My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3129: Can't afford to offend?

Blood Crystal Mountain!

At this moment of Zhengyang, the blood crystal mine was enveloped by a cloud of sadness!

Thousands of villagers gathered together to protect the stone in the center. There are seven great creation powers in the sky, looking at the young city master with cold eyes!

"My castle owner said that I didn't pay enough blood crystals last year to give you a chance, and you haven't done it this year until now! From today onwards, the entire blood crystal vein will be in charge of my Dengtianbao——"

A strong eagle-nosed creation is speaking.

"Shi Yes, today is your City Lord's father coming, and nothing can be changed!" When the other Xuan Yuan Demon Lord spoke, his whole body was shocked and he drank lightly at Shi Shi.

"What did you say to a Waste Young City Lord? His father might be able to wrestle us with us, but his father did not show up at the moment, he should have acquiesced that the blood crystal vein belonged to our Dengtianbao."

"We all listen to Elder Eagle's opinion. If we kill, we will bury the Young City Lord here today!"


Shi continued to cough up blood, and the most worrying thing happened just now. In the past two years, the friction between Shicheng and Den Tianbao has been uninterrupted, and the anger has reached its extreme. Tianbao mainly moved him to Shicheng! I just didn't expect to come so soon!

Just now a creature hit the stone directly, he didn't even have the power to resist!

"You have deceived people too much when you climbed the sky castle! Our city lord will come in a while, don't even want to run!" a villager shouted angrily.

"Some rubbish, dare to scream here--" The Demon Lord Xuanyuan brazenly grabbed a demon arm, and the devilish energy was tumbling on the devil's claw, and he swept it directly!


A golden lotus blooms in the crowd slowly from a golden light!

Demon Lord Xuanyuan's face changed wildly, and the magic arm he grabbed was being purified! This golden lotus made him feel the pressure in a blink of an eye. You must know that he knows the power of his blow! With this blow, thousands of miners could hardly escape death!

Shi Ye's face was very pale, when he saw a golden lotus blooming, the inexplicable power almost scared him! Fortunately, seeing that someone was helping them, I was slightly relieved.

"Who!" Elder Eagle's eyelids were jumping, and he glanced around.

"Brother Shi, remember what I told you?" Su Jin's voice appeared from the side of thousands of villagers, already appeared!

"Brother Ye is you!" Shi Shi was really shocked again, this golden lotus in the golden age turned out to be Brother Ye's method! This is incredible! Just a golden lotus is actually a means to resist creation!

Many people looked at Su Jin curiously, and some of them found that Su Jin was familiar, wearing a golden robe, and his temperament was so extraordinary!

"All you need is a word--" Su Jin laughed.

"Forget Brother Ye, we can't provoke Dengtianbao, their castle master is God!" Shi Shi's expression was very ugly, and only when he was struggling, a villager helped him up.

"God--" Su Jin's face was very calm.

Hearing that Shi Shi is soft, all the seven creations, including Elder Eagle, laughed. It is so refreshing to hear Young City Lord Shicheng say this from his heart.

"One word of advice, where do you come and go, don't be nosy!" Demon Lord Xuanyuan laughed happily and said loudly.

"I think you should be a junior creator! After all, you are so young. You better listen to your brother Shi. You must know that our castle master is a powerful god, you...cannot offend!"

"Where did the Maotou boy dare to run wild on the head of Dengtianbao? Do you want to fall so quickly? If you refuse to accept our practice, you will destroy your whole family!" Tai Long said even more cruelly.


Thousands of Shicheng villagers at the scene all bowed their heads!

This is the case in Shentian. If you can't rely on your cultivation base, you will be destined to become a fish in the mouth of others! Let others be humiliated and slaughtered!

Shi did not report hope, and just notified Su Jin through the void channel. It was only after several weighings. I don't know how much strength Ye brother has, but from now on, the opponent's seven creations can't compete at all!

"Brother Shi, do you have an opinion on **** Dengtianbao?" Su Jinyang disappeared, and when he reappeared, he appeared directly beside the real Tailong!

Real Tailong obviously has a feeling of chills in his back!

Su Jin didn't even think about it, so he directly raised his hand, and the Dao Yun of the era around him seemed to revolve around him!

This punch is regarded as the era!

