My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3128: Stone is

Su Jin looked confused--

He just looked at the scenery, these people seemed to have grudges with him, mouth after mouth, constantly questioning.

"Everyone, I am not a cultivator here, just passing by." Su Jin said with his hands.

"No? The last person who said no has been killed! I think you are the one from Den Tianbao!" An angry voice continued from the crowd.

"Get out of the way, Young City Lord is here!"

With a soft drink, everyone scattered a path, and a gorgeously dressed young man walked quickly. Although young, this young man had a leadership temperament. Once he appeared, his surroundings became quiet.

Su Jin said indifferently: "Are you the Young City Lord of this city?"

"Xiongtai, I am the master of Shicheng City, Shi Ya, dare to ask you but is a cultivator going to the Great Moon God Kingdom?" Shi Shi was shocked. He felt that Su Jin's temperament was extraordinary. He should have misunderstood Su Jin. This temperament is difficult to pretend.

"The Great Moon Kingdom opened the seal of the tomb of all beings. Everyone can fight for the bones of heaven. I'm just about to try my luck." Su Jin nodded, his first impression of the stone is good.

"That's a misunderstanding, everyone, folks, go ahead--" Shi Shi waved and shouted.

After everyone dispersed, Shi Shi walked to Su Jin's side with a smile and said, "The name of Xiongtai?"

"Night." Su Jin smiled.

"Brother Ye, there are more than four days left before the Great Moon Kingdom opens the tomb of the sentient beings, and it will not be too late to leave in three days. I originally planned to join in the fun, why should we be together?" Shi Ye made an invitation.

Su Jin hesitated a little, then nodded and said, "Also, Brother Shi can be loved by the villagers at a young age, and he must be another monarch in the future. It is really commendable——"

"Hey, if you let me choose, I would rather not be the Young City Lord of Shicheng!" Shi Ye smiled bitterly: "It's Brother Ye, young and promising. It is enviable to have a son so early..."

Killing Wuzun:...

"What look? I said you are shameless, how do you look? This is my brother, my eldest brother!" The murderous Wu Zun's face began to turn blue, and the Young City Lord said that he was the kind of Su Jin. , It's too much!

"Uh-" Shi Ye quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, but Shi is clumsy."

"You look like a baby with fine skin and tender meat. Shouldn't others see you like it?" Su Jin smiled lightly: "Or, you can make the waste tool smaller, then go in and don't show up, otherwise Brother Shi will definitely not be the last one. Admitted wrong."

"It's so angry!" With a single finger of the murderous Wu Zun, the entire humanoid wood carving began to shrink, and finally turned into a slap, and then hid in despair.

Su Jinyile, he was looking at this matter. The human-shaped wooden sculpture on his back was too conspicuous. It was just so, he pinned the wooden sculpture to his belt, next to the'Eastern Emperor Bell', when even walking around with the stone. .

"Brother Ye intends to participate in the bone-snatching event?" Shi Shi asked with some speculation in his heart.

"Well, let's mix it up--" Su Jin smiled.

"Those who dare to participate are the strong! Don't think I am the young master of Stone City, but I can only watch it when I go, let alone sign up to participate."


"There are too many evildoers in the gods, and most of them are cruel and cruel people. If I sign up, my fellow villagers will be miserable." Shi Shi responded with a smile, and while talking, he waved his hand to condense. Exit a void passage and walk in side by side with Su Jin.


The border of the East Tang Kingdom! Adjacent to Wanjie Mountain, this city is surrounded by dangerous places on three sides, but the level of development of the villagers is not high.

Su Jin never imagined that there would be such a small city in the gods, and it felt that the scope was only two thousand miles, and he was eager to see through.

"Is there a teleportation formation to the Great Moon Kingdom in Shicheng?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"Yes, in fact, every city can go to the Great Moon Kingdom. As far as I know, after two days, the Great Moon Kingdom will open all teleportation formations. We can teleport through the formations. It is usually not possible unless we go Most of the Eastern Tang dynasties are good--" Shi Shi explained.

