundreds of **** horses marched in side by side and walked out of the sky door. Behind those hundreds of **** horses, a golden temple was pulled!

"Second brother! The person I'm waiting for! It's already here!" Su Jin rebuked madness!

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