My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3110: Taikoo Palace!

From a brief shock to the murderous Wu Zun, to crying like a child, the process should not be too short!

Immediately, it changed from the state of Sirius to the appearance of a child again, and its sharp voice was a hundred times harsher than the sound of killing a pig!

"I'm not your second brother! No!" Killing Wu Zun screamed, and said in a frantic voice: "You actually provoke the people of the gods! The people of the gods! You are going to kill me!"

"Use all your power to bless me! My Killing Heaven Sutra was transformed by you using "Slaying Heart Sutra", and it is the same source! You bless me, I am very sure!" Su Jin did not have time to elaborate.

"It will die, I will die--" Killing Wu Zun's voice was with fear, his head shaking like a rattle.

"You will die if you don't bless me!" Su Jin said angrily.

"Okay, okay! I'll try!" Killing Wu Zun burst into pieces, and his horrible killing intent turned into a wave, surrounding Su Jin——


Su Jin had already prepared, what he was waiting for is now!

A trace of scripture that was hard to see with the naked eye, frantically rushed towards the ancient Emperor Yuanshe!

The ancient emperor Yuanshe is still gathering the power of the golden wheel, so he can't afford to be too godly! But at that moment, he felt that the golden wheel body he transformed into suddenly became out of control!

"What's going on!" Another emperor in Yuanshe Realm asked quickly.

"what happened!"

"The surrounding world is confined by Ye Di's "Dead Man Sutra", and it is impossible to see what is happening outside!" Someone looked at the vibration direction with their **** pupils, but they couldn't see through the outside at all!

"Ancient emperor!" Finally there was Yuanshe Realm emperor, seeing the ‘golden wheel’ in the center trembling, as if he was about to get out of control——

"My treasure box!" And the creation exclaimed, the treasure box in his hand came out, and the God Warwick was almost ready to expand!

"My Domineering Star!"

"Ah! My old sword!"


A cry of exclamation broke out among the creation crowd, Su Jin's current soul body was stained with blood, and his whole body was blood red. He did not expect all the power of Killing Martial Venerable to be so powerful!

Good good!

Su Jin stood up awe-inspiringly, and the Hundred Paths of Light kept floating above the creation crowd! The ancient emperor Yuan She incarnates in a golden wheel, and the destructive power that surrounds him is extraordinary!

"The name of the seizure, the beginning of the sky! The beginning of the earth!" Su Jin broke out in an instant, wiping away the heavenly scriptures, instantly seizing the treasure of creation, and the ancient emperor Yuanshe could not control himself for a short time!

"Kill—" Su Jin raised his hands, and the hundred ray of light rose up, instantly illuminating the heaven and the earth, and blasting towards the door of the one hundred thousand feet of the sky!

The ancient emperor Yuan She had a cold heart, he had never heard of this method! I just felt my golden wheel body, as if it turned into a round of scorching sun, and the power of the other nine emperors all poured out!

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

The ancient emperor Yuan She was very stunned. Now, in the blink of an eye, he saw that he was controlled to rush towards the hundreds of **** horses with their heads up and advancing. In a flash, he saw that the **** horse was cut into countless pieces! He also slammed into the magnificent temple!

What happened, who opened the door of the Vault of Heaven, and who came here!

"Get away!" In the temple, the golden wheel edge transformed by the ancient emperor Yuan She was directly stopped by a gray giant palm, and he was slapped out!

The smoke was very dumb and strange. Ancient Emperor Yuan She felt that he was about to break. Fortunately, he stabilized his figure and saw the glorious golden palace under the sky full of gods——

When the ancient emperor Yuan She saw a word on the golden palace, he almost collapsed to death! !

That is the word ‘Di’!

Di! There is no creature in the surrounding world with the surname'Di'! Otherwise, he must have invited him! There is only one possibility for this golden palace with the word ‘Di’!

From the gods! Shentian’s ‘Swire Palace’!

Su Jin cannot be said to be crazy. When the bronze coffin appeared, he waited for the arrival of the ‘Prince King’s Mansion’. Not long ago, he had made enemies with the King’s Mansion! Almost killed the goddess Di Qiubai! This is an endless vengeance!

The birth of the bronze coffin is impossible for Taikoo Palace to find out! It was just that Su Jin waited so long, but it made him a little unexpected!