Su Jin and Shi stopped outside the city lord's mansion.

"Brother." A young girl poked her head out from the gate. After seeing Shi Shi, she was a little curious about the stranger Su Jin.

"This is my little sister Shi Yuling." Shi Shi introduced: "This is Brother Ye who is going to participate in the Great Moon Kingdom Grand Party——"

"Brother! I have been grinding for a long time, and my father has already agreed. When you go to the Great Moon Kingdom, you will also bring me." Shi Yuling said with sly eyes.

"Bring with you! Anyway, you can't participate. Let's go and watch the fun." Shi Ye hurriedly invited Su Jin into the city lord's mansion. "Xiongtai, you will live in our house for the past three days, but sometimes I may not be there. If there is a bad reception, please ask Haihan!"

"Excuse me." Su Jin only said three words, but did not refuse.

During these three days, Su Jin was still able to inquire about the news from the Great Moon Kingdom, such as who participated, and it should be easy to find through the stone.

After entering the City Lord's Mansion, Shi Shi and his brother and sister took Su Jin to an elegant attic garden, and then ordered them to bring tea and fruits.

"I just heard the folks say'Dengtianbao', what is that place?" Su Jin asked casually, sitting on the stone bench.


Shi heard the words'Dengtianbao', his head was a little bit painful, and then said: "It's a long story, Shicheng is my father's confinement, and the other city is the confinement of the Lord Dengtianbao, because for decades We lost the previous unfair gambling agreement in Shicheng, so we have to mine blood crystal mines every year and hand in sacrifices to Dentianbao. These years, the output of blood crystals has been getting lower and lower, and Dentianbao's appetite has increased year by year. One year old, hey!"

"So that's the case--"

"Isn't it? Last year, it was 10% less. This year Duntianbao will double the blood crystals. Where can we get them." Shi Shi smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"We shouldn't have given it in the first place!" Shi Yu whispered.

"Sister, you go to your teacher Fanyue, don't disturb Brother Ye here." Shi Shi urged.

"Father said, when we see the people of Dengtianbao, let's go to war with them--" Shi Yuling said, "That gambling agreement was originally a scam. Someone secretly cheated."

"Go and go, I would like to bet and lose. Why didn't I see through it at the time? Now that these are meaningless." Shi Ye frowned.

Shi Yuling pursed her mouth, turned and ran away——

"Dengtianbao people are monitoring this blood crystal mine?" Su Jin looked at the tea brought by the servant, picked up the tea cup, carefully looked at the pattern on it, and asked slowly.

"Yes, that's why I misunderstood Brother Ye before." Shi Ye's tone was slightly apologetic, and his face was a little embarrassed.

"So, you have been guarding the mine recently." Su Jin understood the ins and outs of the matter, and naturally knew why the stone appeared in time.

"Hmm—" Shi nodded.

"If the people of Dengtianbao still go to the mine for trouble, you open a void passage here, and this king will help you destroy Dengtianbao." Su Jin put the teacup down and looked at Shi Shi.

Shi was stunned, he wanted to say something, then he arched his hands ashamedly, and said, "After all, I have to inspect the mine! I can only come back in the evening and get drunk with Brother Ye!"

"Go." Su Jin gestured lightly.

Before long, Shi Shi left and went to the Blood Crystal Mountain——

Su Jin and the rest of the tea cooled down, drank it, and then entered the state of cultivation. The grand gathering of sentient beings is approaching. Before going to the Great Moon God Kingdom, it is a little bit better, at least there is more hope!


Time is passing quietly~~~~

At noon, the positive sun shines!

Su Jin was awakened by a trembling sound. He opened his eyes, and at first glance he saw a void passage unfolding. Shi Shi had already left, fearing that something serious had happened in the blood crystal mine!

"Big Brother Ye, my brother..." Shi Yuling looked anxious, and just ran over, but saw Su Jin walk into the void passage!

At a critical time, the friends this brother found were not reliable at all! Ran away! I must know that something happened to the Blood Crystal Mine, so I dare not offend Duntianbao!

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