So fierce?

Su Jin's figure shook slightly, and a cluster of starlight gradually manifested in another position. He had seen how capricious this woman was when he was in the sky, so he was naturally prepared!

"How about the courage when you just hit Brother Qiubai? This girl doesn't think you are that powerful!" Ling Xia hand dances the purple magic whip, actually pulling away the void again and again, every time it can pull the void out of a terrifying crack— —

Ling Xuan's face gradually turned green----

"Don't the pavilion master take action?" Mrs. Zong looked at Ling Xuandao with a smile.

"Ye Di is so energetic, he will definitely not embarrass the little girl." Ling Xuan raised his voice, and the voice spread in all directions.

Naturally, he said this to Su Jin!

Everyone who could hear shook their heads secretly!

"Our Primordial God City sank! The Emperor Ye and the evil sage coffin destroyed the Primordial Palace!" Some people are still indignant, but they are unable to retaliate.

"At least our family members are still alive, and they can live elsewhere! It's just a little troublesome—"

"This is the little witch of Yishan Fengyu Pavilion? Relying on the strength of the family, the sky is not afraid of the earth, and even the emperor of the night dare to provoke!"

"Anyone can see that Ye Di is letting this little witch, but she doesn't know how strong she is! If Ye Di is more real, she can crush her with a single finger!"

"Di Qiubai was burning with Dao fire all over, suffered a very serious Dao injury, and turned into a human and ghost! What is the origin of the night emperor? Where did he step on the coffin?"

"Where did the bronze coffin buried the evil sage go?"


Su Jin was not angry at all now, and even felt a little ridiculous. He looked at Ling Xia, who was more and more brave in battle, and he appeared from the Starlight Walk with a thought.


After five steps in a row, Su Jin almost avoided the purple whip by rubbing his face. He appeared in one position in one step, bullying Ling Xia! !

In Yishan Fengyu Pavilion, the pavilion owner Ling Xuan put his heart in his throat!

If you act now, the entire "Yishan Wind and Rain Devil" is equal to the opposite of Ye Di! But that is his daughter, and it must be saved!

"Ding——" Su Jin said lightly.

Ling Xia's beautiful girl was instantly frozen on the spot! She found that she didn't even have the ability to turn her eyes, only thinking hadn't stopped working!

What kind of magic?

Really ridiculous!

Ling Xia was very panicked. When she was stopped by the ‘Concentration Technique’, she was still swinging the whip, and now Ye Di has appeared next to her——

Wow, it's stressful! Ling Xia has never felt such pressure! Although she did not feel Su Jin's killing intent on her, she also knew that she had lost a word!

"I've said...relying on strength to get someone—" Su Jin's face pressed against Ling Xia's ear, and he let out a breath.

Bad guy, let me go! Ling Xia is now angry into anger, but suffers from the state of being unable to dissolve the'concentration technique'! This feeling is too bad, as if I am useless!

"Pavilion Master Ling, this king came to God for the first time and lacks a guide to appreciate the scenery, so let Little Sister Ling take me to travel for a few days..." Su Jin said loudly.

Ling Xuan was extremely embarrassed——

In the presence of so many people, Ye Di made this request. It seemed that he had promised no, and it would not be if he didn't. Moreover, the kindness in Ye Di’s tone was very good, and he should not harm his daughter.

"No problem." Ling Xuan said in a loud voice.

"Okay, after a while, it will be returned unharmed." Su Jin stretched out one arm, stopped Ling Xia's jade waist, and disappeared in one step!

The Xingyue Empress took a deep breath and looked at Mrs. Zong and said, "Why didn't the Fa Shenzong speak for someone?"

"Yes?" Madam Zong leaned forward and backward with a smile, "My Madam is waiting for Ye Di to come to God of Fa Sect, when the time comes for a marriage that has attracted worldwide attention!"

It's disgusting--

The Empress Xingyue couldn't understand Mrs. Zong's face very much. This kind of person would dare to sacrifice for the benefit of the family. Like Liu Yun's mother, if she had not died early, she would have been able to take the position, I am afraid she would not even have the qualifications to be present!

"With Liu Yun with me, my daughter won't be too troublesome--" Ling Xuan thought about it, nodded and said, "Forgot to say it, you think...what did the Laning Tianfo just say to Yedi? meaning?"

"Fighting, fighting for the bones." Madam Zong smiled: "Five days later, the Great Moon Kingdom invites outstanding young people from all over the world to open the seal of a grave of all beings. If you get the top ten, you can try to sense the best bones. "

"The best celestial bone will choose its own master! No one in the Great Moon Kingdom has the approval of that best celestial bone?" The Xingyue Empress curiously asked.

"That's not nonsense, my sister." Madam Zong smiled: "If the Great Moon Kingdom had someone who asked that celestial bone to choose the master, would this happen again? But they are justified, saying that Da Yue The national teacher worked overnight, and the disaster of the “endless border shortage” would come. This bone was set up by the enemy to resist the enemy, and the capable would live in—"

"In this case, I need to go back and make arrangements." The Xingyue Empress said lightly.

"My Lord of the Pavilion." Madam Zong said with a charming temperament, but her tone was delicate: "That beast palace boy is going to fight for bones, don't you participate in the six gods of Yishan Fengyu Pavilion?"

"Will God Sovereign Wudao go?" Ling Xuan frowned and asked.

"That's natural—"

"In this way, Ye Di will definitely go to the Great Moon Kingdom too." Ling Xuan thought of his daughter, and said quickly: "Then you two, see you in the Great Moon Kingdom."

"Haha, okay dead ghost——" Madam Zong sent out a kiss with her hand, and saw Ling Xuan disappear without looking back, her mouth couldn't help showing a playful smile.


Shortly after.

Su Jin walked on a star road, smashed the boundary wall, and walked into a dense verdant forest. This continent is not as gorgeous as the Primordial God City. In a faint, the birds and beasts seem to be at a relatively low level. To any trace of someone.

Su Jin was injured just now and needs some time to recuperate. Naturally, this is an excellent place.

Soon, a bonfire rose from the bottom of a mountain, and Su Jinpan sat down.

"Bad guy, what kind of evil magic is this! I... I still can't move yet!" Ling Xia's eyes are fixed in one direction, she feels tired like this, but suffers from being unable to speak, and even speaks. Not!


Su Jin glanced at Ling Xia and snapped his fingers. Ling Xia almost fell and looked at him vigilantly!

"A word of advice, don't have the idea of ​​running away." Su Jin smiled: "I have a restriction in your body. As long as this king can't see you, you can make your face anytime and anywhere." Su Jin smiled.

"You big villain! I'm the only one who can run! Daddy can't care about me anymore! I'm so happy that it's too late." Ling Xia hummed: "Are you afraid of the Taigu Mansion chasing you? Hiding in this kind of deep mountain forest What are you doing here?"

Su Jin looked straight at Ling Xia with a weird look, and said, "It's convenient to have a baby with you——"

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