My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3130: Princess of God

The audience is silent--

As soon as the night emperor came out, first cut the real Tailong, and then cut the Xuanyuan Demon Lord! Now the Demon Lord Xuanyuan was unwilling, the vitality of his body was fading, and the whole person couldn't even move. He was really angry, and he didn't even know who Su Jin was until he died!

"Defense!" Elder Eagle yelled in horror, and together with the other four creatures, the magical light of creation all over his body!

Su Jin's face was as calm as ever, his eyes slowly turned into a blue color, and the outstretched arm began to condense the blue sky-covering hand.

Aotian divine will is flooded in the hands of Zhetian! Su Jin didn't know why, the combination of Tian Secret and Aotian Divine Will seemed to be more powerful, which might be related to its attributes!

For example, the Senluo plane can be combined with the Aotian Divine Will to have a great effect, and it can even use the stars on the Senluo plane to create a ‘Aotian Shenwu’!

Like the hand of the sky-shading that has now integrated with Ootian's divine will, it is at least three times more powerful than when he had not previously integrated! even more!

"Heaven, Heavenly Secret!" Elder Eagle gritted his teeth and roared in horror in his mind.

"What is this person's cultivation base! He has a secret secret!"

"I don't want to die! The creation that I have reached in my entire life! I really don't want to die!"

"Fort Lord, save me!"

"My lord is forgiving! Your lord is forgiving!"


Except Elder Eagle, the other four creations are all begging for mercy. At this time, who is not afraid! The higher the strength, the more you know that cultivation is not easy. If you live, who wants to fall!

Shi Ye stared blankly, looking at the huge blue hand that Su Jin stretched out, that kind of blue, purer than the sky! This Secret Condensed Heaven-shading Hand, brazenly grasped all the five creations, including Elder Eagle!

The five divine light of creation has urged to the extreme at this moment! But these five gods are far from the azure blue lights that cover the sky!


A click sound like a mountain hitting, appeared in the hands of the sky-shaking, the five creations, the divine bodies began to be held together, and they began to collapse like rocks!

Strands of powdery blood bones are falling under the hand that is holding the sky, there is no begging, and everything is gone, as if the seven creations had not come just now!

Shi Shi stared blankly. For him, the visual impact of this situation was too strong. He had never seen such a powerful existence. He had seen God before, and I was afraid that only God could be so powerful!

Grip and kill five creations with one hand!

Su Jin's expression was indifferent, and he felt a powerful aura sweeping in the void. He seemed to dissipate the sky-covering hands like a okay person, with his hands behind his back, quite leisurely——

"Since it's here, don't you appear?" Su Jin said calmly.

"My friend killed my seven creatures, isn't it a bit too much?"

Gradually, a middle-aged man condensed, his brow furrowed deep, and he was wearing extremely domineering Chinese clothes. The clothes were embroidered with three beasts, as if they were all worshiping him.

"It's nothing more than a creation, kill it when you kill it." Su Jin looked at the Lord Dentianbao and said, "I ask you, do you dare to make a move?"


Shi is really terrified! What is the origin of the Ye brother I met! There is even confidence that the Lord of Den Tianbao dare not attack him!

"This sutra, this secret of the sky -" The Lord of Den Tianbao had only two breaths in the period from the dark face to the increasingly ugly face.

"I said I would destroy you Dengtianbao, it seems you are really ignorant..." Su Jin took a step in the direction of Dengtianbao master.


Lord Den Tianbao took three steps back, staring at Su Jin and asked, "Dare to ask friends, but come from Di's house?"

"The sky is high and the earth is far away, do you still know the Di Family here?" Su Jin said with a sarcasm.

"This matter is my fault in the ascension to the sky!" The lord of the ascendance to the sky castle slumped, then raised his sleeves, flew out a lot of divine treasures from the sleeves, and then said: "There are two superb divine treasures, one For Feilongsuo, and the second for Tianya Bell, the remaining divine materials can create at least five superb divine weapons! The centuries-old grievances of Dengtianbao and Shicheng are enough to repay! From then on, the water in the well will not violate the river! What do my friends think?