In a blink of an eye, the real Tailong only felt his eyes flicker and saw the infinite shadow of the fist flicker in his field of vision. He felt that he had no corners to hide. He even wanted to move away, but the surrounding roads seemed to be blocked The same!

too fast--

People can't react at all!

The real Tailong can't hide or escape! Simply burst out the magical power of his whole body directly, his whole body was shining brightly, and every pore was spitting divine clouds, he must take the blow!


An astonishing loud noise sounded from the real Tailong! That era of heaven fist blasted him directly on the ground, and the treasure of creation had already begun to dim! There are no fewer than nine rifts on his body, which shows that his body is about to collapse!

"I just heard you say... want to kill my whole family?" Su Jin held up his hand and raised his foot, and stepped on the head of Real Tailong with his right foot, as if it were trivial to achieve this.

The stone is:...

The other six creations of Den Tianbao:...

All villagers:...

The real Tailong was trembling all over, he just couldn't see how he was defeated! This person...what is this person's strength! A single blow can smash his creations apart, leaving him with no power to fight back!

"Rao... Forgiveness -" Tailong was so scared that he almost lost his soul. At this time, how dare he speak loudly! You know that he not only scolded this mysterious young man, but also threatened to practice! This practice, almost practiced him into the soil!

Like kicking the dog to death, Su Jin directly kicked the real Tailong into the air, lazily cares about him, then walked into the void, stood on the same level with the other six creatures, and said lightly: "You six will shoot together, you can escape alive. If you go out for one, you will win, and I will no longer care about the grievances between your two families. However, I need to remind you that it is best to inform you of the God of Ascension Castle before you do it, otherwise you will not even have a chance to let him come. "


Elder Eagle's eyes zoomed in.

I have to say that Su Jin's current coercion is too strong, and this sentence alone has suppressed them!

Resist the six creations with one person? ! how can that be! Elder Eagle himself is still in the later stage of creation, infinitely close to the Great Perfection of Creation!

Shi only woke up from the sluggishness at this time. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the tragic situation of the real Tailong, which was sure that it was not a dream!

"Dao injury, this is Dao injury——" Madam Tailong screamed. When he was kicked away by Su Jin, he was fortunate in his heart. As a result, the cracks on his body continued to worsen when he tried to heal the injury. , There is no cure!

Bang bang bang--

Soon after the screams of the real Tailong, the whole person began to shine with divine light, and the flesh directly exploded, even the creation spirit did not escape! Was blown to pieces alive!

The six Elder Eagle shivered fiercely!

Dao hurt! This young man, what a cruel method!

"This brother, I just didn't know how to drive, please..." Elder Eagle lowered his momentum and quickly laughed, wanting to step forward and bow his hands.

"Give you ten breaths, inform the Lord of Fort Den Tianbao, and then you will fight with me." Su Jinmo said.

The six creations, including Elder Eagle and Demon Lord Xuanyuan, all gritted their teeth. The ten breaths were very short, so they directly chose to notify the Lord of'Dengtianbao'!

"Little brother, we have no intention of being an enemy of you! The castle lord will be here soon, or wait for him to come!" Elder Eagle said bitterly.

"When you just scolded Brother Ye, why didn't you lower your breath like this? If Brother Ye couldn't stand up to you, would you still say such things!" Shi Ye shouted sharply.

Su Jin shook slightly, his whole figure suddenly turned into a cluster of starlight——

A piece of blood encircled the battlefield, Su Jin walked past Xuanyuan Demon Lord's side, as if ignoring him at all, "Slaying the Heavens" quickly condensed circle after circle and turned into a dark blood road map!

At the same time, Aotian's divine intent radiated, and the murderous aura in the Dark Blood Dao map immediately resembled a living creature, swimming quickly!


A ray of flame emerged from Su Jin's fingers, and the dark blood road map that the whole Killing Heaven had turned into, the flame rose to the sky!

Demon Lord Xuanyuan looked at Su Jin with fearful eyes like chicken blood had been hit on his face!


There was a burst of black light radiating from Su Jin's body, and the dense black dragons seemed to be the most mysterious existence in the world, bathed in the gods of the Aotian!

"Death--" Su Jin said lightly, directly causing the eyes of Demon Lord Xuanyuan to widen! He saw the black brilliance transformed into the dragon, and suddenly broke through the defense of his creation divine body, from the front of the heart, directly to the back!

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