"Elder Kong, who offends the palace, cut--" On the top floor of the Golden Palace, a rather elegant youth spoke.

When the ancient emperor Yuan She heard the words, his heart trembled, and just about to explain, a five fingers glowing with red copper brilliance grabbed him impressively!

Bang bang bang! The ancient emperor Yuan She didn't even have time to explain, the body of the golden wheel fell apart, and the divine body shattered into dozens of pieces!

"Ancient emperor!" The nine emperors of Yuanshe Realm lost their voice. They felt that the ancient emperor had fallen, and the blessing of every emperor, the golden wheel was no longer useful, and it must have fallen!

"What the **** did the night emperor do--"

"My old sword just now seems to have been taken away! I don't know where it was hit by him!"

"The ancient emperor... has fallen!" An emperor in the Yuanshe Realm announced a terrible news.

Su Jin's body seemed to be bathed in divine blood, and his crazy killing intent made him extremely gorgeous now, especially in the position of his soul body, Wu Daozhi was exuding a strong brilliance!

"Congratulations, you have offended a terrorist force now--" Su Jin said lightly, "Fight against each other with me, you still have some way to survive, otherwise none of the other party will let it go."

"Who? No power in the surrounding hundreds of realms dares to speak to us like this! We are now a hundred creations, who dares!" Li Longji briefly suppressed the curse power and roared at Su Jin.

"Dear friends, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. If you want to live, you will directly use your own means." Su Jin looked strange, and then unlocked the surrounding world, and said loudly: "Our one hundred creations killed the people of the Taikoo Palace. Come, it's definitely not a problem!"


Taikoo Palace?

More than a hundred creations were directly scared on the spot!

Under the door of the vault that day, horse corpses were everywhere. The original golden temple was blasted out by various gods and treasures, nearly one-third of the area was damaged!

"Run! Run! Run!" Silence's face turned completely dark, and his voice began to spread like a plague.

The incoming enemies of the sixty-three realms retreated violently in a moment, and more than a hundred creations crazily wanted to leave, but a circle of transparent ripples swept the entire Unenviable Immortal Valley!

"Feng Zheng!" An old man with a silver beard, holding an eight-fingered white jade tablet in his hand, was directly on the ground, and the entire void ground was sealed for eternity!

Li Longji flashed a circle of dragon totems, and wanted to transform the dragon away, but slammed into an enchantment. The enchantment seemed to be tens of thousands of miles thick. He hit his head and couldn't get out!

"Dear fellow daoists, it's just a small Primordial Palace, why not be afraid!" Su Jin frowned secretly and said calmly.

There were three creation gods from the Xumi realm, but found that they could not go out. Just after manifesting, the three of them saw a line of swordsmanship! Click! Three in a row! These three creations of Xumi Realm, the heads of gods were cut off! Even the soul of creation was wrapped around a finger!

Taikoo Palace, this time thirteen superpowers have come! All are the existence of perfect creation, ten of them are elders, two **** sons, and one little goddess.

"You can't kill indiscriminately! But I..." Li Longji saw the creation falling, and an old man with a long beard came towards him, and he was so frightened that he wanted to flee.


A foot lingering around the power of the Great Perfection of Creation, directly condensed and kicked at Li Longji's heart! His divine body, totem suddenly dimmed, and a circle of cracks appeared on his heart!

Li Longji, die!

The whole world didn't seem to dare to breathe, that white jade stele sealed the entire animal forest world, and even luck could not escape it!

The seven exquisite celestial beings are already dumbfounded--

Yedi borrowed his hands to kill, but the method was terrible! However, the strong man of the ‘Prince King’s Mansion’ that came from the heavens is far more powerful than a hundred creations!

Hundreds of created corpses, but ten breathing rooms, all were cut down! Don't keep one!

"Yedi reminded the ancient emperor Yuanshe a long time ago, but unfortunately they didn't take it seriously." Zi Linglong stuck his tongue out in shock.

"Even now, Ye Di doesn't have a trace of shyness. He's really handsome--" Huang Linglong clutched her heart, for a moment she was stunned.

"Shentian's Primordial Palace, when did the night emperor provoke..." Chi Linglong saw the sisters' nymphomaniac appearance, but her expression became extremely dignified. Funeral for this!

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