My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3133: Leave the sword!


Suddenly, there was a wonderful piano sound in the carriage. This piano sound was very special and made people feel comfortable. But then, the sound of playing one after another began to change from slow to urgent, as if there were thousands of rhythms changing!

slow! Slowly and urgently! If the horse is galloping!

Su Jin stepped toward the sky above the stone city, watching the phantom of the gods condensing the void one after another, the phantom of these instruments, even the plucking of the strings can be seen clearly!

"Interesting." This is the first time Su Jin has seen this type of attack, and he can be sure that this is done by the master of the Ban Yin Fang, and the opponent's strength is in the realm of God.

But only the worst God.

From the aura alone, Su Jin felt that this banal master was far weaker than Di Chang of the Taikoo Palace, and even compared with the master of Dengtianbao in the morning, it was far worse, it should be nearly 500 God who only entered the year.

Su Jin was in full view, the lightning mark on the center of his eyebrows slowly opened, it was actually a divine eye when someone saw it!

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

Su Jin raised his hand, and a sharp sword embryo appeared directly in his hand!

The stone city is empty, densely packed with piano shadows. The strings of these piano shadows are all beating, as if someone is in control, and the divine power of the rhythms is blocking the void in all directions, and some of the rhythms even become the spirit of Luan and Phoenix, constantly singing. Void!

Su Jin's face remained unchanged, calm as water!

In the sword embryo in his hand, a little Aotian divine will was gradually infused, and Su Jin would also cast the Killing Sky!

I saw that the blade of the sword embryo was turning into wisps of blood, and it was full of the charm of "Slaying the Heavens", and even Ootian's divine will became active!

"The sword is coming!"

Su Jin pointed the sword embryo at the sky, and a mountain-like sword shadow was called out! These sword shadows made him extremely small, and every sword shadow was wrapped with a **** halo transformed from the "Slaying the Sky"!


The entire Shicheng was shaken brazenly!

Shi Ye's face turned pale, and Brother Ye was really angry. These damned monks at the Banyin Workshop, they think they are invincible in the world! Really anyone dare to provoke!

morning! In the morning, the Lord of Tianbao is a god! The results of it! He didn't even fight, and was shocked back. This banned owner really looked down upon Brother Ye!

The monks in Zhanyinfang, including Ruo Han and Li Yuan, all face great changes!

Su Jin's momentum in this blow did not lose to their master!

Li Yuan's face is hot now, and his heart is even more frightened. Just now he made a rude statement and was beaten. This is no problem! But they all found out that they were wrong, so wrong!

If the opponent's strength does not lose to Master! How about bowing your head! Not to mention saluting them!

Above the sky, the sky is full of scriptures to kill the sky! The entire stone city seemed to be covered with **** scriptures, and the divine swords that were recruited seemed to have unimaginable powers!


A solid shadow of the piano began to crack, which was unexpectedly unbearable for thousands of swords! About to be shattered!


More and more piano shadows began to shatter, and the nine golden phoenixes became restless, and an extremely beautiful figure floated out of the carriage behind!

The owner of this banal sound shop is a woman, wearing a white plain dress with star blue lace, and a seven-color long silk, like a flying fairy, rushing into the void——

Su Jin was amazed by the beauty of the other party at first, but immediately saw that the "Seven Colored Cloud Ling Ling" expanded when she was flying. This Seven Colored Cloud Ling Ling was actually a divine treasure!

Gradually, the entire void covered by the blood-colored scriptures began to be stirred up by the swirling seven-colored clouds, creating an amazing vortex!

"Is it true?" Su Jinping looked at the owner of the banned voice and said lightly.

"Since your excellency is superb, why do you still humiliate my disciple?" In the cold voice of the master of the ban sound, angrily!

"Just let your disciples comment on it." Su Jin continued: "The slap in the face was that they were ruthless, and I just wanted to tell you that this bunch of **** went to the bone-snatching event, and they were also slaughtered. "

"You--" Liu Mei, the master of the Ban Yin Workshop, frowned slightly, "Your Excellency also went to the Great Moon Kingdom to grab the bones?"

"Hehe, tell your disciples, it's best not to meet me during the test of the graves of sentient beings, otherwise it won't be something that can be solved by a slap in the face." Su Jin snorted softly.

Under that hum, thousands of swords came and burst into pieces instantly!

Aotian's Divine Will blessed the Heaven-killing Sutra, coupled with the power of the sword, directly shocked the master of the Banyin Workshop, and actually took a step back in the void!

The owner of the Banyin Workshop looked solemnly, and looked at Su Jin deeply and asked: "Dare to ask the son's name--"

"You don't need to know." Su Jin received the sword and slowly said, "Stone City is blessed by the king. You can't shake the Ban Yinfang, even if I leave here."

"Brother Ye!" Shi Ye was heartbroken.

In the morning, the emperor of the night took action to solve the century-old grievances with Dengtianbao for Shicheng, and even seized a large sum of compensation. This kind of great grace, now the eldest sister is using the way of complaining and repaying virtue, not to mention, now brother Ye Worried about the revenge of the Yinyinfang, and even threatened to protect the Shijia Shicheng, which made him very ashamed!

Ruo Han, Li Yuan, and Fang Yan, who had no big killer for Su Jin, were angry, but they could only swallow their anger in their hearts!

Su Jin did not kill them, but they were even more uncomfortable than death! This is killing people, and words are like a sharp knife, slashing their faces over and over again!

"Brother Shi doesn't need to be like this. You are good in the morning, and you are interested in making friends, so we will meet in the Great Moon Kingdom." Su Jin clasped his fists.

Then leave with the sword!

The owner of the Banyin Workshop contemplated for a long time in the void, and then fell on the ground of Qingyan.

"What are you doing sneakily?" The owner of Zhanyinfang looked towards the east street, and a person walked out there--

The one who appeared turned out to be Lord Deng Tianbao!

"When your Luan drove by Dengtianbao, I reminded me kindly, but you didn't listen." The Lord Dengtianbao walked up with a wry smile, and said hello to Shi Guxuan with a fist.

The owner of the Banyin Workshop heard that his body was shocked, and he took three steps backwards and almost hit the carriage beside him!

"You mean... he is from Taikoo..." The owner of the Banyin Workshop looked at the main road of Dengtianbao in disbelief.

"Not bad." The Lord Dengtianbao shrugged, then looked at Shi Guxuan and said: "Old Stone, the grievances between our two families are resolved, don't you mind if I bring wine to you for a meal?"

Although Shi Guxuan's face was unhappy, the opponent was a god, he was just a scum of creation, and he couldn't sweep him out!

This is the end, what else can I do!

"Everyone, please!" Shi Guxuan swept his sleeves repeatedly, but he stepped into the mansion first, making him wonder.

The owner of the Banyin Workshop glanced at the disciples, and finally sighed, no longer the shelf of the time he came, and walked in.

In the end, only Shi Shi and her sister Shi Qiudi were still outside the door——

"Why didn't you tell me." Shi Qiudi's momentum is very weak, even in the face of her younger brother who has been bullied since childhood, now he can only muster up the courage to say this.

"Did you give me a chance to tell you?" Shi Ye said with an ugly face.

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