In the sky, a stunning giant kun seemed to be cruising in a starry sky——

From a distance, no matter from any angle, you can feel its terrifying repressive power!

Di Qiubai's arrogant expression gradually froze~~~

The extreme madness has reached the extreme, the evil sage's divine will and the extreme power of the sacrifice always feel a little worse than that huge giant kun!

"I won't lose!" Di Qiu smiled and walked towards the burning demon skull. The blood-red scales on his body were losing its luster. He seemed to lose weight. If one head is not enough, then he will sacrifice. Himself, flesh and blood!

"Qiubai!!" Di Chang's eyes were red, and his hands trembled slightly. He wanted to persuade him to turn back again, but it was too late!

At that moment, the air seemed to be quiet suddenly, and the two seemed to have tried their best!

"Emperor Ye obtained an extremely rare Dao Enlightenment, and I felt that the temperament of his whole person had changed, and Di Qiubai was even more ruthless, even fighting for his life, wanting to fight for victory or defeat." Ling Xuan was a little emotional, he was like these two. At this age, at least five elders follow, and they simply can't tolerate such a life and death fight.

"His celestial bones are too precious. I feel that every power he has comes with the celestial bone divine intent. This is simply unimaginable," said the Emperor Xingyue.

"Even if Di Qiubai wins, it is a tragic victory--" Mrs. Zong agreed with some.

"Win?" Ling Xuan looked at Madam Zong with weird eyes.

"Isn't it, dead ghost~~~" Madam Zong asked rhetorically with a wink.

Ling Xuan had already ignored Madam Zong's gaze, and immediately said: "Look carefully at the giant kun that Ye Di transformed, and count them carefully. Several colors--"

Mrs. Zong's face changed slightly.

"Nine Ways?" The female emperor Xingyue was in a cold tone when she spoke, and she was hesitating!

"At least nine times, he still has the blessing of Heavenly Bone Divine Will." Ling Xuan nodded and said.

"Big Brother Qiubai won't lose--" Ling Xia couldn't see why, and then said: "What he got, but the inheritance of evil sages, ordinary people can't compare."

The voice just fell.

In the starry sky above the firmament, Su Jin tried his best to support the'Kunpeng Nine Transformations'. He used the compatible Aotian Divine Will to superimpose all of his nine powers, layer by layer. Not only that, but the power of the nine transformations is compressing what he has. The body of Kunpeng!

If this were placed in the past, it would be very easy for him to use the Kunpeng Nine Transformations, but it is different now! The difficulty has not only increased a hundred times!


The sky is full of auspicious light and rain, with a huge colorful giant Kun descending!

Quiet, that giant Kun directly suppressed all auras and slammed away at Di Qiubai Town!

An extremely strong brilliance erupted from the center of the battlefield, spattering the eight wilderness, the entire world of the ancient gods, as if invisible, the light was too dazzling, so dazzling that even the gods could not look directly at it with naked eyes!

A figure stands in the sky!

He is carrying a wooden sculpture, wearing a golden robe, and wiping blood stains on the corners of his mouth!

Di Qiubai turned into a torch, and the flames on the devil's body were fierce, and he was shocked to a far place!

"Tiangu! If it weren't for Tiangu! You can't beat me!" Di Qiubai was very unwilling. His demon body was ruined and he was still suffering from the fire of Dao. The scars on his body were like spider webs, covered with his demon. Body!

"Go—" Di Chang swept his sleeves fiercely, swept Di Qiu in, and disappeared in one step!

The ancient **** city is slowly falling, and this land seems to be sinking into a deep unknown abyss!

Su Jin glanced around. Although this battle was won, the difficulty of winning was far more difficult than expected. A Di Qiubai is so difficult to deal with. He needs to cultivate more diligently in the future, otherwise he will conquer the heavens! Even a **** can't compete!


A Buddha's name was chanted slowly, and Su Jin looked for the sound, but saw a solemn Buddha body walking barefoot.

Every time this Buddha took a step, a circle of golden lotus patterns appeared at his feet, and Su Jin nodded slightly at him, folding his hands together.

"Buddhist friends finally set foot on this road--" The Buddha who came, looked at Su Jin, and said, shaking his head.

"Everyone has their own way. I don't know which way the predecessor talked about?" Su Jin asked the other party sternly.

"The world is invincible, but it is easy to die, and the way to be an enemy of the common people."

"The road is the direction, stick to one direction, even if it is the enemy of the common people?"

"Buddhist friends of life and death, enlightenment bodhi, now you are in the gods and heaven, naturally you have to fight—"

"Struggling..." Su Jin is very keen on this word, and the other party vaguely knows something, suggesting him.

Seeing that Su Jin was falling into silence, the Buddha body quietly faded away with a smile.


Su Jin's eyes condensed, this Buddha's hint, could it mean that he didn't have much time left? For example, in this Shentian March, it is only three days outside. If you don't fight in the Shentian, you will die...

What will happen to the animal forest after going out?

"Second brother." Su Jin suddenly asked the murderous Wuzun above the woodcarving head.

"Big brother, please speak--" Killing Wu Zun heard Su Jin's serious tone.

"When I was taking over the waste tool, through the woodcarving body, did you hear some news about the unenviable fairy valley?" Su Jin always felt something was wrong.

"Relocation? There is a little guy named Gushan who said at the time that if your body is taken away, you can only move away as a clan," said Wuzun Murder.

"anything else?"

"On the star opposite the beast forest, the blue giant eyes opened again, and the people in the fairy valley are always worried." Killing Wu Zun said again.

"Continue--" Su Jin frowned.

"Uh, let me think about it." After a short silence, Martial Master of Killing Heart said again: "A fellow named Sea God, entered the Scarlet Palace, and then the entire Sea God Clan was dispatched, pulling from the cold pool with blue chains. A **** corpse came out."

Su Jin's fist was clenched unconsciously——

The sea **** still moved! Below the cold pool, the woman who looked exactly like Xia Yuyan was still pulled away. Besides, the ghost repair girl...I'm afraid already...

Su Jin always had doubts about that ghost girl. It is not uncommon for a ghost king like him to control evil spirits, but that ghost girl can also drive evil spirits, which makes him always a little weird. , I don't know why.

Immediately, Su Jin did not dwell on this, and glanced around——

The Primordial God City had already fallen and was suppressed into the bottomless abyss, and beyond the broken boundary walls, there were no less than tens of millions of gods, all of them looked at themselves like a ghost.

"Emperor Ye--" Ling Xia shouted directly beside the Xingyue Empress, "You still don't hand over my two sisters!"

"You are a little familiar." Su Jin carried the woodcarving on his back, and said slowly: "You want people, you need them by strength."

Ling Xia was so angry that when he stepped on Changhong, the others didn't even have time to stop!


I saw a purple whip coming out of the air and drew it directly at Su Jin's face!

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