Still very good.

Su Jin yawned, "It depends on whether Brother Shi is willing to—"

Shi Shi swallowed, and plucked up his courage to face the Lord of Fort Deng Tianbao: "Enough is enough, Brother Ye, the Lord of the castle sincerely compensates, and this matter is fine."

"Fuck -" Su Jin only said one word!

Lord Den Tianbao wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with his sleeve, then immediately bowed his hand and left without looking back!

Can you not leave! Lord Den Tianbao is suffering now! Can only admit it! This is the evil star from Taikoo God City! You know, the Taikoo Palace still has a certain status in the gods, and it was almost destroyed, and even the gods were sunk. He didn't want to go to the sky!

Shi Ye is a little nervous now. In the morning, seeing that Su Jin is very good at talking, he felt like making friends, and even invited Su Jin to live in the City Lord's Mansion! Thinking about it now, he feels so bold!

"Ye... Ye..." Shi Shi realized that he didn't know how to call Su Jin.

"Brother Shi, don't mind, there are high and low art, I think you and I are all the same age, it is not wrong to be a brother." Su Jin laughed, pointing to the pile of natural treasures in front of him: "Take it away. "

"Brother Ye! It's a great grace that you can help resolve the grievances between Shicheng and Dengtianbao. You should be able to use them. Take them all." Shi Shi quickly refused.

"Well, these will be used as accommodation fees for the past few days -" Su Jin smiled lightly: "This Tianya Bell, give it to your sister."

Shi is aware of Su Jin’s grandeur, and seeing that this dragging is not a solution, he immediately urged the other villagers to disperse, and promised: "From now on, Brother Ye will be our benefactor to Shicheng! As long as Brother Ye has a need, everyone in Shicheng, Definitely help!"

After finishing talking, Shi Shi put away all the compensation from Den Tianbao, and when he reacted, he exuded a sacred Buddha light, and the injury he had just suffered was getting better at a terrifying speed!

"Let's go, Dengtianbao will never provoke Shicheng again, and you will be more relaxed." Su Jin said lightly: "I really have something to look for you--"

"What's the matter?" Shi Ye asked hurriedly.

"For the news of the Great Moon Kingdom, it is best to find out who is participating in this bone-snatching event." Su Jin said.

"It's easy! I'll send someone to the Great Moon God Kingdom first, and it's easy to find out." Shi Shi thought it was a big deal, so he just packed up and said.

"Then... go back for a drink?"

"Drink! Must drink!"


Soon, the Kingdom of the Great Moon God, the capital of God.

On a palace that covers hundreds of miles, a hundred birds swim in the sky, this colorful palace, servants, maids, more than 8,000 people, and this is just to serve one person——

Right above the palace hall, there is a high court curtain. At this moment, there are a dozen guards with nervous expressions, kneeling on their knees and hands, and there is a very special figure in this curtain!

"His Royal Highness, Capricorn has a natural supernatural power. He once blasted a sky tower that suppressed the graves of sentient beings with one hand. In addition, the queen came from the country of Mozui, so I intend to let you see it."

"No see!" The **** the fire road in the curtain.

"The Queen Mother of the Divine Kingdom of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, came a little earlier, and deliberately recommended the Prince of the Eastern Tang Dynasty to conclude the eternal good of the two countries. This is what the king meant--"

As soon as the voice fell, a bunch of fruit plate gods were all swept out of the tent, and the crackling sound made all the guards who bowed down below tremble.

"Isn't it because of the endless wasteland that opened the seal of the'Grave of All Living Beings"? That sky bone, who can let it recognize the Lord, I will marry someone else, otherwise no one will want to influence me——" The figure in the curtain once again Speaking: "Go tell the father and the queen and the queen! I'm afraid this is what they meant!"

The guards looked at each other, a little at a loss!


With a coquettish rebuke, all the guards were dismissed directly——

Before long, the existence in the curtain began to mutter to himself: "That sky bone, no one in the world can conquer, there is no way to want to marry me out so quickly!"

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